cDNA Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Tissue Expression of Apaf-1 and Apaf-2 Gene of Goats Analysis of Expression Pattern of LHR Gene in the Reproductive System of Yak During the Estrous Cycle Normalisation Strategies for Plasma/Serum MicroRNAs Quantitative Analysis Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis Expression pattern analysis of terpene synthases of endangered Aquilaria sinensis under different stresses Cloning and Expression Characterization of PR4 Protein Gene in Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis Resistance analysis of Chinese cabbages to Plasmodiophora brassicae based on early infection in roots Effects of Alfalfa Flavonoids on the Gene Expression of Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Ovarian Gonadal Axis in the Preadolescence and Maturity of Female Rat Cloning and Expression Analysis of ferritin Genes from Malus xiaojinensis Detection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus by real time quantitative PCR combining with magnetic nanoparticles Effect of ginsenoside total saponinon on regulation of P450 of livers of rats after γ-ray irradiation A step-by-step protocol for formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements from Arabidopsis thaliana Cloning and Expression of CBF Transcription Factor from Prunus mume Tissue Specificity Expression Analysis of Theanine Metabolism Pathway Related Genes in Camellia Sinensis Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Analysis of Function of α-mannosidase Gene in Promoting Melon Fruit Ripening by Transient Expression Analysis of Function of α-mannosidase Gene in Promoting Melon Fruit Ripening by Transient Expression The Relationship Between Characteristics of Yielding Carotenoid and Expression of Carotenogenic Genes in Phaffia rhodozyma The Establishment of PMA-qPCR for Detecting Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot on Cucumber and Its Preliminary Application Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of α-Expansin Genes in Anthocephalus chinensis Comparative of citrus huanglongbing molecular detection approaches and monitoring of the orchards Characterization and Expression of Subunit D Gene of ATP Synthase from Monochamus alternatus Analysis on cloning of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase gene in capitulum of Chrysanthemum morifolium cv.‘Hangju’ and its expression characteristics Cloning and Expression Analysis of OnAP1-like Gene from Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey’ Suppression and Sequence Variation of Citrus tristeza virus Genotypes by Citrus Cultivars Stability Analysis of Reference Genes for Larch Gene Expression Studies by Quantitative Real-Time PCR Functional Analysis of miRNA Resistant to Banded Leaf-Sheath Blight in Maize Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of GhSAMDC at Low Temperature Stress in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cloning and Analysis of SgBADH in Suaeda glauca and Construction of Its Plant Expression Vector loning and expression analysis of chalcone synthase gene(AeCHS) in Abelmoschus esculentus L. Effects of continuous soybean monoculture on soil nematode community Cloning and Expression Analysis of DlGRAS4 and DlGRAS54 from Embryogenic Callus of Dimocarpus longan Lour. Development and application of RT-qPCR assay for detection of HSVd Effect of alfalfa flavonoids on reproductive performance of female rats in pregnancy and on gene expression in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian gonadal axis Cloning and Expression Analysis of OnAP1-like Gene from Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey’ Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod Research on the Expression of Porcine Circovirus Capsid Protein in the Bacillus subtilis cDNA Cloning, Sequence Analysis and Tissue Expression of Gene MSH4 and MSH5 in Goats Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of the ApNAP Gene in Asarina procumbens Expression pattern of genes involved in tropane alkaloids biosynthesis and tropane alkaloids accumulation in Atropa belladonna

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