A Two-locus Chloroplast (cp) DNA Barcode for Identif ication of DifferentSpecies in Eucalyptus Identification of Bupleurum chinense and B. longiradiatum based on ITS2 barcode Identification of Plantaginis Semen based on ITS2 and psbA-trnH sequences Identification of Pyrrosiae Folium and its adulterants based on psbA-trnH sequence Identification of original plants of Uyghur medicinal materials Fructus Elaeagni using morphological characteristics and DNA barcode Molecular identification of Manis pentadactyla using DNA barcoding Identification of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans and its adulterants using DNA barcode Identification of Placenta hominis and its adulterants using COI barcode Application of DNA barcoding in entomology:a review Study on DNA barcoding of medicinal plants in Chaenomeles Lindl. Screening of Universal DNA Barcodes for Malvaceae Plants A Modified CTAB Protocol for Plant DNA Extraction Study on genetic polymorphism of Platycodon grandiflorum based on barcoding of ITS2 Identification of original species of Mantidis Oötheca(Sangpiaoxiao) based on DNA barcoding Building a Subtropical Forest Community Phylogeny Based on Plant DNA Barcodes from Dinghushan Plot Gene Flow Dependent Introgression and Species Delimitation Trends of iFlora by Literature and Information Analysis The Potential Contribution of Plant DNA Barcoding and iFlora to Plant Germplasm Conservation The Next-Generation Flora iFlora Evaluating Candidate DNA Barcodes among Chinese Begonia (Begoniaceae) Species Rapid Identification of Plant Species and iFlora: Application of DNA Barcoding in a Large Temperate Genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) DNA Barcoding for Plant Specimen Identification* On Barcode of Life and Tree of Life Study on the DNA Barcoding of Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae) Screening Potential DNA Barcode Regions in Amomum (Zingiberaceae) Identification of medicinal plants in Angelica L. based on ITS barcode label DNA barcoding application to three species of rice planthoppers based on mtCOⅠ gene Screening potential DNA barcode regions of genus Papaver The Application of Metabarcoding Technology in Identification of Plant Species Diversity Applications and Advances of DNA Barcoding in Ecological Studies Highly Universal DNA Barcoding Primers of ITS2 for Gymnosperms* Selection of Potential Plastid DNA Barcodes for Bambusoideae (Poaceae) DNA Barcoding of Edible Boletes (Boletaceae) from Yunnan, China DNA Barcoding of Economically Important Mushrooms: A Case Study on Lethal Amanitas from China A Synopsis of Technical Notes on the Standards for Plant DNA Barcoding Using DNA Barcoding in Genus Tacca (Dioscoreaceae) New technologies used for Panax genus research DNA Barcoding of Acer palmatum (Aceraceae) Identification of nine common medicinal plants from Artemisia L. by DNA barcoding sequences Identification of nine common medicinal plants from Artemisia L. by DNA barcoding sequences Identification of herbal tea ingredient Plumeria rubra and its adulterants using DNA barcoding Identification of Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma and Atractylodis Rhizoma from their adulterants using DNA barcoding Identification of Cimicifugae Rhizoma and its adulterants using ITS2 sequence DNA barcoding identification between Arisaematis Rhizoma and its adulterants based on ITS2 sequences Molecular identification of Aucklandiae Radix, Vladimiriae Radix, Inulae Radix, Aristolochiae Radix and Kadsurae Radix using ITS2 barcode Identification of Albiziae Cortex, Albiziae Flos and their adulterants using ITS2 barcoding Feasibility Study on the Identification of Genus Macromitrium Based on Four Chloroplast Genes DNA barcodes identify Chinese medicinal plants and detect geographical patterns of Sinosenecio (Asteraceae) DNA barcoding of the main cultivated yams and selected wild species in the genus Dioscorea Comparison of four DNA barcodes in identifying certain medicinal plants of Lamiaceae Testing four barcoding markers for species identification of Potamogetonaceae Identification of species within Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) based on DNA Barcoding Techniques DNA barcoding in closely related species: A case study of Primula L. sect. Proliferae Pax (Primulaceae) in China Testing four proposed barcoding markers for the identification of species within Ligustrum L. (Oleaceae) Evaluation of ten plant barcodes in Bryophyta (Mosses) Application of environmental DNA metabarcoding in ecology Screening DNA barcode of quarantine Phytophthora Advances of species identification and quality control for Tibetan medicines Application of DNA barcoding in cannabic identification Detection and identification of the genus Fusarium by DNA barcoding Research strategy on molecular identification of animal medical material Molecular identification of Cynomorii Herba using ITS2 DNA barcoding Molecular Identification of Chaenomeles and Its Closely Related Genera Using ITS2 Sequence Fragments Testing four candidate barcoding markers in temperate woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) DNA Barcoding of the Genus Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae) Research progress on DNA barcoding in medicinal plants DNA barcoding construction of medicinal plants in genus Lycium L. based on multiple genomic segments Molecular identification of six species in Aloe L. based on DNA barcoding Identification of medicinal plants based on mitochondrial DNA sequences Molecular Identification of the Species of Pinellia and Its Adulterants by DNA Barcoding Developing DNA barcodes for species identification in Podophylloideae (Berberidaceae) Are nuclear loci ideal for barcoding plants? A case study of genetic delimitation of two sister species using multiple loci and multiple intraspecific individuals New universal matK primers for DNA barcoding angiosperms High universality of matK primers for barcoding gymnosperms Testing the potential of proposed DNA barcodes for species identification of Zingiberaceae Molecular identification of species in Juglandaceae: A tiered method DNA Barcoding of Gaultheria L. in China (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) The genetic evolutionary relationships of two Eupristina species on Ficus altissima Diversity of Botryosphaeria spp., as Endophytes in Poplars in Beijing, Based on Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units Authentication of DNA barcoding of Scutellaria baicalensis and its related species

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