Effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic structure of plant populations and implications for the biodiversity conservation STUDIES ON GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CHINESE BEECHES IN NANJIANG,SICHUAN PROVINCE cpSSR Analysis of Variation of Genetic Diversity in Temporal Dimension of Natural Population of Pinus koraiensis in Liangshui National Nature Reserve Genetic Diversity of Sinocalycanthus chinensis in Four Different Habitats Revealed by RAPD Optimization of ISSR Amplification Conditions in Endangered Plant Sinocalycanthus chinensis Genetic diversity among the clones of aspen hybrid detected by simple sequence repeat DNA marker Optimization of RAMP-PCR reaction system in genomic DNA of radish (Raphanus sativus) RAPD analysis on variation of genetic diversity of natural Pinus koraiensis in temporal dimension RAPD DIVERSITY OF GERMPLASM RESOURCES ON PHASEOLUS VULGARIS I RAPD DIVERSITY OF GERMPLASM RESOURCES ON PHASEOLUS VULGARIS GENETIC DIVERSITY OF STRAIN 96.4 (AGARICUS BISPORUS)AND ITS SSIS GENETIC DIVERSITY AND POPULATION DIFFERENTIATION OF RHODIOLA ANGUSTA Molecular Characterization of Genetic Diversity of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.Varieties in Native Habitat SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Walnuts Germplasm Genetic Diversity and Implications for Conservation of Dipteronia Olive. Genetic Diversity of Lilium duchartrei and Lilium lankongense Revealed by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Disease Resistance Cotton Cultivars Developed in Shaanxi and Their Descendants by Mapped SSRs Analysis of genetic diversity in Sorghum germplasm collections using SSR markers The phenotypic traits and molecular genetic variation of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) cultivars and breeding lines Genetic diversity of Elymus nutans under different grazing intensities Genetic Diversity of Phenolic Compounds in Malus sieversii Studies on genetic diversity of phenotypic traits in wild myrobalan plum(Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) Genetic Diversity of Poncirus and Its Phylogenetic Relationships with Relatives as Revealed by Nuclear and Chloroplast SSR Genetic Diversity of Morphological Traits in Wild Populations of Castanea mollissima Blume Genetic Diversity of Poncirus and Its Phylogenetic Relationships with Relatives as Revealed by Nuclear and Chloroplast SSR Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Hybrid Cymbidium Based on AFLP Marker RAPD diversity of Stipa grandis populations and its association with some ecological factors Genetic Diversity Analysis of 74 Strains of Volvariella volvace Genetic Diversity of Quinoa Germplasm Assessed by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge from Different Habitats by EST-SSR Markers Impact of long-term continuous cropping on the Fusarium population in soybean rhizosphere. Genetic diversity of Ascochyta anemones isolates in Liaoning Province of Northeast China. Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Beauveria bassiana in northern China. Phylogenic diversity of soil chemotatic bacteria in a phosphorous-rich area around Dianchi Lake of Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship Among 51 Casuarina Superior Clones by Using ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Global Aromatic Rice Varieties Genetic Diversity Analysis of Nelumbo Accessions Based on ESTSSR Markers SSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Different Generations in Castanopsis eyrei from Wuyishan,Fujian Province Genetic Diversity Analysis on Rhodoleia championii Wild Populations ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Brassica campestris L. var. rosularis Germplasm Resources Genetic Diversity of Magnolia biondii(Magnoliaceae) Assessed by ISSR Polymorphisms Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Chenopodium album L. Populations in Four Natural Islands of South of Changdao,Shandong Province by ISSR ISSR Analysis on the Population Genetic Structure of Camellia japonica of Japanese Islands Genetic Diversity and Relationship Among 7 Species of Genus Epimedium in Sichuan Revealed by ISSR Analysis Analysis and Evaluation on Genetic Diversity of Scutellaria baicalensis G. by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Endangered Plant Abies ziyuanensis Based on nrDNA GapC Gene Intron Sequences ISSR Analysis of the Genetic Structure of Torreya jackii Population in Tonglu County,Zhejiang Province Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation for Paulownia fortunei Provenances Genetic Variation and Phylogeography of Picea likiangensis Inferred from RAPD Markers Genetic Diversity of Lindera aggregata Populations in Zhejiang Province Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Liquidambar fornosana Revealed by ISSR Molecular Markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of Lycium barbarum L. by RAPD Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Guizhou Wild Barley Using SSR Markers Ralated to Malting Quality Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Pinus koraiensis Plantation in CaoHekou Forest Farm by ISSR Marker Genomic DNA Extraction and Optimization of RAPD Analytic Conditions of Fagus engleriana Genetic Diversity of Rare and Endangered Plant Taxus chinensis var. mairei Analysis on the Population Genetic Diversity of Endangered Shrub Reaumuria trigyna by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Wide Cross Population of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Platycladu orientalis AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Lespedeza bicolor Populations Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relationship of Salix Germplasms Revealed by CE-AFLP Analysis Pathogenic Differentiation and Genetic Diversity of Cytospora chrysosperma in China Analysis of Camellia meiocarpa Genetic Diversity Based on SRAP Markers Genetic Diversity of Olive Cultivars in China Based on Fluorescent SSR Markers Using genetic diversity of wheat varieties for ecological regulation on Sitobion avenae ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Freesia refracta Germplasm Phylogeographic structure of Primula obconica (Primulaceae) inferred from chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs) markers Studies on genetic diversity in Changium smyrnioides Wolff (Umbelliferae) Analysis of genetic diversity of three geographic populations of Pomacea canaliculata by AFLP Genetic diversity of Dendrolimus (Lepidoptera) population from different
geographic area
Genetic structure of Alpinia japonica populations in naturally fragmented habitats Genetic diversity of Stipa breviflora populations in Inner Mongolia Genetic diversity of three populations of the black muntjac(Muntiacus crinifrons) Genetic diversity and classification of domestic yaks inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences Genetic Diversity Analysis and Primary Core Collection Construction in Yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb.) by ISSR Marker Phenotypic Diversity of Wild Apricot Germplasm Resources in Xinjiang Genetic Diversity of Plant Allium tubiflorum and Allium neriniflorum Endemic to East Asia by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of Endangered Plant Camellia pubipetala Detected by ISSR Genetic Diversity of Huperzia serrata (Huperziaceae) in Wuling Mountains Area Detected by AFLP Genetic Diversity among 32 Germplasms of the Genus Capsicum by Isozyme Analysis Genetic Diversity of Different Elevation Kingdonia uniflora Populations in Taibai Mountain by SSR Markers

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