Plant conservation genetics Review of reproductive ecology of Bryophytes Genetic Differentiation Research on Populations of Wild Soybeans in Different Scales Genetic Differentiation in Leymus chinensis Populations Revealed by RAPD Markers Ⅱ. Statistics Analysis An Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Populations Endemic Species Tetraena mongolica Maxim. (Zygophyllaceae) by RAPD in ORDS Plateau, China Genetic diversity in three Pinnus massoniana populations in different elevations and its relationship with ecological factors Control of wheat stripe rust based on genetic diversity of cultivars in Longnan Optimization of ISSR reaction and analysis of genetic diversity of Verticillium dahliae in cotton Genetic diversity analysis of Cercospora spp. by ISSR in China Identification of resistance marker genotype and genetic diversity of maize germplasm with resistance to southern corn rust Comporison of Genetic Variations of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) Gene Resource by Microsatellite Markers A study on optimization and primer screening of a SRAP reaction system and genetic diversity of different fall dormancy alfalfas Genetic diversity of wild Cynodon dactylon germplasm detected by AFLP markers Genetic diversity of wild Cynodon dactylon germplasm from five province of Southwest Chinaand Africa detected by SRAP markers Genetic diversity and relationships of zoysiagrass as revealed by SRAP markers Genetic diversity of wild Elymus nutans germplasm detected by SRAP markers Genetic diversity markers detected by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) in Crotalaria latifolia in Yunnan Genetic diversity identification based on ISSR analysis of Agrostis stolonifera
germplasm resources in Guizhou
Genetic diversity of Gliadin in worldwide germplasm collections of Elymus sibiricus Status and research advances on fungicide resistance in turfgrass pathogens An analysis by ISSR of genetic diversities in Stylosanthes germplasms A Study on Genetic Diversity of Populus tremula in China by Single-copy Nuclear Markers Genetic variation of Dactylis glomerata germplasm from Southwest China detected by SSR markers Genetic diversity of wild Elymus sibiricus germplasm from the Qinghai-TibetanPlateau in China detected by SRAP markers Genetic diversity analysis of Chinese natural tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) germplasms by RAPD Genetic diversity of Dichondra repens germplasm in southwest China by SRAP Analysis of genetic diversity in Reaumuria soongorica populations in Gansu using ISSR markers Genetic diversity and genetic variation of Ceratoides arborescens wild populations in Inner Mongolia Genetic diversity of natural Prunus mira populations detected by SRAP Genetic diversity of 20 ryegrass accessions by SRAP markers Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Jackfruit Germplasm Grown in Leizhou Peninsula, China, Using RAPD Marking Method Study on the Berry Genetic Diversity and Evaluating Criteria of Some Quantitative Characters for Seedless Grape Germplasm Study on the Berry Genetic Diversity and Evaluating Criteria of Some Quantitative Characters for Seedless Grape Germplasm
Studies on the Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Longan Cultivars by AFLP
Analysis Genetic Diversity of Sonneratia alba in China Detected by Inter-simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) Analysis Genetic Diversity of Landraces in Gossypium arboreum L. Race sinense Assessed with Simple Sequence Repeat Markers Studies on the Genetic Relationship Between Capsicum frutescens var. shuanlaense and Other Five Cultivated Capsicum Species Studies on the Genetic Relationship Between Capsicum frutescens var. shuanlaense and Other Five Cultivated Capsicum Species A Comparative Study on the Polymorphism of Loci cpDNATrnS-TrnG and cpDNATrnQ-rps16 in Cultivated and Wild Loquats Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Rubus delavayi Demonstrated by Inter-simple Sequence Repeats Development of EST-SSR Markers in Apricot Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Germplasm of Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. Using SRAP Markers Genetic Diversity and Constituents of Fatty Acid in Almond Oil in Southern Xinjiang Apricot Cultivars Genetic Diversity and Constituents of Fatty Acid in Almond Oil in Southern Xinjiang Apricot Cultivars Genetic Diversity of Mango Germplasm Based on Morphological Charaters and AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of Mango Germplasm Based on Morphological Charaters and AFLP Markers Fruit Quality Diversity of Mango(Mangifera indica L.)Germplasm Genetic Diversity of Registered Wheat Varieties in Henan Province Based on Pedigree and Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Genetic Diversity of Gulin-niupicha (Camellia sinensis [L.] O. Kuntze) Germplasm Resources Construction of DNA Fingerprinting and Analysis of Genetic Diversity for Xinluzao Cotton Varieties Effect of Different Recurrent Selection Methods on a Narrow Base Maize Population Genetic Diversity Analysis of 118 Sugarcane Germplasm with AFLP Markers Genetic Similarity and Specificity of Ten Important Soybean Cultivar Families Released in China Construction of Microsatellite-Enriched Library and Isolation of Icrosatellite Markers in Stevia rebaudiana Genetic Diversity and Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis in Barley Genetic Diversity Analysis of Widely-planted Soybean Varieties from Different Decades and Major Production Regions in China Analysis of Parental Relationship for Soybean Cultivars Released from 1983 to 2010 in Beijing Virulence and Genetic Diversity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici Collected from Shandong and Hebei Provinces Research Progress on Genetic Diversity of Oryza rufipogon in China Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Germplasm Resources in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity of Peanut Landraces in Guizhou Province Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Loci for Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica) Genetic Involvement of Camellia taliensis in the Domestication of C.sinensis var. assamica (Assimica Tea) Revealed by Nuclear Microsatellite Markers The Transferability of Nuclear Microsatellite Markers in Four Castanopsis Species to Castanopsis tibetana (Fagaceae) Genetic Diversity of Rhododendron shanii Based on ISSR Analysis Start Codon Region-related Polymorphism (SCRP): A Novel DNA Marker Technique for Assessing Genetic Diversity in Alfalfa Germplasm Collections Development of EST-SSR Markers from Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) and Their Application in Genetic Diversity Analysis among Germplasms Genetic Structure and Population Differentiation of Tamarix chinensis in Yellow Rive Delta, China Study on the Sampling Strategy of Sinocalycanthus chinensis for Exsitu Conservation of Genetic Diversity ISSR analysis on genetic diversity in Phyllanthus nriuri Inheritance characteristics of germplasm resources of Atractylodes macrocephala in Dapan Mountain national natural reserve Inheritance characteristics of germplasm resources of Atractylodes macrocephala in Dapan Mountain national natural reserve Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis of Local Cultivars of Chinese Chestnut Based on SSR Markers AFLP-based Genetic Diversity of Rosa beggeriana Populations in Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang Genetic Relationship of Stone-used Ginkgo biloba Cultivars Based on AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Handeliodendron bodinieri in Guangxi Province by ISSR and SRAP Analysis Genetic Diversity Analysis for Germplasm of Flowering Chinese Cabbage by Using Fluorescent Microsatellite-anchored Fragment Length Polymorphism Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Pears from Fujian Province Revealed by cpDNA Haplotypes and Nuclear Microsatellites Genetic Diversity of Wild Rice and Cultivated Rice Genetic Variation of Fatty Acid Components in Arachis Species and development of Interspecific Hybrids with High Oleic and Low Palmitic Acids

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