The agricultural eco-environment of vegetable growing areas in Fuzhou City Changes of Nitrate-N Accumulated in soil profile after changing grain crop land into vegetables land Distribution characteristics of heavy metals in soil profile of facility vegetable fields. Effects of solar greenhouse vegetable cultivation on soil physical quality. Analysis on Import and Export of Vegetable Seed Trade of China Genetic Analysis and Developmental Speciality of Sensory Quality Traits in Vegetable Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill] Selectivity of Frankliniella occidentalis to vegetable hosts Relationship between vegetable nutrition and nitrate content Effects of E-β-farnesene release on the spatial distribution patterns of cabbage aphids and lady beetles Negligible effect of urea-formaldehyde as N fertilizer on the formaldehyde content and edible safety in leafy vegetables Status of heavy metals in vegetable soils under different patterns of land use N and P accumulation status and their leaching potential in vegetable fields in Fujian Province Leaching and transport of nitrate in vegetable production systems in Suburbs of Wuhan Effects of Exogenous Ehitosan on Photosynthesis and Fluorescence Characteristics of Vegetable Soybean under NaCl Stress Soil chemical property changes in vegetable greenhouse fields Nitrite content of common vegetables in Wuhu City Hosts preference of Echinothrips americanus Morgan for different vegetables Allelopathic effects of artemisinin on seed germination and seedling growth of vegetables Life tables for experimental populations of Frankliniella occidentalis on 6 vegetable host plants Selection of vegetable seeds native in China instead of the cress seed for evaluating the maturity of biosolids N2O emissions from vegetable farmland with purple soil and the main factors influencing these emissions EFFECT OF IRRADIATION ON DETECTION OF BACTERIA
Effect of Cadmium Treatment on Cd Absorption and Nutrition Quality of Edible Part in Different Leaf Vegetables A General Review on the Effects of 60Coγ-Rays Irradiation on vitamin C in Fruits and Vegetables NITROGEN USE EFFICIENCY AND FATE OF N FERTILIZERS APPLIED TO OPEN FIELD VEGETABLES THE RAPID BIOLUMINESCENCE ASSAY METHOD FOR CONTENT OF BACTERIA IN DEHYORATED VEGETABLE AND CONDIMENT BEFORE RADIATION Effects of OsPT6 Gene Overexpression on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Vegetable Soybean under Low Phosphorus Conditions A New Vegetable Soybean Cultivar ‘Qingsu 3‘ A New Vegetable Soybean Cultivar ‘Qingsu 3‘ Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of Yunnan Crops Resources Effects of fertilization on the P accumulation and leaching in vegetable greenhouse soil. Effects of superphosphate addition on NH3 and greenhouse gas emissions during vegetable waste composting. Effects of biochar and nitrification inhibitor incorporation on global warming potential of a vegetable field in Nanjing, China. Effects of fertilizer application on greenhouse vegetable yield: A case study of Shouguang City. Effects of vegetable cultivation years on microbial biodiversity and abundance of nitrogen cycling in greenhouse soils. Dynamic characterization of iodine uptake in vegetable plants Primary investigation on the ecological technologies of prevention and cure on diseases and insect pests in protected vegetable production Study on virus identification and controlled effect on some virus diseases in vegetable of Cucurbitaceae The effect of blanching and drying methods on chemical compositions in leafy vegetables A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RADISH-CYTOPLASM MALE STERILE LINES OF RAPE(BRASSICA NAPUS) Studies on Changes of Field - Vegetable Ecosystem under Long-term FixedFertilizer Experiment( Ⅳ) Changes of Field - Vegetable Ecosystem Research Progress Regarding the Effect of Exogenous Selenium on Vegetables The Application of Nanotechnology in Fruits and Vegetables Products and Its Safety and Risk Effects of long-term fertilization on availability of micro-elements in vegetable soil Phosphorus saturation degree of soils on vegetable farms and its effects on soil phosphorus release potential and water quality Comparison of microbiological properties between soils of rice-wheat rotation and vegetable cultivation Effects of sewage sludge compost and compound fertilizers on vegetable yield and heavy metal accumulation Effects of different irrigation and fertilization strategies on soil inorganic N residues in open field of vegetable rotation system Uptake capacity of several vegetable crops to nitrate and ammonium Fractions of phosphorus in cultivated and vegetable soils in northern China Development of a RT-LAMP Method for the Rapid Detection of Cucumber mosaic virus from Vegetables Development of a RT-LAMP Method for the Rapid Detection of Cucumber mosaic virus from Vegetables A Study on the Volatile Flavor Constituents of Sichuan Preserved Vegetable (Brassica juncea Czern et Coss.) Effects of strong reductive approach on remediation of degraded facility vegetable soil. Degradation and bioaccumulation characteristics of ciprofloxacin in soil-vegetable system. Greenhouse tomato transpiration and its affecting factors: Correlation analysis and model simulation. Effects of nitrogen forms and ratios on plant growth, seed antioxidant enzyme activities and reactive oxygen metabolism of vegetable soybean Effects of nitrogen fertilization on nitrate content of spinach under the production safety standard Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizerson N2O emission from greenhouse vegetable soil Effect of vegetablepaddy rice rotation system on N and P utilzation characters and their enrichments in vegetable fields Effects of different fertilizer and irrigation levels on N2O emission from greenhouse vegetable lands Effects of different nutrition management on vegetable growth and runoff characteristics of soil nitrogen in perennial vegetable field Effects of Age, Type of Auxin and Treatment Concentration on Rooting Ability of Larix leptolepis Sucrose Accumulation and Key Enzyme Activities in Different Parts of Seed in Vegetable Soybean Key Components of Eating Quality and their Dynamic Accumulation in Vegetable Soybean Varieties [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Oxygation Enhances Growth, Gas Exchange and Salt Tolerance of Vegetable Soybean and Cotton in a Saline Vertisol Effects of NaCl stress on polyamines metabolism in vegetable soybean. Change characteristics of soil available nitrogen and phosphorus and heavy metal contents after long-term cultivation of vegetables. Influence of vegetable cultivation methods on soil organic carbon sequestration rate Mechanism of nitrification inhibitor on nitrogen-transformation bacteria in vegetable soil Analyses and Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution of Vegetables in Xi‘‘‘‘an Effect of Different Ultra-drying Methods on Vegetable Seeds for Longterm Storage Effect of Different Ultra-drying Methods on Vegetable Seeds for Longterm Storage Effect of rotation patterns on nitrogen leaching loss from protected vegetable soil in Tai Lake region Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on soil nitrogen availability and movement under water and fertilizer saving management in cucumbertomato double cropping system Effects of recycled municipal wastewater irrigation on the bioavailability of Cd in different soils Nitrate nitrogen contents and quality of greenhouse soil applied with different N rates under drip irrigation The research on the enhancement effect of methylated vegetable oil adjuvant on herbicides An Analysis of Selenium Contents of Wild Vegetable in Xishuangbanna Advances in Nutriology of Fruits and Vegetables Products:A Review of the Abstracts of the 28th International Horticultural Congress