COVER SHIFT AND MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY OF INVASIVE ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES ALONG A RIPARIAN ZONE IN SOUTH CHINA A STUDY ON VEGETATIVE COMPENSATORY GROWTH OF SHRUB, CARAGANA KORSHINSKII, UNDER DIFFERENT CLIPPING TREATMENTS IN DISTURBANCE ENVIRONMENT A MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF NETPHYTOPLANKTON ASSEMBLAGES IN THE CHUKCHI SEA AND BERING SEA INFLUENCE OF ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES ON THE SPECIES COMPOSITION AND DIVERSITY OF WEED COMMUNITY IN SPRING IN NANJING ROOT GROWTH DYNAMICS OF CARAGANA KORSHINSKII USING MINIRHIZOTRONS LAND COVER DYNAMICS OF DIFFERENT TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS IN BEIJING EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON PLANT SECONDARY METABOLISM A BRIEF REVIEW OF STUDIES ON DIFFERENTIATION OF VEGETATION PATTERN ALONG A TOPOGRAPHIC GRADIENT IN HILLY REGIONS EFFECTS OF LOW TEMPERATURE ON PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF COTTON FIBER STRENGTH FORMING PROCESS AN EFFECTIVE IN VITRO PROTOCOL FOR INCREASING MYCORRHIZAL FORMATION RATE OF CATHAYA ARGROPHYLLA Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NRT2 Gene in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Characterization and Phylogenetic Utility of Non-coding Chloroplast Regions trnL-trnF and accD-psaI in Pyrus Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Pollinium Morphology of Five Most Common Cultivated Orchid Genera(Orchidaceae) Histological Structure Observation on the Floral Development of Anemone Type Chrysanthemum Prokaryotic Expression of Banana Transcription Factor MaWRKY1 Gene and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody Primary Productivity Response of Astragalus adsurgens and Medicago Sativa to Interspecific Competition in Weibei Arid Highland on the Loess Plateau of China Genetic Differentiation of Stipa Krylovii in Different Degraded Soil LC-MS guided discovery, structural elucidation of a new curcuminoids, and its cytotoxicity Study on flavonoid glycosides from Gentiana veitchiorum Ginkgo biloba leaves history: A model of research and development for Chinese materia medica/phytomedicine Research progress in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for natural lignan production Research progress in functional classification of Chinese materia medica on improving organism immune function Chemical constituents of triterpenoid saponins from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Study on chemical constituents in shells of Juglans sigillata Advances in application of cell membrane chromatography in screening bioactive components of Chinese materia medica Breeding for triploids of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its sustainable utilization Thoughts and methods for toxicity study on Chinese materia medica Thoughts and methods for toxicity study on Chinese materia medica Research on annual development status of Chinese herbal formula patents based on cluster analysis Advances in studies on anti-adenovirus of Chinese materia medica and its active components Protection of total flavonoids from Camptosorus sibiricus on hepatic injury Spectrum-effect relationship on anti-gastric ulcer effect of Astragali Radix Antiproliferative molecular mechanisms of components in roots and rhizomes of Salvia miltiorrhiza on fibroblasts Advances in studies on pharmacological effect and structure-activity relationship of chrysin and its derivatives Advances in studies on metabolism of constituents in Chinese materia medica by intestinal bacteria Effect of different cropping rotations on enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil and production quality of Angelica sinensis Effect of salt stress on different components of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Relationship between biomass in ground and underground parts of Gentiana macrophylla and its rhizosphere microbial community structure Materiomic release kinetics of Longdan Xiegan Pill Micromeritics of superfine powder of Chuanxiong Rhizoma Establishment and practice for evaluating model of best harvest time of traditional Chinese medicinal materials Regulations of berberine on gene expression of BMP4 transcriptional pathways to improve visceral white adipose tissues insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic hamsters HTRF-based high-throughput PGE2 release prohibition model and application in discovering traditional Chinese medicine active ingredients New records of distribution of medical plants in Anhui province Research on evolution and transition of quality evaluation of Shihu Effect of vinegar-processed Curcumae Rhizoma on bile metabolism in rats Influence of continuous cropping on growth of Artemisia annua and bacterial communities in soil Hydrophidae identification through analysis on cytochrome c oxydase I(COI) and ribosome 16s rDNA gene barcode Interaction of effective ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines with intestinal microbiota Research thoughts on tumor immune responses by polysaccharide of Chinese medicine via oral administration Investigation of original materials under traditonal Chinese medicine names of “Jinchai” and “Jinchai Shihu” Analysis and outlook on teaching status of Molecular Pharmacognosy On Chinese medicine quality precision in expectation Twenty years‘ review and prospect of modernization research on traditional Chinese medicine Theoretical model for compatibility of medicinal property combination of traditional Chinese medicines Effect of sodium tanshinone ⅡA sulfonate on AngⅡ-induced atrial fibroblast collagen synthesis and TGF-β1 activation Study on detoxication of Euphorbia Pekinensis Radix processed with vinegar on rat small intestinal crypt epithelial cells IEC-6 Effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on insulin signal transduction pathway in hippocampal neurons of high-glucose-fed rats Clinical research of safflower injection on hibernating myocardial revascularization Evaluation of high-resolution images application for wild medicinal plants macro monitoring:a case of Apocynum Advance in studies on TRPV1 and analgesic effect of traditional Chinese medicines Applications of mathematical statistics methods on compatibility researches of traditional Chinese medicines formulae Advance in studies on molecular mechanisms of cisplatin resistance and intervention with traditional Chinese medicines Tri-dimensional omics analysis on effect of Zhuanggu Zhitong capsule against experimental postmenopausal osteoporosis Reliability theory based on quality risk network analysis for Chinese medicine injection Problems in medicinal materials research of new traditional Chinese medicine Analysis of complexity in Chinese meteria medica industrial chain Antidysmenorrheic effects of Radix Angelica and RhizomaChuanxiong with different proportions and preparation methodson dysmenorrhea model mice HPLC determination of chikusetsusaponin IVa in Rhizoma PanacisMajoris from different producing areas Inhibitory effect on estrogen production and its influence on invasive abilityof human endometrial cells of endometriosis by medicated serum of SLW Material and mechanisms induced pseudo allergicreactions of Yuxingcao injection Simultaneous determination of jatrorrhizine, palmatine, berberine, and obacunone in Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex by RP-HPLC Aflatoxin contamination of Chinese herbal medicine in China and its potential management strategies Comparative study on metabonomics and on liver and kidney toxicity of Aristolochia fangchi and Stephania tetrandra Protective Effect of Tanshinone on Injuried Cultured PC12 Cellsin Vitro Contents of total flavonoids in Rhizoma Arisaematis Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rhizoma Pinelliae Pedatisecta Comparison of Two Extraction Methods for Maxingshigan Decoction A new xanthone from Cratoxylum cochinchinense HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS Fingerprint of Aristolochia manshuriensis