Exogenous betaine improves photosynthesis of Lycium barbarum under salt stress A study on the characters of content of inorganic ions in salt-stressed Suaeda salsa The Effect of Saline Stress on the Germination and Embryo Growth of Three Saline-Grass Seeds Effect of Exogenous Ascorbic Acid on Active Oxygen Scavenging System in Chloroplasts of Rice under Salt Stress The Response of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedings to Salt Stress under Hydroponics Effects of NaCl stress on organ compartmental allocation of K+, Na+ and Cl- and growth of two Dendranthema species seedlings Effects of seed soaking with soybean isoflavones on soybean seedlings under salt stress Study on Physiological Mechanisms of Aeluropus littoralis var. sinensis Debeaux to Salt Resistance Effects of Salt Stress on Switchgrass Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Effect of Nitric Oxide on Proline Accumulation in Ryegrass Seedlings Subjected to Salt Stress Study on Stress Resistance of Hard-seeded Ammopiptanthus mongolicus under Drought Stress and Salt Stress Advancement in Research on Stress Resistance of Grass Pea Light Response of Periploca sepium Bunge Leaves Physiological Parameters under Salt Stress Photosynthetic and Physiological Responses of Red Bud Taro Transplantating Seedlings under Salt Stress A maize abscisic acid insensitive 3 gene confers drought and salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis Enhancement of the Mehler-peroxidase Reaction in Salt-stressed Rumex K-1 Leaves Nitric Oxide Involved in the Abscisic Acid Induced Proline Accumulation in Wheat Seedling Leaves Under Salt Stress Dynamic QTL Analysis of Rice Seedling Height and Tiller Number Under Salt Stress Tuber Trait and Physiological Index of Microtuber of Diploid Potato Under Salt Stress Responses of Different Varieties of Helianthus Tuberosus to Salt Stress in Yellow River Delta Deinococcus gobiensis Cold Shock Protein Improves Salt Stress Tolerance of Escherichia coli Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Amur Grape (Vitis Amurensis Rupr) Leaves under Salt Stress DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF MAIZE S-ADENOSYLMETHIONIN SYNTHETASE GENE FAMILY MEMBERS DURING SALT STRESS Carbon Monoxide Alleviates Wheat Seed Germination Inhibition and Counteracts Lipid Peroxidation Mediated by Salinity Structure Characteristics Associated with Salt Tolerance of Populus euphratica Impact of substrate salinity on caloric value, energy accumulation and its distribution in various organs of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings Seasonal variations in salt tolerance of Oligostachyum lubricum Effects of organic fertilizer on growth and endogenous hormone contents of wheat seedlings under salt stres Effects of salt stress onglucosinolate contents in Arabidopsis thaliana and Thellungiella halophila rosette leaves Response characteristics of physiology and ecology to salt stresses in two varieties of Jatropha curcas L. seedlings Effects nitroprusside, a nitric oxide donor,on carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the activity of the antioxidation system in wheat seedings under salt stress Study on the growth and characteristics of mineral nutrition and ion absorption of pomelo seedlings under salt stress Effects of iso-osmotic Ca(NO3)2 and NaCl treatment on photosynthesis in leaves of tomato 小麦耐盐细胞系耐盐性分析 EFFECT OF IMBIBITION UNDER SALT STRESS ON MERISTEMATIC CELL ULTRASTRUCTURE IN ROOT TIPS OF BARLEY Supplemental Nitrogen Effects on Growth, Nutrient Content and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings under Salt Stress A Comparative Electron Microscopic of Ultra Structure in Different Lily Cultivars under Salt Stress Effects of Silicon on Parameters of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Ultra structure of Chloropla st in Aloe vera L. under Salt Stress Ultrastructural Localization of ATPase Activity in Cells of leaf Chlorenchyma of Aloe vera L. under Salt Stress and the Effect of Silicon Effects of salt stress on growth and ajmalicine accumutation of Catharanthus roseus calli Effect of two kinds of endophytic fungi on salt resistance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Effect of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on seed germination and antioxidase activities of Perilla frutescens seedlings under NaCl stress Effect of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on seed germination and antioxidase activities of Perilla frutescens seedlings under NaCl stress Effect of NaCl stress on the anatomic structure of Alternanthera philoxeroides Griseb vegetative organs Effects of nitrogen forms on transport and accumulation of ions in canola (B. napus L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline stress The effects of NaCl on affinity nitrate transport system in Suaeda physophora Pall. Cloning and Salt-tolerance Analysis of Gene Plastid Transcriptionally Active (GhPTAC) from Gossypium hirsutum L. Antioxidant defense and photosynthesis for non-indigenous mangrove species Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa under NaCl stress Photosynthesis Inhibition of Two Varieties of Quercus aliena in Salt Stress Effects of NaCl Stress on Growth and Its Physiological-biochemical Characteristics of Split-root Leymus chinensis Seedlings Protective Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Oxidative Damage in Pepper Seedlings under NaCl Stress Effects of Salt Stress on the Activity and the Amount of Tonoplast H+-ATPase from Pea Roots Effects of Photoinhibition and Its Recovery on Photosynthetic Functions of Winter Wheat Under Salt Stress EFFECT OF CALCIUM ON ALLEVIATION OF DECREASED PHOTOSYNTHETIC ABILITY IN SALT-STRESSED MAIZE LEAVES Effects of Salt Stress on the Levels of Covalently and Noncovalently Conjugated Polyamines in Leaf Thylakoid Membrane Isolated From Barley Seedlings The Effects of Silicon on Ionic Distribution and Physiological Characteristic of Aeluropus pungens Under Salinity Conditions Effects of alternative respiratory pathway on the spider mite infested-leaves and their indirect defense under NaCl stress Mitigative effect of salicylic acid on salt stress-induced growth inhibition in cucumber seedling Ionic homeostasis of plant under salt stress Effects of exogenous glycinebetaine on the salt-tolerance of wheat PRELIMINARY STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF SALINE-ALKALI TOLERANCE OF PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA Effect of exogenous carbon monoxide donor Hematin on photosynthesis parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Coptis chinensis seedlings under NaCl stress Changes in SOD and POD activity and free proline content of Lolium perenne and Festuca elata leaves under different levels of salt stress EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERS OF SEEDLINGS OF PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA Growth and Its Physiological Characteristics of Cydonia oblonga Tissue-cultured Plant with Salt Stress Germination and Seeding Growth of Atriplex verrucifera Bieb.under NaCl Stress Physiological Responses to NaCl Treatment in Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.Callus Effects of Exogenous Silicon on Physiological Characteristics of Lycium ruthenicum Seedling under Salt Stress Effects of Different NPK Fertilizer Rates on the Ion Absorption and Distribution of Reed Canarygrass(Phalaris arundinacea) Under Salt Stress EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND GROWTH OF FOUR TREE SPECIES SEEDLINGS Relationship Between Tonoplast H+-ATPase Activity, Ion Uptake and Calcium in Barley Roots Under NaCl Stress Ornithine Pathway in Proline Biosynthesis Activated by Salt Stress in Barley Seedlings Dynamics of respiration pathway in transgenic salt-tolerant wheat and its receptor under salt stress Impact of salinity on accumulation of several metal elements in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings and Ca effect ANALYSIS OF RESPONSE TO PHOGOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTIC AND ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME
QTL mapping of some biochemical traits in rice under salt stress EFFECTS OF SALT STRESS ON PHOSPHORUS UPTAKE BY EUROPEAN RAPE Sheiaralle Effects of Salt Stress on Photosystem II Activity in Sweet Sorghum Seedlings Grown in Pots Outdoors Systemic Regulation of Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Developing Leaves in Sorghum Seedlings under Salt Stress Effects of ALA on physiological characteristics of Cassia obtusifolia seedlings under salt stress