Hydrophobic Constituents of Polygonatum odoratum Rhizome from the Qinling Mountains and Their Antisepsis Activity Flavonoids of Alpinia officinarum Flavonoids from root of Machilus wangchiana Chemical constituents from the flowers of Camellia chrysantha Chemical constituents of Nephrolepis cordifolia Chemical constituents of caulis Marsdeniae tenocissimae Chemical constituents from the roots of Hedysarum polybotrys Chemical constituents from Pfaffia paniculata Chemical constituents from tubers of Dioscorea bulbifera Isolation and structural identification of flavonoids from Aurantii Fructus Separation and Identification of Triterpenic Acids from Suspended Cultured Cells of Cyclocarya paliurus Study on active constituents against Alzheimer‘s disease from Valeriana amurensis Isolation and identification of xanthones from Gentianella acuta Identification of leaf structure of Cyclocarya paliurus Triterpenoids from roots of Potentilla anserina Homoisoflavanones of Polygonatum odoratum Rhizome from Qinling Mountain Chemical constituents of Picria fel-terrae Chemical constituents of Osmanthus fragrans Chemical constituents from seeds of Brassica campestris Chemical constituents from petroleum ether portion of Abelmoschus esculentus A new phenethyl alcohol glycoside from Orobanche coerulescens Chemical constituents from Usnea longgisima, a traditional mongolian medicine Chemical constituents of Osmanthus fragrans fruits Advances in studies on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to analysis of non-target compounds in Chinese materia medica Studies on the chemical constituents of Buxus microphylla Isolation and identification of chemical constituents from tomato Chemical constituents of Rhaponticum uniflorum Chemical constituents in fruits of Ailanthus altissima Study on Physicochemical Properties and Chemical Structure of the Blue Purple Pigment Producted by Bacteria Phenolic Constituents from the Stems of Spatholobus suberectus Dunn Advances in studies on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to analysis of non-target compounds in Chinese materia medica Isolation, Purification and Structural Determination of Vegetative Storage Proteins in Ginkgo biloba Chemical constituents from herbs of Swertia delavayi Isolation and identification of chemical constituents from Blumea balsanifera Studies on the chemical constituents of Kalimeris indica (Ⅱ) Chemical constituents from Ainsliaea glabra Study on phenolic glycosides from fruit of the mangrove plant Avicennia marina Chemical constituents of Sabina squamata(1) Chemical constituents and activities of total flavonoids from Yushen Tang Chemical constituents from Lagotis brevituba Isolation, purification, and structural elucidation of polysaccharide CALB-1 from Aurantii Fructus and study on its immunoregulatory activity