CHANGES OF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEAF EPIDERMIS AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CARAGANA DAVAZAMCII IN DIFFERENT HABITATS IN ERDOS PLATEAU, CHINA POPULATION GENETIC DIFFERENTIATIONS IN THE INVASIVE PLANT MIKANIA MICRANTHA IN CHINA GENETIC DIVERSITIES OF FOUR JUGLANS POPULATIONS REVEALED BY AFLP IN SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA EVALUATION OF GENETIC DIVERSITY BY SSR MARKERS FOR NATURAL POPULATIONS OF WILD SOYBEAN (GLYCINE SOJA) GROWING IN THE REGION OF BEIJING, CHINA GENETIC STRUCTURE AND HYBRIDIZATION INTROGRESSION IN NATURAL POPULATIONS OF TWO CLOSELY RELATED ACTINIDIA SPECIES, A. CHINENSIS AND A. DELICIOSA REVIEW OF THE DIVERSITY OF ENDOPHYTE GENETICS AND SYMBIOTIC INTERACTIONS WITH GRASSES DETECTING EFFECT OF PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY ON SEEDLING MORTALITY IN AN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN CHINA GENETIC DIVERSITY OF KOBRESIA PYGMAEA POPULATIONS ALONG A GRAZING GRADIENT Genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in karst microhabitats of Guizhou Province, China Application of ISSR technology in genetic diversity detection of Jute Phylogenetic diversity of microbes and its perspectives in conservation biology Germplasm characteristics and genetic diversity of Wenchang fowl Fungal diversity in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation soil THE ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PEAR CULTIVARS FROM SOUTHERN AREA  OF ZHEJIANG PROVINCE BY USING SSR AND AFLP ANALYSIS GENETIC DIVERSITY OF SOYBEAN GERMPLASM BY RAPD MARKER Cluster Analysis for Normal and Special Maize Inbreds with SSR Markers GENETIC VARIATION OF MAIZE(Zea mays L.) MUTANTS BASED ON SSR ANALYSIS DIVERSITY ANALYSIS OF Brassica napus BY EST-SSR AND RAPD MARKERS Seed Storage Proteins Diversity among Lespedeza bicolor Populations Genetic Diversities of Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. sinensis Populations on Both the Sides of Qilianshan Mountain Identification of Corn Germplasms by AFLP Markers ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Haloxylon ammodendron (C. A. Mey. )Bunge in Xinjiang Genetic Diversity of Dioscorea bulbifera L. Analysis on SSR Information in Transcriptome and the Polymorphism of Cucurbita maxima Analysis on SSR Information in Transcriptome and the Polymorphism of Cucurbita maxima Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Prunus pseudocerasus Populations from China as Revealed by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Prunus pseudocerasus Populations from China as Revealed by SSR Markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Prunus salicina from Different Producing Areas by SSR Markers Studies on Pollen Morphology of Nelumbo Germplasm Genetic Diversity Analysis for Germplasm of Flowering Chinese Cabbage by Using Fluorescent Microsatellite-anchored Fragment Length Polymorphism GENETIC DIVERSITY OF NEOTYPHODIUM ENDOPHYTES ISOLATED FROM ACHNATHERUM SIBIRICUM POPULATIONS IN MID_ AND EASTERN INNER MONGOLIA STEPPE, CHINA RAPD ANALYSIS ON GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CARYA DABIESHANENSISPOPULATIONS Detecition of Genetic Diversity of Stipa grandis in Inner Mongolia Using RAPD Markers Genetic Diversity of Ceratoides Germplasm by RAPD Analysis SRAP analysis on genetic diversity of Euodiae Fructus Analyses of genetic diversity among 65 wild Camellia oleifera based on ISSR and RAPD Identification of Genes with Soybean Resistance to Common Cutworm by Association Analysis Genetic Diversity of Wheat Germplasm Resources from Far East Russia and Heilongjiang Province Application of Simple Sequence Repeat Molecular Markers in the Study of Tree Peony Genome-wide patterns of large-size presence/absence variants in sorghum Genetic diversity of native goat breeds in Henan Province. Application of Molecular Markers in Studies of Camellia oleifera Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in the Onchidium struma from Different Geographical Populations in China by Inter Simple Sequence Repeat(ISSR) Genetic Diversity and Relationship Analysis of Broccoli with Its Related Species by SRAP Markers Segregating Pattern of AFLP Marker in G1 Family of the Mud Crab(Scylla paramamosain) Studies on the Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Manglietia hainanensis Dandy by ISSR Genetic Diversity of Different Geographical Populations of Simulium quinquestriatum Based on ISSR Analysis Genetic Diversity of The MHC-UBA Gene in Rainbow Trout Genetic diversity analysis of different age of a Dalian population of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum by EST-SSR Study on Genetic Diversity and Relationship for the Hainan Island Landraces of Cucurbita moschata Analysis of Genetic Diversity of 62 Indica Rice Parents From Southeast Asia Based on Microsatellite Marker Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Establishment of Molecular ID for 16 Walnut Varieties Based on ISSR Markers Identification of Physiological Race of Rice Blast Fungus and Disease Resistance and Genetic Diversity Analysis on Major Cultivars in Heilongjiang Province Effect of Different Recurrent Selection Methods on the Genetic Diversity of a Narrow Base Maize Population Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis of Agronomic Traits with SSR in a Natural Population of Soybean Cultivars Genetic diversity in wheat (T. aestivum) germplasm resources with drought resistance Genetic diversity of wild relatives of foxtail millet distributed in the major foxtail millet production regions of China RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Agropyron mongolicum RAPD study oninter-species relationships in Genetic diversity of semi-wild soybean using SSR markers Evolvement of genetic diversity of spring wheat varieties in Gansu and Qinghai Provinces Study on the genetic diversity of natural chestnut of Shaanxi RAPD analysis of phylogenetic relationships among type species of Elymus,Roegneria and Hystrix (Poaceae:Triticeae) Genetic Diversity and Structure of Tea Landraces from Guangxi Based on EST-SSR Analysis Genetic Diversity of Ten Phyllostachys edulis Cultivars with ACGM Markers Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Davidia involucrata by AFLP Analysis Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Davidia involucrata by AFLP Analysis Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of peanut cultivars and breeding lines from China, India and the US using simple sequence repeat markers Genetic Diversity and Geographic Variation in Natural Populations of the Endemic Castanea Species in China RAPD Study on Interspecies Relationships in Roegneria (Poaceae: Triticeae) Study on DNA Diversity of Liaodong Oak Population at Dongling Mountain Region, Beijing Retrotransposons in the Genomes of Higher Plants RAPD Analysis of Sixteen Varieties of Mustard Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Cyclobalanopsis glauca Populations in East China Genetic Diversity and Population Differentiation of Cathaya argyrophylla in Bamian Mountain Genetic Variation and IndicaJaponica Differentiation in Yunnan Indigenous Rice Utilization of biodiversity in agriculture: today and tomorrow Genetic diversity and correlation analysis of starch yield-related traits in sweet potato RAPD analysis on genetic diversity of natural populations of Pinus koraiensis Genetic differentiation of Castanopsis chinensis population in three communities in Dinghu Mountain,China

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