Effects of simulated acid rain on chloroplast activity in Dimorcarpus longana Lour cv wulongling leaves Distribution patterns of trunks,branches,leaves and fruits in Dimocarpous longana KCIO3 Induces Floral Bud Formation in Longan and the Changes of Endoge—nous Hormones
Studies on the Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Longan Cultivars by AFLP
Analysis A New Large size and High-quality Longan Variety‘Shuinan 1’ A New Large size and High-quality Longan Variety‘Shuinan 1’ Influence of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formiciddae) on the diversity of ant communities in a newly infested longan orchard and grass areas nearby Effects of simulated acid rain on polyamine contents in young fruits of longan Polysaccharide content of different vegetative organs of longan plant (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Genetic Diversity of Longan in Guangxi Assessed by AFLP Markers Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of 24 Longan(Dimocarpus longan)Accessions by SCoT Markers Cloning and Sequence Analysis of F3H Gene cDNA from Longan Embryo Cloning and Sequence Analysis of F3H Gene cDNA from Longan Embryo Genetic Diversity of Longan in Guangxi Assessed by AFLP Markers Construction of aMolecular Genetic Map for Longan Based on RAPD,ISSR,SRAP and AFLP Markers Construction of aMolecular Genetic Map for Longan Based on RAPD,ISSR,SRAP and AFLP Markers A New High-quality Longan Cultivar ‘Gui Mi‘ Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of 24 Longan(Dimocarpus longan)Accessions by SCoT Markers Advances in the Genetic Relationship of Longan Germplasm Resources CHANGES IN ENDOGENOUS HORMONE CONTENTS IN RELATION TO FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND ON-YEAR OR OFF-YEAR FRUITING OF LONGAN Analysis on genetic relations in different ecotypes of longan (Dimocarpus longan) germplasm resources by ISSR markers Pharmacological Effects of Extract of Arillus longan (Lour.)Steud. and Gecko Identification and Genetic Diversity of Reciprocal Hybrids in Longan (Dimocarpus longan)by SSR Analysis of Codon Bias of Auxin Receptor Gene TIR1 in Dimocarpus longan Effects of Simulated Acid Rain Stress on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters in Leaves of Longan Effects of simulated acid rain stress on the PSⅡ reaction center and free radical metabolism in leaves of longan Analysis of Differential Expression Proteins during Postharvest Deterioration Process of Longan Aril Comparison of Megasporecyte Development, Pollination and Early Embryonic Development between Large-and Abortive-seeded Longan (Dimocarpus longan) Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of α-tublin Gene in Longan Floral Reversion Buds Expression Analysis of Pectin Methylesterase Genes in Postharvest Longan Fruit during Aril Breakdown Effects of Phomopsis longanae Chi Infection on Lipoxygenas Activity and Fatty Acid Constituents of Membrane Lipids in Pericarp of Harvested Longan Fruit Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Longan ANS Gene Studies on Seed Germination and Seedling of Immature Seeds and Embryos of Longan ‘Shixia’ Analysis of Differential Proteins during Development Stages of Flower Bud and Leaf Bud in Longan Effects of 2,4-dinitrophenol on Lipoxygenase Activity and Fatty Acid Constituents of Membrane Lipids in Pericarp of Harvested Longan Fruit Cloning and Expression Analyses of DlPPO1 from Dimocarpus longan Lour. Cloning and Expression of Longan Carbonic Anhydrase Gene Under Low Temperature Stress Cloning and Expression of Longan Carbonic Anhydrase Gene Under Low Temperature Stress cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Seed Abortion in Longan(Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Evaluation and Classification on Fruit Quality of 19 Varieties of Longan Introduced to Guangzhou Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of CDC48, and Its Expression during Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lour. Frosted symptom and ultrastructural changes of longan leaf An Examination on Indumentum and Fruit of Dimocarpus longan and D. confines Effects of KClO3 chemical regulators used in different seasons on flowering and fruit quality of longan(Dimocxarpous Longanna) The Chromosomes Observation of Several Rare Germplasm in Litchi and Longan Cloning of TPI Gene from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Longan Cloning of the Genes of Remorin Family from Embryogenic Callus and Their Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Stress Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Three Fruit Species Preliminary Study of the Effects of Growth Regulators on Flower Formation and Fruit Setting of Sijihua Longan (Euphoria longana) Analysis of Codon Bias of Auxin Receptor Gene TIR1 in Dimocarpus longan Effects of KClO3 on Hormones Within Leaves and Apical Buds During Floral Induction Phase in Longan Effects of KClO3 on Hormones Within Leaves and Apical Buds During Floral Induction Phase in Longan Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of 14-3-3 Gene in Longan RAPD Studies on Sport Line of‘Shixia’Longan with Double Primers A New Late-maturing, Large-size and High-quality Longan Variety‘Youyi 106’ Effect of Ice Temperature Technique and SO2 Releaser on Storage of LonganFruits Effect of Ice Temperature Technique and SO2 Releaser on Storage of LonganFruits A New Hybrid Longan Variety‘Dongbao 9’ Chemical constituents from fruits of Dimocarpus longan Chemical constituents from fruits of Dimocarpus longan Chemical constituents from pericarp of longan fruits Characteristics of Aluminum absorption by Longan (Dimocarpus longan) seedlings The Chromosomes Observation of Several Rare Germplasm in Litchi and Longan Taxonomic Study of Dimocarpus longan by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique Cloning of ARF1 from Embryogenic Calli of Longan and Analysis of Its Expression during Somatic Embryogenesis Chemical Constituents from the Pulps of Dimocarpus longan Differential Expression Analysis of Longan Cotyledon Embryo by cDNA-AFLP Changes in Specific Proteins in Embryos of Longan at Different Development Stages Identification of Large Fruit and Sweet Osmanthus Flavour Sport from‘Shixia’Longan Using RAPD Marker A New Hybrid Longan Variety‘Dongbao 9’ Structural and Developmental Characteristics of Floral Nectaries ofDimocarpus longan Effects of magnesium deficiency on senescence of Dimocarpus longana leaves Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on physiological characteristics of longan (Dimocarpus longana) seedlings under acid rain stress. Cloning and Expression Analysis of DlGRAS4 and DlGRAS54 from Embryogenic Callus of Dimocarpus longan Lour.
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