Study on rat small intestinal absorption features of puerarin loaded O-carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres based on single pass perfusion method Biologic and Nutrient Characters of Maize for Tolerance to Acid Soil at Seedling Stage Carbon sources and storage sinks in scenic tourist areas:a Mount Lushan case study STUDIES ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROOT GROWTH AND YIELD IN MAIZE(ZEA MAYS) Ⅰ.RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE GROWTH AND ABSORPTION ABILITY OF THE ROOTS AND THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ABOVE-GROUND PARTS OF MAIZE A Study on the Nutrient Absorption and Characteristic of Dry-matter Production in Hybrid Cotton (G.hirsutum L.) Family Variation and Inheritance of Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization Efficiency of Liriodendron chinense Related to Nitrogen Supply Moisture Absorption and Desorption Characteristics of Superheated Steam-Treated Wood under High Temperature Intestinal absorption of aloe-emodin using single-passintestinal perfusion method in rat Intraspecific Variations of Phosphorus Absorption and Remobilization, P Forms, and Their Internal Buffering in Brassica Cultivars Exposed to a P-Stressed Environment Nasal absorption of iridoids in Xingnaojing Effect of salvianolic acid B on nasal absorption in rats in situ Matrix formulation of chaizhi cataplasma optimized by D-optimal mixture design combined with multiple mechanical indicators and its in vitro evaluation Biopharmaceutics classification and absorption mechanisms primary study on four kinds of flavonoids Berberine action targets and its absorption behavior: how to use old drug for new mechanisms Absorption and metabolism of icariin in different osteoporosis rat models In vivo intestinal absorption characteristics of phloridzin in rats Absorption mechanism of neobavaisoflavone in Caco-2 cell monolayer mode Study on intestinal absorption features of oligosaccharides in Morinda officinalis How.with sigle-pass perfusion The Absorption of Fe, Zn, Cu in Siwu Decoction, Sijunzi Decoction and Liuwei Dihuang Decoction by Small Intestine in Rats Phosphorus absorption and acid phosphatase activity in wild barley genotypes with different phosphorus use efficiencies Advances in studies on promoting oral absorption of volatile components in Chinese materia medica and its mechanism Preparation of tripterine-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier and its in vitro transdermal absorption Preparation of tripterine-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier and its in vitro transdermal absorption Advances in studies on oral absorption and metabolism of pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins Study on in situ intestinal absorption of Pulsatilla saponin D in rats Study on vinegar-processing of Corydalis Rhizoma based on component analysis and activity evaluation The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in organic farming systems Study on Chinese Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus-induced Gene Silencing(VIGS)via Root Absorption Effects of Nitrate on the Growth of Lateral Root and Nitrogen Absorption in Rice Effects of single-seed sowing at different densities on nutrient uptake and distribution in peanut The Study of Water Uptake and Germination Characteristic in Different Weight and Shape of Peanut Seeds Effects of Leaf and Fruit Water Absorbing on Fruit Cracking in Chinese Jujube Effects of exogenous Se mineral powder on the accumulation of Se and the absorption of mineral elements in maize Effect of phosphorus on yield and nutrient absorption and utilization in starch-type sweet potato Effects of different N rates on growth and absorption, allocation
and utilization of urea-15N of young apple trees with different interstocks
Physiological and biochemical mechanism of 15N-urea foliage spraying in increasing the nitrogen uptake and utilization of cotton seedlings Effects of straw returning and nitrogen fertilizer application on root secretion and nitrogen utilization of rice Algorithm improvements for two important parameters of FPAR and maximum solar energy utilization efficiency Alfalfa productivity and plateau characteristics in a gully region of the Loess Plateau Preliminary Study of 15N-urea Absorption,Transformation and Distribution by Apple Under Different Nickel Levels Preliminary Study of 15N-urea Absorption,Transformation and Distribution by Apple Under Different Nickel Levels Effect of SH6 Dwarfing Interstock on N Absorption,Distribution and
Storage Characteristic in Apple Saplings
Absorption and Distribution of 13C and 15N in Grape‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ Absorption and Distribution of 13C and 15N in Grape‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ Effects of single basal application of controlled-release fertilizer on root activity and nutrient absorption of rice(Oryza Satava L.) Effect of different furrow irrigation patterns on cotton nitrogen absorption and nitrogen fertilizer use Annual biomass and nutrient accumulation of Korla fragrant pear Nutrient absorption, translocation in rice and soil nitrogen
equilibrium under different nitrogen application doses
Study on preparation of CIT microemulsion and its absorption in intestine Study on moisture sorption process model and application traditional Chinese medicine extract powder Evaluation on SMEDDS of effective parts from Jiaotai pills in vitro and in vivo Everted intestinal sac method for quick finding absorptioningredients of Wuzhuyu decotion Absorption mechanism of tanshinoneⅡA, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I and tanshinones extract in rat small intestine in vivo Absorption and transportation characteristic of alkaloids from Herba Ephedrae in model of Caco-2 cells monolayer A Study on Nasal Absorption of Psoralen and Isopsoralen in Psoralea corylifolia L. Contents of Ten Trace Elements in Epimedium acuminatum Franch. and ItsDifferent Processed Produts Correlation of zinc and selenium contents in tea and the planting soil STUDIES ON CHROOMONAS CAUDATA GEITLER──Ⅱ. A preliminary analysis of the phycocyanin Studies on Percutaneous Absorption of Berberine from Ruyijinhuang Adhesive Tape Effects of fractionated nitrogen application on leaf senescence and 15 N-urea uptake and utilization of apple rootstock―Malus hupenhensis Estimation of Community Productivity and Net CO2 Accumulation of a Tropical Mountain Rain Forest in Jianfeng-ling, Hainan Island, China A Comparative Study on the Growth of Salt-treated Pucciinellia tenuiflora at the Seeding and Elongating Stages and its Relations with Irons Biogeochemical circulation and management countermeasures of N and P in coastal wetlands of southern Laizhou Bay Nutrient absorption and yield of rape under coupled application of phosphate rock and sulfur Separation and Purification Process of Total Flavonoids from Elaeagnus mollis Leaves Study on Characteristics of Absorption and Transfer of Soil Lead in Tea Plant with Different Growth Period Research on the temporal-spatial differences of carbon sources and sinks of farmland ecosystems of Hexi oasis in Gansu Effect of Phosphorus Application Amount on the Growth,Nutrient Absorption,and Cold-resistance of Tall Fescue(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in Winter Studies on the Difference of Nitrogen Absorption, Transportation and Distribution in High and Low Protein Wheat Cultivars Extraction, isolation, and purification of polysaccharides from leaves of Acanthopanax gracilistylus and property of their moisture retention Purification technology for flavone from Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus with macroporous resins Matrix formulation of Hanbishu Cataplasma optimized by D-optimal mixture design and research on its in vitro evaluation Percutaneous permeation characteristic research of dencichine A Study on Characterisistics of Transdermal Absoption of Radix Angelieae Sinensis and Its Compound Formula Rat intestine absorption kinetics study on cucurbitacin B-sodium deoxycholate/ phospholipid mixed nanomicelles with in vitro everted gut sacs model Effect of D-cellobiose on oral bioavailability of gentiopicroside Comparison of essential oil from Mentha haplocalyx and menthol used as penetration enhancers Mechanisms of Seed Dormancy of Acer griseum In vitro transdermal absorption of Baoxieling extract Effects of Salt Stress on the Characteristics of Ion Absorption and Distribution in Puccinellia tenuiflora

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