A New Variety of the Genus Chrysanthemum L. from China Geographical distribution of cytotypes in the Chrysanthemum indicum complex as evidenced by ploidy level and genome-size variation Karyomorphology of six taxa in Chrysanthemum sensu lato (Anthemideae) in Egypt and their genetical relationships by Giemsa C-banding Identification of Early Flowering Mutants from the Cut Chrysanthemum Variety‘Jinba’and Research on the Physiological Characteristics Discriminant the Geographical Origin of Hangzhou white Chrysanthemum Based on Mineral Elements CHITOSAN AND BENZOTHIAZOLE COMPOUND AGENTS PROMOTE BROWN SPOT DISEASE-RESISTANCE AND MASS GROWTH OF CUT Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Jinba’ Isolation and biological control of an antagonistic bacteria against Medicinal Chrysanthemum fusarium wilt Effect of N application rates on nutrients accumulation, transformation and yield of Chrysanthemum morifolium Molecular Detection and Sequences Analysis of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid Molecular Detection and Sequences Analysis of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid New Chrysanthemum Cultivars‘Fanxingfen’and ‘Huoyan’ Transformation of Arabidopsis Flowering Gene FT to from Cut Chrysanthemum‘Jinba’by Agrobacterium Mediate Analysis on Measuremental Position of Ligulate Floret Color of Chrysanthemum Clone and Expression Analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Comparative Studies on Trichomes of Florist’s Chrysanthemum and Pyrethrum Effects of Light Spectral Energy Distribution on Multiplication and Rooting of Chrysanthemum Plantlets in Vitro Studies on in Vitro Conservation of Chrysanthemum yoshinaganthum Histological Structure Observation on the Floral Development of Anemone Type Chrysanthemum Cold Stress Tolerance of the Filial Generations Produced by AtDREB1A Transgenic Ground Cover Chrysanthemum and a Conventional Variety Distant Hybridization Between Chrysanthemum and the Intergeneric Hybrids of Dendranthema and Allied Genera Studies on Viability and Storage Characteristics of Pollen of Groundcover Chrysanthemum Studies on Viability and Storage Characteristics of Pollen of Groundcover Chrysanthemum The Numerical Classification of Chrysanthemum Flower Color Phenotype Isolation and Characterization of Cytokinin Synthase Gene DgIPT3 in Chrysanthemum ‘Jinba’ The Relationship Between the Expression of Key Genes in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and the Color of Chrysanthemum The Relationship Between the Expression of Key Genes in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and the Color of Chrysanthemum Screening Cut Chrysanthemum Varieties in Low Potassium Tolerant and Patience Physiology in Seedling Advances in Application of Transgenic Breeding Technology in the Traits Improvement of Chrysanthemum Cloning of Chlorophyll a/b Binding Protein CmLhcb1 and Promoter from Chrysanthemum morifolium and Expression Analysis Effects of Mixture of Controlled-release Urea and Conventional Urea on the Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Chrysanthemum morifolium Effects of soil factor on quality of Chrysanthemum morifolium originated from Wenxian county Transformation of Arabidopsis Flowering Gene FT to from Cut Chrysanthemum‘Jinba’by Agrobacterium Mediate Cloning and Expression of CmCO and CmFT of Floral Development Genes in Chrysanthemum Cloning and Expression of CmCO and CmFT of Floral Development Genes in Chrysanthemum Isolation and Characterization of Cytokinin Synthase Gene DgIPT3 in Chrysanthemum ‘Jinba’ Change Pattern of Water Potential After Long-distance Transportation and Development of Pretreatment Solution for Cut Chrysanthemum A classification study for chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum ×grandiflorum Tzvelv.) cultivars based on multivariate statistical analyses Differentiation of Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Based on Multiple Foliar Morphological Parameters QUANTIFYING THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON DRY MATTER PARTITIONING OF STANDARD CUT CHRYSANTHEMUM ‘SHENMA’ IN SOLAR GREENHOUSE In vitro Conservation of Chrysanthemum ‘Jinba‘ and Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plantlets Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene CmFAD7 in Chrysanthemum A New Chrysanthemum Cultivar‘Binfen’ Cloning of Chlorophyll a/b Binding Protein CmLhcb1 and Promoter from Chrysanthemum morifolium and Expression Analysis Phylogenetic Research Based on Morphological Characters from DUS Test on Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar Advances in Application of Transgenic Breeding Technology in the Traits Improvement of Chrysanthemum Establishment and Optimization of SCoT Molecular Marker System in Chrysanthemum and Its Application of Analysis on Genetic Diversity Change Pattern of Water Potential After Long-distance Transportation and Development of Pretreatment Solution for Cut Chrysanthemum Screening Cut Chrysanthemum Varieties in Low Potassium Tolerant and Patience Physiology in Seedling Effects of Ca2+ on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities During Rooting of Chrysanthemum Cuttings Comparative Studies on Trichomes of Florist’s Chrysanthemum and Pyrethrum Detection of RAPD and ISSR Markers Associated with Ornamental Traits of Chrysanthemum in Vegetative Stage Effects of 60Co-gamma Rays Irradiation on in Vitro Cultured Cut Chrysanthemum and Variations of Main Morphological Characters in the M1 Generation Analysis on Measuremental Position of Ligulate Floret Color of Chrysanthemum Clone and Expression Analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Combining Ability Analysis on Ornamental Characters of Chrysanthemum Relationship between Flower Bud Differentiation and Endogenous Polyamines in Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘‘‘‘Jinba‘‘‘‘ Separation and purification of flavonoids from chrysanthemum indicun with macroporous resin GC-MS analysis of essential oil from Anthodiums of Chrysanthemum morifolium processed by microwave-airflow and steam calefaction Comparison on morphological characteristics of pollen grains of various Chrysanthemum morifolium for medicine Beneficial effect of total flavonoids of Chrysanthemum indicum on
adjuvant arthritis by induction of apoptosis of synovial fibroblasts
Characterization of chemical components of essential oil from flowers of Chrysanthemum morifolium produced in Anhui province Effects of light intensity on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Chrysanthemum morifolium Chemical constituents from flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum Study on extraction technics and variety trends of flavonoids in Chrysanthemum morifolium Genetic analysis of salt tolerance of F1 progenies between chrysanthemum and the intergeneric hybrid of chrysanthemum and crossostephium Studies of Aroma Compounds in Chrysanthemum in Different Florescence and Inflorescence Parts and Aroma Releasing Effects of climate factors on quality of Chrysanthemum morifolium originated from Wenxian county Interspecific hybridization and F1 hybrids identification of Chrysanthemum morifolium Studies on Breeding Value of Three Intergeneric Hybrids Between Chrysanthemum and Tanacetum,Ajanina and Crossostephium Studies on Breeding Value of Three Intergeneric Hybrids Between Chrysanthemum and Tanacetum,Ajanina and Crossostephium A New Ground Cover Chrysanthemum Cultivar‘Jinzun’ Establishment and Optimization of SCoT Molecular Marker System in Chrysanthemum and Its Application of Analysis on Genetic Diversity Effects of Mixture of Controlled-release Urea and Conventional Urea on the Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Chrysanthemum morifolium Determination of Pollen Quantity and Features of Pollen Dispersal for 41 Spray Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on Physiological Indexes of Chrysanthemum Cuttage under Natural Drought Stress Effects of combined use of controlled-release urea and conventional urea on biological properties of Chrysanthemum morifolium‘Hangbaiju’ Transformation of Chrysanthemum with a Synthetic Cry1Ac Gene Mediated by Agrobacteriumtum efaciens New Varieties of Guoqing Potted Chrysanthemum with Small Inflorescences

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