Screening and Identification of an Actinomycete Strain with Nematicidal Activity Biocontrol efficacy of apple tree valsa canker by endophytic actinomycetes Taxonomy of antagonistic strain B1 and control effect of tomato gray mould Screening and identification of actinomycetes on Verticillium dahliae from soil Phylogenetic and physiological diversity of actinomycetes isolated from plant rhizosphere soils in the Qilian Mountains Effect of Eco-planting and Breeding of Rice and Frog on Soil Microorganisms and Soluble Phosphorus Contents Effects of actinomycetes agent on ginseng growth and rhizosphere soil microflora. Identification of endophytic actinomycete St24 tomato plants from and its application in bio-control of gray mold disease. Isolation and structural elucidation of secondary metabolites from marine Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 1934 Effects of Cr6+ on microorganism population in Isolation and Identification of Streptomyces triostinicus C2 Antagonizing on a Variety of Plant Pathogenic Fungi Research Progress of Improving the Actinomycetes Secondary Metabolite Production Method The Effect of the Fermented Liquid and Mycelium Extract of FX-139 on the Growth and Defense Enzymes of Ginseng callus Screening of Actinomyces on Antagonism to Rhizoctonia solani Isolated from Saline-alkali Soils in Hexi Corridor Comparison of Microecological Characterization in Rhizosphere Soil between Healthy and Un-healthy Plants in Continuous Cropping Potato Fields Effects of Actinomycetes on the Growth and Antioxidative Characteristics of Perennial Ryegrass under Drought Stress Chemical constituents of antineoplastic actinomycete strain (N2010-37) of bottom mud in mangrove (I) Chemical constituents of antineoplastic actinomycete strain (N2010-37) of bottom mud in mangrove (I) Screening, identification and optimized fermentation condition of antagonistic actinomycetes from Rehminnae glutinosorhizosphere Isolating of antifungal activity substance from endophytic actinomycete Lj20 and the role in disease control Change of the Soil Microorganism in Different Generation of the Chinese Fir Plantation Anti-microbial activity of endophytic actinomycetes isolated from Ammodendron bifolium and their antagonism to endophytic bacteria. Effects of rotation and fallowing on the microbial communities and enzyme activities in a solar greenhouse soil under continuous cucumber cropping. Screening,Identification and Potassium-dissolving Characteristics of Potassium-dissolving Actinomycete in Banana Rhizosphere Soil Screening and Identification of Streptomyces fungicidicus Strain AL-04 Screening and Identification of Actinomyces Q14 Antagonistic Against Alternaria Alternata Screening and Characterization of a Marine Actinomycete with Antagonist Activities Against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Antagonistic effect of actinomycetes D01 against four strains potato pathogens Diversity and community structures of the endophytic actinomycetes isolated from Medicago ruthenica Isolation and antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes from vermicompost Secondary metabolites from a deep-sea-derived actinomycete Micrococcus sp. R21 Morphological characteristics of Ⅱ Frankia strains under different ecological conditions Screening and Identification of Chitinolytic Actinomycetes and the Inhibitory Activity on Turfgrass Root Rot Disease Fungi ISOLATION, CULTURE AND INOCULATION OF FRANKIA FROM THE NODULES OF CASU ARINA Isolation and Identification of Antagonistic Actinomycetes and Their Application in the Biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Isolation and Identification of Antagonistic Actinomycetes and Their Application in the Biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Isolation and Identification of an Actinomycetes Strain Against Root-knot Nematode from Mangrove Soil Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil microbial community composition in temperate typical grassland in Inner Mongolia The effects of the long-term application of inorganic fertilizers on microbial community diversity in rice-planting red soil as studied by PCR-DGGE Effects of combined application of actinomycetes Act12 bio-control agents and potassium humate on growth and microbial flora in rooting zone of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge Antagonistic effect of multifunctional actinomycete strain Act12 on soil-borne pathogenic fungi and its identification Control efficiency of endophytic actinomycetes A-1 against apple fruit ring rot and its influence on the activity of defense-related enzymes Control effect of the antinematode endophytic bacteria and rhizosphere actinomycetes to root-knot nematodes of tomato plant Inhibitory effect and mechanism of Streptomyces venezuelaevar RL-2 active products on plant pathogenic fungi The selection of biocontrol actinomycetes against Phytophthora capsici by the method assessed inhibiting zones and root-colonizing capacity Studies on the effect of zuelaemycin producing actinomycetes strain S-5120 on downy mildew of cucumber Distribution and characteristics of soil antagonistic actinomycetes on northern slope of Taibai Mountain,  Qinling. Bioactivity of the metabolites from endophytic actinomycete Fq24 against Tetranychus cinnabarinus.  Diversity and anti-microbial activity of endophytic actinomycetes isolated from Stellera chamaejasme sampled in Aba, Sichuan Bio-active substances derived from marine microorganisms Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Rice Seedling Inoculated with Sturdy-seeding Agent in Low-phosphorus Soil Isolation, identification and optimizing fermentation conditions of an antagonistic strain against Colletotrichum acutata

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