Impact of high salt stress on Apocynum venetum growth and ionic homeostasis. EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON GERMINATION OF BROMUS STAMINEUS AND BROMUS INERMIS CV. XILINGUOLE SALT RESISTANCE OF TETRAPLOID ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA The Function of Pinus bungeana Foliar Endodermis as Apoplastic Barrier under Salt Stress Advances in the Study on Transgenic Plants for Salt Resistance Nutrient status in rhizosphere microzone of <i>Fraxinus americana</i> under salt stress Ultrastructural Localization of ATPase Activity in Cells of leaf Chlorenchyma of Aloe vera L. under Salt Stress and the Effect of Silicon Effects of Silicon on Parameters of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Ultra structure of Chloropla st in Aloe vera L. under Salt Stress A STUDY ON SOME PHSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ELAEAGNUS ANGUSTIFOLIA UNDER SALT STREES CONDITION Comparison of Growth and Photosynthesis in Response to Salt Stress in Populus Hybridization Clones and Their Parent Species CHANGES OF SEVERAL OSMOTICA IN PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA SEEDLING UNDER ALKALI SALT STRESS Effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on seed germination and seedling photosynthetic characteristics of Belamacanda chinensis Construction of a cDNA Library and Cloning of nhx cDNA from Populus euphratica under Salt Stress Promotion by 5-Aminolevulinic Acid of Germination of Pakchoi (Brassica campestris ssp. Chinensis var. communis Tsen et Lee) Seeds Under Salt Stress Cloning of the Full-length cDNA of the Wheat Involved in Salt Stress: Root Hair Defective 3 Gene (RHD3) Expression in Escherichia coli of Three Different Soybean Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Genes to Investigate Enhanced Stress Tolerance Antiporter Gene from Hordum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link and Its Overexpression in Transgenic Tobaccos Effects of Salt Stress on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Desert Soil Alga Microcoleus vaginatus Gom. The Effect of Salt and Water Stress on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in leaf Cells of Halophyte and Non-halophyte Seasonal Changes of Polyamine Concentrations and Arginine Decarboxylase Activities in Leaves of 4 Ecotyes of Reeds Interactive effect of sodium chloride and drought on growth and osmotica of Suaeda salsa Effects of partial root salt stress on seedling growth and photosynthetic characteristics of winter wheat Kinetics characteristics of NO3- absorption of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) pretreated with different concentrations of NaCl and NO3-N Effects of salt stress on biomass, quality, and photosynthetic physiology in switchgrass Physiological responses to salt stress of plants derived from heteromorphic seeds of Chenopodium album Ion absorption and distribution of symbiotic Reaumuria soongorica and Salsola passerina seedlings under NaCl stress Arabidopsis C3HC4-RING finger E3 ubiquitin ligase AtAIRP4 positively regulates stress-responsive abscisic acid signaling PROTEOME ANALYSIS OF ROOTS OF COTTON SEEDLING ON AM INFECTING BY SALT STRESS EFFECTS OF PRIMING WITH SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE AND 24-EPIBRASSINOLIDE OR SALYLIC ACID ON SEED GERMINATION AND GROWTH OF MAIZE UNDER SALT STRESS Tomato SlMIP gene is involved in osmotic adjustment in the transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana K+ absorption kinetics of wheat cultivars with different canopy temperature and the salt stress Responses of different rice genotypes to salt stress and its relation to plant growth,root physiological characteristics and ABA content Changes of Osmotic Adjusting Substances in Leaves of Tamarix chinensis Seedlings under Salt and Drought Stress Mechanisms of Osmotic Adjustment of Themopsis lanceolata Test-tuble Plantlets in Adapting to Salt Stress Responses of Apoceynum venetum seed germination to drought and salt stress The physiological mechanisms through which exogenous H2O2 increases the resistance of Avena nuda to salt stress Effect of silicon addition on seedling morphological and physiological indicators of Glycyrrhiza uralensis under salt stress Physiological and biochemical responses of Medicago sativa seed to cobalt stress Effects of Nitric Oxide on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Tall Fescue under Salt Stress Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Medicago sativa L.Seedling under Salt Stress Effects of Different Hydration-dehydration Treatments on the Stress Resistance of Leymus chinensis Seeds Germination Effects of Exogenously Applied 24-Epibrassinolide on the Seedlings of Perennial Ryegrass under NaCl Stress Germination Responses of Different Maturity Leymus chinensis Seeds to Salt Stress in Songnen Grassland Effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on seed germination and physiological characteristics of Cassia obtusifolia seedlings under NaCl stress Effects of salt stress on growth and ajmalicine accumutation of Catharanthus roseus calli Effect of two kinds of endophytic fungi on salt resistance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Effects of Soil Salt Stress on the Activity of Protective Enzymes and Peroxidation in Three Warm-season Turfgrasses Construction and Analysis of Eustoma grandiflorum Subtracted cDNA library The Characteristics of Active Oxygen Metabolism in Pepper Leaf Cells underSuboptimal Temperature, Weak Light and Salt Stress Expression Analysis of WRKY Family in Response to Salt Stress in Malus zumi Mats Expression Analysis of WRKY Family in Response to Salt Stress in Malus zumi Mats Physiological Responses of Apocynum venetum to Different Levels of Salt Stress Effect of Salt Stress on Osmotic Adjustment Substances in Plants Primary Study of the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Strain 849 under Salty Stress Construction of Artificial miRNA of ptc-miR213 Expression Vector and Transformation into Arabidopsis thaliana Effect of combined low temperature, poor light and salt stress on photosynthetic characteristics of pepper seedling leaf Physiological responses of two native shrub seedlings to drought and salt stress Effects of UV radiation and salt stress on the growth of Enteromorpha prolifera Study on Physiolog ica l Character istics and Sa lt Tolerancefor Seedlings of 11 Tree Spec ies Effects of applying exogenous plant hormone on praline metabolism of Swainsonia salsula seedlings under NaCl stress Effects of salinity on accumulation and distribution mode of dry matter and soluble sugar of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) Effects of different salts stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Trifolium repens Effects of salt stress on ion distribution in different Echinops gmelini organs Effects of salt stress on the growth and osmotica accumulation of Coleus blumei Effects of nitrogen form on the photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ and antioxidant characteristics of Jerusalem artichoke seedling under salt stress Effects of salicylic acid on seed germination and physiological characters of cauliflower seedlings under salt stress Effects of salt stress on the growth, antioxidant ability and salt stress protein of Calendula officinalis Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Ion Content,Activities of ATPase and PPase of the Roots in Chrysanthemum Under Salt Stress Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Ion Content,Activities of ATPase and PPase of the Roots in Chrysanthemum Under Salt Stress Effects of Salt Stress on Stomatal Differentiation and Movements of Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Leaves Effects of sodium salt stress on seed germination of Prunella vulgaris Growth of Suaeda salsa tin response to salt stress in different habitats MITIGATIVE EFFECTS OF SALICYLIC ACID AND ASPIRIN ON SALT STRESS INDUCED INJURIES IN WHEAT ( TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) DURING THE STAGE OF SEEDLING GROWTH EFFECTS OF NaCl STRESS ON THE SEED GERMINATION,THE GROWTH OF SEEDLING AND THE CALLUS INDUCTION IN YUMIAN 112 Effects of Salt Stress on Growth and Flavonoids Content in Different Organs of Two Species of Epimedium Salt Tolerance and Its Physiology Mechanisms of Zoysia macrostachya Seedlings Effects of salt stress on some physiological characteristics of Spartina anglica seedling Effects of NaCl Stress on Growth and Absorption, Transportation and Distribution of Ions in Nitraria tangutorum Effects of NaCl stress on physiological characteristics of Thermopsis laceolata callus Cloning and Expression of GhSAMS Gene Related to Salt-tolerance in Gossypium hirsutum L.