Genetic diversity of chinese taro germplasm resources based on ISSR Analysis of C.meiocarpa Phenotype Diversity Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of an Endangered Species: Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Genetic diversity analysis and a core collection construction in Chinese rice bean(Vigna umbellata) Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Sea Island Cotton(Gossypium barbadense L.)Mostly from Former USSR Using SSR Markers Analyses on Phenotypic Diversity of 103 Asiatic Cottons Construction of DNA fingerprinting of dominant orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) varieties of China Genetic Structure Analyses Based on Fluorescent-AFLP Markers of Wild Populations of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim in Heilongjiang Provinc Analysis of genetic diversity of Pinus latteri Mason nature populations in Bawangling of Hainan province by SSR markers Exploration and Phenotypic Traits Analysis of Erianthus fulvus Genetic diversity of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. seed orchard among generations Phenotype Identification and Cluster Analysis of North Soybean Based on Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition Genetic diversity of gliadin in some American wheat germplasms and their effect on quality properties Genetic diversity in Miscanthus sinensis germplsams revealed by simple sequence repeats DNA markers Genetic Diversity and Correlation Analysis of Main Botany Characters in Watermelon Genetic Resources Populations Genetic Diversity Analysis of Staphylea bumalda Based on AFLP Markers DNA fingerprint library construction and cluster analysis of Forsythia suspensa from different origins Genetic diversity of Liriope Muscari by TRAP analysis Optimization of ISSR amplification conditions for Rhododendron fortunei Genetic diversity and phylogeny of rhizobia isolated from white clover in Sichuan Province ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of germplasm resources of Bothriochloa ischaemum in Shanxi Development of Fingerprinting Key and Analysis of Genetic Diversity with SSR Marker for Sweet Cherry Cultivars Population Genetic Structure in Apricot (Armeniaca Mill.) Revealed by Fluorescent-AFLP Markers Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Osmanthus fragrans Based on SRAP markers Analysis of Genetic Diversities in Apricot Cultivars ( Prunus armeniaca L. ) with Simple Sequence Repeat ( SSR) Markers Genetic Diversity and Constituents of Flavor in Southern Xinjiang ApricotCultivars Analysis of genetic relationships among species of Lycoris Herb. by AFLP markers Genetic diversity of Lonicera macranthoides geographical populations revealed by SRAP markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of populations of Rosa longicuspis Genetic Diversity Analysis of bitter gourd‘s Germplasm Resources Based on SRAP Markers AFLP analysis of Gasdorida elata B1 from different regions Construction of Core Collection of Melon Landraces in Xinjiang Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Pumpkin Landraces of Zhejiang Province Drought Resistance Screening and Genetic Diversity by SSR Markers in Sorghum Genetic Diversity of Mango (Mangiferca indica L.) in Nujiang Dry-hot Valley Revealed by Morphological Charaters and AFLP Genetic diversity analysis and fingerprinting of Chinese cucumber main cultivars by simple sequence repeat polymorphisms Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Chinese Cucumber Breeding Cultivars Based on Fruit Appearance Quality Characters Genetic Diversity of 111 Dioscorea alata Linn. Germplasm using AFLP Markers Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Vigna radiate Germplasm Resources by ISSR Genetic Diversity Analysis of Spaghetti Squash and Genetic Relationship to Cucurbita Genus by Using SRAP marker Intraspecies Genetic Diversity of Vitis davidii Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Anoectochilus roxburghii and It’s Relative Species Using ISSR Molecular Marker Genetic Diversity and Relationship Analysis of Asarum Germplasm Resources Based on ISSR and SRAP Markers SSR Markers Analysis Genetic Diversity of Chickpea (Cicer arinuml L.) Germplasm Genetic diversity analysis of wild bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) using SRAP and TRAP markers in Hebei Province Conservation of Nyssa yunnanensis based on genetic diversity analysis using ISSR markers Genetic Diversity Analysis of 51 Cybidium goeringii Cultivars by AFLP Molecular Markers Genetic Diversity of Zizania latifolia Griseb (Turcz) from Poyang Lake Basin Based on SSR and ISSR Analysis Genetic diversity among wild Chinese dwarf cherry from different regions and its closely related plant species based on RAPD analysis Development of EST-SSR markers and their use for genetic diversity analysis in Tung tree (Vernicia fordii) Genetic diversity and population structure of elite Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr in Beijing Analysis on Coefficient of Parentage of Major Barley Varieties and Their Spot Blotch Resistance Genetic Diversity of Pinus tabulaeformis Populations at Different Altitudes in Guangtushan Mountains and Relationship to Environmental Changes Fundamental Strategies and methods for collecting of Wild Soybean Germplasm Resources in China Genetic Diversity Analysis of YiRen Rice Germplasm Resources by SSR Markers in Guizhou Provience Advance in molecular biology of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) Genetic diversity of Cryphonectria parasitica populations in Asia, Europe and North America RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Kobresia humilis along the eastern of QinghaiTibet Plateau of China Genetic Diversity of Autotetraploid Alfalfa with Different Salt-tolerant Trait Based on SSR Marker Analysis Genetic Diversity Analysis of Pigeonpea Germplasm Resources by AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Maize Hybrids in the Regional Tests of Sichuan and Southwest China Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae) by RAPD Genetic Diversity and Its Relationship with Breeding System of Ranalisma rostratum Genetic diversity analysis on Sophora alopecuroides based on ISSR markers Analysis on genetic diversity of Rubia cordifolia from various geographical populations in Henan province ISSR analysis of six medicinal plants in Potentilla L. ISSR analysis on genetic diversity in Phyllanthus urinaria Cloning and analysis of rDNA ITS sequences from plants in Bulbophyllum Thouars Cloning and analysis of rDNA ITS sequences from plants in Bulbophyllum Thouars PCR-RFLP genetic diversity of plants in Epimedium L. Study on morphological characteristics of pollen grains of Pinellia ternata in different populations Study on intraspecific genetic diversity in different plantpopulations of Pogostemon cabli Study on genetic diversity of natural and cultivated Cistanche tubulosa Genetic diversity of Eucommia ulmoides by RAPD analysis RAPD analysis on genetic relationship among varieties of Rehmannia glutinosa Studies on genetic diversity in cultivated populations of
Atractylodes macrocephala
Genetic diversity of different geographical populations of Rhodiola rosea based on AFLP markers Construction of core collection and genetic diversity of landrace rice resources (Oryza sativa) in Guangxi Genetic diversity of podocarpus by SCoT markers Genetic diversity of four populations of Calycanthus chinensis based on ISSR and RAPD markers

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