Molecular Markers-assisted Selection of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta RAPD Markers Linked to the Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Wheat Line Gui-nong 775 Construction of aMolecular Genetic Map for Longan Based on RAPD,ISSR,SRAP and AFLP Markers Three Co-dominant Markers Linked to M Gene in Cucumis sativus L. Construction of aMolecular Genetic Map for Longan Based on RAPD,ISSR,SRAP and AFLP Markers Identif ication and Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki Thunb. and RelatedSpecies Using ISTR Analysis Research Progress of Molecular Markers for Forage Germplasm Resources Important Traits in China Phylogenetic relationships among Hystrix species and related species based on expressed sequence tag-polymerase chain reaction Genetic diversity of 21 Fusarium strains in Section Martiella based on ISSR analysis. Inheritance and molecular markers for yellow rust resistant gene(s) in wheat cultivar Tianxuan43 Race-specific SCAR marker for new strain V26 of Puccinia strifformis f. sp. tritici in China Identification of an EST-CAPS Marker Linking to the Resistance Gene of Italian Ryegrass Gray-Leaf-Spot Disease by Bulked Segregant Analysis Identification of RAPD and SCAR Markers Linked to the Single2double FlowerGene in Japanese Apricot ( Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. ) ISSR analysis on genetic diversity of Paeonia suffruticosa in Hunan province Research progress on molecular genetics of forest musk deer AS-PCR Marker of HMW-GS 1Bx14 Related to Baking Quality Advances in Loci Mapping and Analysis of Quantitative Traits of Crops Micro-satellite Primers Shared by Different Plant Species and Genera The application and influence of biotechnology in forestry ACC Synthase Gene (ACSG) as a Possible Molecular Marker for Female Lines in Cucumber Genetic Molecular Linkage Map Construction and Genome Analysis of Rice Doubled Haploid Population Identification of a Sex-associated RAPD Marker in Cycas tanqingii D.Y.Wang Distribution Characteristics of EST-SSRs and Their Application on
Varieties Genetic Diversity Analysis in Pepper
Distribution Characteristics of EST-SSRs and Their Application on
Varieties Genetic Diversity Analysis in Pepper
Research Progress on Inheritance and Molecular Markers of Relative Genes in Cucumber Research Progress on Root-knot Nematode Disease Resistance Breeding of Solanaceous Fruit Vegetable Research Progress on Inheritance and Molecular Markers of Relative Genes in Cucumber Application of SCoT Molecular Marker in Genetic Diversity of Cymbidium Genotypes Analyses of Ten Genes Related to Eating Quality of Twenty-three Fragrant Rice Cultivars by Molecular Marker The Development of Nuclear Microsatellite Markers for an Endangered Plant, Sinomanglietia glauca (Magnoliaceae) Development of Molecular Markers Used to Identify Two Types of Fragrant Rice and Analysis of Mutation Sites of BADH2 Gene in 24 Varieties of Fragrant Rice Study on genetic diversity of Cynanchum otophyllum in Yunnan by AFLP Identification of DNA molecular marker in Chinese materia madica on PCR-basis The Genetic Diversity Assessment of Common Bean Germplasm Resources by Using SSR Markers QTL Identification of Resistance to Head Smut in Maize QTL Mapping for Kernel Yellow Pigment Content in Common Wheat Genetic Diversity of Waxy Gene in Chinese Wheat Landraces Development and Application of Molecular Markers Specific to Chromosome 6VS of Haynaldia villosa Molecular Mapping and Chromosomal Location of the Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Wheat Cultivar Tangmai 4 Identification and Mapping of a New Resistant Gene to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus in Maize Analysis of Indica-Japonica Characteristics in Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Line Zhu 1S Marker-assisted Selection for Stv-bi Gene Controlling Resistance to Rice Stripe Disease Molecular Mapping of Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene MlWE29 in Wheat Originated from Wild Emmer(Triticum turgidum var.dicoccoides) Molecular Mapping of Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Wheat Cultivar Jimai 22 Resistance identification of the rice varieties in southeastern China to rice stripe disease Evaluation of 25 Nordic wheat accessions for resistance to powdery mildew and the identification of Pm genes using molecular markers THE IMPACT OF DNA MOLECULAR MARKERS ON THE STUDY OF PLANT DISEASE CAUSED BY FUNGI Molecular markers and their application in plant population research Female-specific RAPD and SCAR Markers in Celastrus orbiculatus Optimization of ISSR-PCR System for Paris vertcillata Reaction System Optimization and Specific Identification of Picea koraiensis and P. koraiensis var. nenjiangensis by RAPD and ISSR Marker Genetic Diversity Analysis and Construction of Seed Watermelon Core Germplasm Resources by SSR Advances in Studies on Genetics and Breeding of Bamboos Research on the Populations Variation of Alnus cremastogyneI. DNA Extracting and Protocol Optimum for PCR Combining Agronomic Traits and Molecular Marker Data for Constructing Malus sieversii Core Collection Analysis of SSRs Information and Development of SSR Markers from Phalaenopsis ESTs Combining Agronomic Traits and Molecular Marker Data for Constructing Malus sieversii Core Collection Analysis of SSRs Information and Development of SSR Markers from Phalaenopsis ESTs Genetic Linkage Map of Anthurium andraeanum Based on SRAP Molecular Markers Progresses on Application of Molecular Markers in Flowering Chinese Cabbage Selection of Super-male Plants in Asparagus with DNA Molecular Marker Flax (Linum sitatissimum L.) EST-SSR Information Analysis and Marker Development Efficiency Evaluation of Two Molecular Markers Linked with Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Disease Identification and molecular mapping of the powdery mildew resistance gene in einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) accession 3AA30 Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Lines Derived from Cotton Comprehensive Population in Yangtze River Basin Breeding and resistance characteristics of a new tomato variety Zhefen 702 with high resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus Identification of New Rice Germplasms for Resistance to Bacterial Blight from Oryza meyeriana L. Analysis of genetic diversity of Pinus latteri Mason nature populations in Bawangling of Hainan province by SSR markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sweet Potato Based on SRAP Markers Application of Molecular Marker Techniques in Genetic Diversity of Pteridophytes Efficiency comparison on polymorphism in Carthamus tinctorius with RAPD and AFLP Studied the difference of genetic feature between tissue cultured and cultivated paddy rice of Jia He Zao Zan via microsatellite(SSR) markers Observation and Genetic Segregation Distortion Analysis on Clustered Spikelets in Rice Resource Cgr320 Status and Prospects in Molecular Breeding of Powdery Mildew Resistance of Cucumber Genetic diversity and population structure of Larix principis rupprechtii Mayr in Hebei Province Development and Chromosome Locating of Novel Molecular Markers Related to NBS-LRR Resistance Genes in Dasypyrum villosum Application of molecular marker technology in grapevine rootstocks improvement The Study of Leaf Rust Resistance Gene in Wheat Line 5R618 Advances in Botryosphaeriaceae: identification, phylogeny and molecular ecology Screening and detection of diagnostic molecular markers to distinguish Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola