Extraction and Identification of Anthocyanins from Brown Cotton Effects of Doubled Carbon Dioxide and Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Growth and Rhizosphere Microorganisms in Soybean (Glycine max Merr.) Effect on nitric oxide messenger under UV-B radiation in Chlorella pyrenoidosa Study on doubled CO2 concentration reduce the inhibition of enhanced UV-B radiation on tomato in plastic greenhouse Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on morphology, physiology and allometry of Amaranthus retroflexus The damage repair effects of He-Ne laser on wheat seedlings exposed to enhanced Ultraviolet-B irradiation Effects of supplementary radiation of UV-B and red light on fruit quality of tomato in winter plastic greenhouse EFFECTS OF THE ENHANCED UV-B RADIATION ON THE MICRONUCLEUS EVENTS OF TRADESCANTIA POLLEN MOTHER CELLS EFFECTS OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION ON THE DEGRADATION OF WHEAT LEAF CHLOROPHYLL UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS Effect of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Growth, Yield and Stable Carbon Isotope Composition in Glycine max Cultivars Expression Activity of CLCuV Bidirectional Promoter in Agrobacterium tumefaciens VEGETATION IN THE LUANHE RIVER BASIN AND SURROUNDING AREAS Effect of Cadmium and Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Soybean Root Excretion Photosynthetic Responses of Plants to Supplementary UV-B Radiation and Sulfite and Their Resistances Effects of a-NAA and UV-B Radiation on the Growth and Transpiration of Trichosanthes kirilowii Seedling ADVANCES IN STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP AMONG POLLEN, VEGETATION AND CLIMATE Effects of Supplementary Uv-B Radiation on Net Photosynthetic Rate in the Alpine Plant Gentiana Straminea Effects of continuous UV-B stress on biological characteristics of green pea aphid A summer maize dressing decision-making model based on effective accumulated temperature Studies on recommended fertilization methods of summer maize in different fluvo-aquic soil texture Comparative studies on soil nitrification inhibition by pyridine compounds Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on basic chemical compositionsof two flue-cured tobacco cultivars Effects of UV-B radiation on biological characteristics of differentcolor pea aphid morphs (Acyrthosiphon pisum) The effect of UV-B radiation on membrane lipid peroxidation and mechanisms in broad bean leaves THE ACCUMULATION OF UV B ABSORBING COM POUNDS IN LEAVES OF SUBTROPICAL PLANTS EFFECTS OF ELEVATED ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION ON THE GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF SOY BEAN Screening and evaluation of ultraviolet protectants for entomopathogenic fungi in laboratory Effects of spring maize and winter cover crop rotation on accumulation of carbon and nitrogen and soil nutrition and microbe in north China Research on the Biocontrol ofM onocham us a lte rna tus Larvaeby B eauve ria bassiana with Severa l Synerg ists Relationship between available K content and K input levels in fluvo-aquic soil under long term fertilization Fertilization of Juvenile Larix kaempferi for NorthernSub??tropicalA lpine Area Effectsof laser pretreatment on cells of broadbean in UV-B-induced damage protection Influence of enhanced UV B radiation on H 2O 2 metabolism in wheat leaves ELECTRONIC SCANNING OBSERVATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY OF INFLORESCENCE IN FOXTAIL MILLET THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO AND ENDOSPERM IN SET ARIA IT ALICA BEAUV Spatial Point Patters of Anabasis aphylla Populations in the Proluvial Fan of South Junggar Basin Sequence Analysis of Mitochondrial Cytb Gene of Four Geographic Populations of Carpomya vesuviana AN EFFECTIVE IN VITRO PROTOCOL FOR INCREASING MYCORRHIZAL FORMATION RATE OF CATHAYA ARGROPHYLLA Effects of UV Irradiation on Accumulation of Anthocyanins and the Activity,Expression of Key Enzyme in Veraison‘Northland’Blueberry Chemical constituents and activities of total flavonoids from Yushen Tang Effects and mechanisms of Simiao pill on adjuvant arthritis rats model Free Radical and Delayed Luminescence of Fibre of Moso Bamboo after UV-B Irradiation Change of Activity of Phenoloxidase and Hemocytes in Apriona germari Larvae Infected by Beauveria bassiana COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON WOOD PROPERTIES OF JUVENILE VS. MATURE WOOD AND PLANTATION VS. NATUREAL FOREST OF MAIN PLANTATION TREE SPECIES IN CHENA Study on breeding and material metabolism of Hemifusus tuba Gmelin Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients on the growth of vegetative cells of Haematococcus pluvialis CG-11 Studies on temperature, illumination and pH of green vegetative cell of Haematococcus pluvialis CG-11 Effect of Vitamin-B1,Vitamin-B12 and Vitamin-H on the growth and carotenoid content of Haematococcus pluvialis Comparative studies on the growth of Haematococcus pluvialis in different culture medium Effects of starvation on development of zoea larvae of the Eriocheir sinensis Effects of different intensity of UV-B irradiation enhancement on photosynthetic pigments and polysaccharide content in two algae The responses of Spirulina maxima and Chlorella minutissima to enchanced UV-B radiation Determination of Lipoxygenase Activity in Barley Grain by UV Spectrophotometry Effects of Nitric Oxide and Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Chlorophy Ⅱ Fluorescence and Rubisco Activase of Chinese Cabbage Seedling Leaf Morphological Characteristics of Five Setaria Species Sesuvium portulacastrum, A Promising Hhalophyte in Research and Application Study on Excellent Strains ofBeauveria bassiana againstNotodontidae inPopulus × euramer icana and Controlling by D ifferent Formulations in Forest The sterility effect of halo propanediol derivative to the male Brandt[WT4"BZ]’[WT4"HZ]s voles The potential effects of UV-radiation on plant diseases Effect of the fungal pathogen, Beauveria bassiana on number and encapsulation of hemocytes in Ostrinia furnacalis larvae Bioactivities and behaviors of lavender and cinnamon oils against carmine spider mite Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) (Acari: Tetranychidae) Balance characteristics of soil organic carbon under different long-term fertilization models in the upland fluvo-aquic soil of North China Effects of biochar on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency in theNingxia Yellow River irrigation region Inhibition of high Mg concentration on seedling growth, free radical metabolism of reactive oxygen and zinc nutrition of maize in saline fluvo-aquic soils Research Progress of Quarantine Pest Carpomya vesuviana Defense Response of Hemolymph in the Apriona germari Larvae to Beauveria bassiana Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis in Spinach Seedlings Under EnhancedUV-B Radiation Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis in Spinach Seedlings Under EnhancedUV-B Radiation Effects of Storage Temperature on Resveratrol and Its Glycosides Content in Grape Berries Skin Following UV-C Irradiation Effects of Storage Temperature on Resveratrol and Its Glycosides Content in Grape Berries Skin Following UV-C Irradiation Traits of Canopy Photosynthesis and Its Influencing Factors of Summer-sowing Millet(Setaria italica Beauv.) Spatial and Temporal Holocene Vegetation Change From Alluvium Pollen Analysis in the Yinma River Basin of Hebei Province PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF WILD FIRE FREQUENCY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES DURING THE HOLOCENE ON THE ALLUVIAL PLAIN OF THE YUNCHENG BASIN MUTANT SCREENING AND MEDIUM OPTIMIZING OF A PHOSPHATE-DISSOLVING BACTERIA STRAIN SCREENING OF RESISTANT Trichoderma STRAINS AND THE Co-INTERACTION WITH CARBENDAZIM Effects of UV-B radiation on the growth and reproduction of Vicia angustifolia. Effects of sandy land water habitat and years after rejuvenation pruning on leaf functional traits of Salix psammophila. Effects of Beauveria bassiana on Myzus persicae and its two predaceous natural enemies. Effects of short term enhanced UV-B radiation on the PSⅡ photochemical efficiency of alpine plant Saussurea superba. Niche comparison of dominant entomopathogenic fungi in three |forest ecosystems.