Development and Utilization of EST-derived Microsatellites in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genetic Diversity of Sorghum Mosaic Virus Infecting Sugarcane Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Germplasm by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Soybean Cultivar Population Released in Northeast China Genetic Diversity in Main Parents of Sweetpotato in China as Revealed by ISSR Marker Genetic Diversity of Brassica juncea from Western China Genetic Diversity in Upland Rice Germplasm from Different Geographic Regions Genetic Structure and Diversity of Both Enhanced Germplasms Developed during 10th Five Year Plan and Modern Cultivars Released during 1968–1995 in China Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sesamum indicum L. Germplasms Using SRAP and EST-SSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Three Wild Rice Species in Hainan Province Genetic Diversity Analysis of Cowpea Germplasm Resources by SSR Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Clonal Tea Cultivars in China Revealed by ISSR Markers Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Anticancer Plant Rabdosia rubescens (Labiatae) Genetic Diversity among Populations of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Revealed by Microsatellite Markers Restoration of Genetic Diversity of Quercus glandulifera var. brevipetiolata Population after Artificial Logging GENETIC DIVERSITY ANALYZED BY AFLP MARKER AND PHENOTYPIC TRAITS OF WHEAT CULTIVARS GROWN IN THE NORTHERN PART ANHUI PROVINCE COMPARISON STUDY OF GENETIC DIVERSITY BETWEEN RICE VARIETIES FROM NORTHEAST CHINA AND JAPAN Effect of salinity on genetic differentiation of Kandelia candel population Genetic diversity and differentiation of Leiqiong cattle based on the fifth exon sequences of GH gene Genetic diversity in the mtDNA D\|Loop region of wild yak (Bos grunniens mutus) Diversity and distribution of endophytic bacteria isolated from Caragana microphylla grown in desert grassland in Ningxia Genetic diversity of Dioscorea alata based on ISSR analysis Establishment of canditate core collection of Artemisia annua from China Studies on genetic diversity of medicinal Dendrobium by SRAP Genetic diversity evaluation of ex-situ conservation population of Phellodendron amurense detected by AFLP markers AFLP Analysis on diversity of germplasm resource in cultivated and wild Cistanche deserticola RAPD Analysis on farm cultivars of fruits of Trichosanthes kirilowii from Shandong Province Research progress on genetic diversity in Chinese medicinal plants Analysis of genetic diversity in certified Radix Gentianae by RAPD and ISSR Genetic diversity and genetic structure of four cultured populations of Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis) in Zhoushan Archipelago Genetic differentiation and the characteristics of uptake and accumulation of lead among Camellia sinensis populations under different background lead concentrations of soils in Yunnan,China Genetic diversity and differentiation in different Aegilops tauschii populations revealed by SSR Genetic diversity of 21 Fusarium strains in Section Martiella based on ISSR analysis. Genetic diversity of introduced natural enemy Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).  Genetic differentiation of Isaria farinosa populations in Anhui Province of East China. Sequence Analysis of Nuclear DNA  JRD5680 for Determining Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure Analysis of Common Walnut(Juglans regia L.) Genetic Diversity Analysis in Natural Hybrid Progeny of Ornamental Crabapple,Malus‘Royalty’ Screening and Evaluation of 23 High Polymorphism SSR Markers in Cucumber Cherry Germplasm from Guizhou Province Analyzed by ISSR Markers Fruit Quality Diversity of Mango(Mangifera indica L.)Germplasm Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Rubus delavayi Demonstrated by Inter-simple Sequence Repeats A Method for Establishing Core Collection of Pleurotus ostreatus Cultivated in China Based on SSR Markers Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Ten Insular Populations of Camellia japonica Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Ten Insular Populations of Camellia japonica Investigation and Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of Persimmon Germplasms in Plateau of Northwest Guangxi Genetic Diversity of Melon Landraces(Cucumis melo L.)in Xinjiang Based on Phenotypic Characters Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Populations Genetic Structure in Wild
Chinese Cherry from Sichuan Province Using SSR Markers
Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki and Related Diospyros Species Using Chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of Lilium sargentiae Based on Phenotypic Traits and ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Urophysa rockii Ulbrich,an Endangered and Rare Species,Detected by ISSR Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum and identification of resistance to soybean Fusarium wilt on soybean lines Population diversity of Magnaporthe oryzae of Jiangsu and Liaoning japonica rice area Genetic Diversity Analysis of 41 Pansy Germplasms Based on RSAP Markers Analysis of population genetic structure of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici from central Gansu and the surrounding areas Amplifying stability and genetic diversity of microsatellite loci in different Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) populations in China Construction of Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Hemarthia Cultivars by EST-SSR Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Bougainvillea Germplasm Resources Based on SRAP Markers Adaptation Evolutionary Mechanism of Ex-situ Conserved Small Population of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei Genetic Relationship of Morinda citrifolia Germplasms by ISSR Diversity of Fruit Quality of Local Pear Germplasm Resources in Guizhou Community Heterogeneity of Fengshui Woods in Guangzhou and Its Contribution to Regional Species Diversity Genetic Analysis Based on 5.8S rDNA-ITS Sequence of Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh in the Coastal Areas of Zhejiang Province, China Spatial Genetic Structure of A Sympatric Population of Castanea mollissima and Castanea henryi Genetic diversity of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Hebei province based on genome-wide SSR analysis Karyotype Analysis of Different Populations on Lilium pumilum Genetic Diversity of Traditional Famous Mungbean Landraces in China by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Lines Derived from Cotton Comprehensive Population in Yangtze River Basin Identification and Genetic Diversity Evaluation of New-collective Germplasm of Sorghum in Gansu Procince Genetic Diversity Analysis of Seedingand Early Flowering Stage Morphological Marker in Cucumber Core Germplasm Genetic Diversity of 16 male Actinidia Cultivars Bsaed on ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure in Natural Populations of Symplocos Paniculata Genetic Diversity of Peanut Cultivars Registered in Fujian Province Genetic Diversity Analysis of Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) Germplasm with SCoT Molecular Marker Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Sweetpotato Landraces in China Genetic diversity of foreign mungbean germplasm resources by agronomic characters Genetic Diversity of 405 Wheat Lines from CIMMYT Genetic Diversity of 36 Chieh-qua Inbred lines Based on ISSR Genetic diversity analysis of Yunnan commonly-used parent by using SSR marker? Diversity Evaluation of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) clones from China based on morphological characteristics Genetic Diversity Analysis of Papaya Resources by SRAP and SCoT Combination

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