Technical strategies in the research of plant salt-responsive proteomics: A review. Effects of spent mushroom compost on greenhouse cabbage growth under soil salt stress. Responses of Atriplex triangularis root |permeability and reflection coefficient to salt stress. The Possible Role of Alternative Oxidase in Jatropha curcas L. Responses to Salt Stress Effect of Exogenous Trehalose on Salt Tolerance of Wheat Seedlings Growths and Mineral Nutrient Balance of Black Locust Clones under Salt Stress Responses of protection system in chloroplasts of rice seedlings to salt stress Study of ultrastructure of Phragmites communis mesophyll cell under salt stress Effects of salt and water stresses on ion selective adsorption and activities of enzymes in leaf of Helianthus tuberosus seedlings Effects of Na+ and Ca2+ on the inward K+ current in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis root cells The Physiological Response of Lily to NaHCO3 Stress The Characteristics of Active Oxygen Metabolism in Pepper Leaf Cells underSuboptimal Temperature, Weak Light and Salt Stress Effect of Salt Stress on Ammonium Assimilation Enzymes of the Roots of Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivars Differing in Salinity Resistance EFFECT OF NITRIC OXIDE ON ALFALFA SEED GERMINATION UNDER NaCl STRESS Effect of exogenous Ca2+, ALA, SA and Spd on seed germination and physiological characteristics of Perilla frutescens seedlings under NaCl stress Effect of NaCl stress on growth and antioxidant systems of Pogostemon cablin Effect of Rootstock-grafting on the Contents and Distributions of Ions and Endogenous Hormones in Watermelon Seedlings under NaCl Stress Subcellular Localization and Expression of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene from Halostachys caspica under Salt Stress Reed Photosynthetic Response under Water-salt Stress in Keriya River Watershed Effect of Lanthanum Nitrate on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Characteristics of Switchgrass under NaCl Stress Cloning of PgGPX Gene in Pomegranate and Its Expression Analysis under Salt Stress Physiological Effects on Brassica napus Seedlings under NaCl Stress Effect of Exogenous 5-aminolevulinic Acid on Seed Germination and Antioxidase Activities of Isatis indigotica Seedlings under Salt Stress Effect of AM Fungi on Processing Tomato Seedlings Physiological Characteristics and AVP1 Gene Expression under Salt Stress Effects of salt stress on photosynthetic characteristics and leaf cell structure of ‘Yinhong’ grape seedlings Recovery of physiological functions of cotton leaves after relief from salt stress at the bud stage Alleviation of salt stress during maize seed germination by presoaking with exogenous sugar. Effects of salinity on seed germination and seedling growth in halophyte Limonium aureum (L.) Hill NMR spectroscopy based metabolomic analysis of Thellungiella salsuginea under salt stress Effects of Root Salt Stress on Growth and Allocation of Mineral Elements in Halophyte and Glycophyte Seedlings Leaf Anatomical Changes of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Seedlings under Salt Stress Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Celtis sinensis and Ulmus pumila L. Seedling under Salt Stress Clone and Expression Analysis of HcDmc1 Gene from Halostachys caspica Cloning and Expression Analysis of HDA901 Gene from Populus trichocarpa A comparison of stress effects between chloridion and sodium ion on grain amaranth seedlings under NaCl stress Salinity stress responses and tolerance thresholds in four warm-season turfgrasses Exogenous salicylic acid on alleviating salt stress in alfalfa seedlings Growth adaptation and Na+ and K+ metabolism responses of Leymus chinensis seedlings under salt and alkali stresses Solute accumulation and distribution traits of an alkali resistant forage plant Kochia sieversiana and physiological contribution of organic acid under salt and alkali stresses Effects of Salt Stress on Stomatal Differentiation and Movements of Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Leaves Effects of Salt Stress on Rhizospheric Soil Bacterial Community Structure and Cucumber Yield Effects of Salt Stress on Rhizospheric Soil Bacterial Community Structure and Cucumber Yield Effects of Exogenous Putrescine on PSⅡ Photochemistry and Ion Distribution of Cucumber Seedlings Under Salt Stress Effects of Calcium on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Cucumber Seedlings Under Salt Stress Effects of Exogenous Spd on Expression Analysis of Cucumber SAMs Gene Under Salt Stress and Bioinformatics Analysis of SAMs Protein ffects of Supplemental Calcium on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Fruit Quality of Watermelon Under Salt Stress Regulative Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Water Absorption and Expression of Aquaporin Genes in Tomato Under Salt Stress Expression Analysis and Cloning of GRAS Transcription Factor Gene from Halostachys caspica Clone and Expression of Salt-Related Gene GhLIMa in Cotton Photosynthesis in Leaves of Medicago truncatula under Salt Stress Expression of AtPUB18 after Salt Stress Treatment and Analysis of Its Promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana Expression Profiling of Rice ROS Scavenging System Related Genes under Salt or Low Temperature Stress The ultrastructure of chloroplast in mesophyll cell on two robinias under NaCl and Na2SO4 stress STUDY ON SUPERWEAK LUMINESCENCE OF PEA SEEDLING UNDER DIFFERENT Na-SALT STRESS Effects of Isotonic Water and Salt Stress on Seed Germination of Tobacco and Protective Function of Exogenous Glycinebetaine Effects of Salt Stress and La3+ on Antioxidative Enzymes and Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase in Roots of Two Rice Cultivars with Different Salt Tolerance Effects of Seed Soaking with Glycinebetaine on the Salt Tolerance of Cotton Seedlings Proteome Analysis of Relieving Effect of gibberellin on the Inhibition of rice Seed Germination by Salt stress Effects of Sodium and Calcium Salt Stresses on Strawberry Photosynthesis The Response of Cultivated Nostoc flagelliforme to Salt Stress Protective of ascorbic acid against salt stress Effect of NaCl on Physiological Features of 4 Legume Seedlings in Desert Areas of Xinjiang, China Cloning and Expression Analysis of Calcium-dependent Phosphokinase Genes in Chenopodium album Under Stresses Validation of Reference Genes for Quantitative RT-PCR Analysis in Soybean Root Tissue under Salt Stress Effect of Rhizosphere Ventilation on Growth of Cotton Seedlings Under Salt Stress Studies on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Guanximiyou pomelo plants under salt stress Effects of hypergravity and salt-stress on the physiological and biochemical indices of mung bean seedlings Sodium uptake and carbon/nitrogen metabolism by different winter wheat genotypes during germination under salt stress Effect of salt stress on growth and development of Bt transgenic cotton mutants and their parent cultivars Sugars and sucrose-metabolizing enzymes in leaves of Lycium barbarum L. under salt stress Ion distribution and comparison in seedlings of white poplar clones under salt stress Construction of Expression Vector of ptc-miR801 Gene and Function Analysis Changes of Physiological Properties in Limonium aureum(Linn.) Hill Seedlings under Salt Stress Mitigative Effect of IBA and CaCl2 on Under Salt Stress Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Seedlings Dynamic Transformation of the Substances of Osmotic Adjustment in Winter Wheat under Iso-osmotic Salt and Drought Stresses Research on Physiological Characteristics of Salt Resistance in Iris lactea var.chinensis Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Active Oxygen Metabolism, Polyamine Content and Photosynthesis of Ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.) Seedlings Under Salt Stress Effect of Salt Stress on the Ultrastructure of Cells Membrane System in Maize Primary Studies on Physiological Response of Two Varieties of Cerasus humilis to NaHCO3 Stress Salt Tolerance of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Caragana korshinskii Kom. During Germination