Research progress on eco-physiological responses of shellfish under ocean acidification and global warming The Relations Between Shell Structures and Kernel Qualities of Juglans regia National and International Seedlac Processing Development and Its Trend Comparative analysis of trace elements in five marine-derived shell TCM using multivariate statistical analysis Establish an Identification Model for Shellfish with the Electronic Nose Pyrolysis Characteristics and Correlation Analysis with the Major Components of Seven Kinds of Nutshell Influence of the Wood Residues Shell‘s Constitution on Releasing Rules of Fertilizer Changes of Lignin Content and Its Related Enzyme Activities in Endocarp#br# During Walnut Shell Development Period CHANGES OF SOME MAIN NUTRITIONAL SUBSTANCES DURING THE DEVELOPMENT COURSE OF EMPTY-SHELL CHESTNUT Degradation of Cellulose of Walnut Shell Based on FTIR Characteristics Approach of the Adhesion Chemical Background of Walnut Shell Changes of Lignin Content and Its Related Enzyme Activities in Endocarp#br# During Walnut Shell Development Period Genetic variation on grain main traits of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) landraces in China Identification of marine-derived shell TCM by near infrared spectroscopy Genera; Introduction to Traditional Methods of Calcining Chinese Shell Drugs Influence of Heating Degrees on Internal Quality of Calcined Shell Drugs Factors Affecting Nutshell Structure of Walnut Preliminary Study on Vascular Plant Flora in Seashell Islands Nature Reserve of the Yellow River Delta A Comparative Study on Anti-ulcer Action of Unprepared and Calcincd Oystcr Shell Preliminary Survey on the Traditional Chinese Drug Shell of Abalone or Sea-ear Root architecture and adaptive strategy of 3 shrubs in Shell Bay in Yellow River Delta Comparison of growth and development of two shell-shape lines of Dalian-population Manila clam Effect of Low-temperature Brine Pretreatment on Shelling of Penaeus Vannamei A STUDY OF THE ORIGIN OF THE STOLON AND EXPANSION OF THE CORM OF SAGITTARIA SAGITTIFOLIA L. Influence of Heating Degrees on Appearance of Calcined Shell Drugs Identification of Turtle Shell, Tortoise Plastron and Their Counterfeit Products STUDY ON IRRADIATION PRESERVATION OF FROZEN SHELLED SHRIMPS Preliminary Isolation and Identification of Allelopathic Compounds from Japropha curcas L. Fruit Shells Chemical Compositions and Antifungi Activities of Pyroligneous Acids from Walnut Shell of Two Species Effect of Simulated Soil Water Change on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Salix matsudana in Shell Sand Habitat Response Characteristics of Stem Sap Flow and Leaf Photosynthesis of Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosus in Response to Soil Moisture in Shell Ridge Island Determination of underivatized glycine and proline in vinegar turtle shell by HPLC-ELSD Effects of Iortoise Plastion and (?)or(?)oise-shell on Body Weight,Water Intake,Urination,Plasma Viscosity Etc.of Hyperthyroidism-Type Yin-Deficiency Rats Analytical Studies on the Chemical Composition and Structure of Abalone Shell Fermentation quality, nutritional values and aerobic stability of the total mixed ration after replacing whole-plant corn with different proportions of bamboo shoot shell Effect of different additives on the quality and nutritional value of bamboo shoot shell silage Nutritional evaluation of cotton shell and ammoniated cotton shell feed on sheep Nutritional evaluation of fennel straw and shell on sheep CHANGES OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONES AND NUTRIENTS OF CHESTNUT OVARY AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS Isolation and HPLC MS analysis insecticidal activity franctions from Japropha curcas fruit shell Water ecology and fractal characteristics of soil particle size distribution of three typical vegetations in Shell Island Effects of marine bacteria on the growth and toxin production of red-tide algae under different pH and salinities A New Early ripening, Precocious and Thin Shell Walnut Cultivar‘Lüzao’ The bacteria distribution on the culture environment of interdial shellfish A New Precocious and Thin ShellWalnut Variety ‘Lüling’ Elfects of T0rtoise Plastron and Tortoise-Shell On Pathoiogy of Thyroid.Thymus.Adrenal arLd Spleen of Hyperihyroidism-Type Yin-Deficiency Rats Effects of environmental factors and clam size on the burrowing behavior of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum EFFECT OF IRRADIATION ON NUTRIENT QUALITY OF THE FROZEN SHELLED SHRIMP STUDY ON THE MODIFICATION OF SHELLAC Study on Changes and Regulations of Endogenous Hormones in Empty-shell Chestnut Ovary Response characteristics of photosynthetic and physiological parameters in Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosus seedling leaves to soil water in sand habitat formed from seashells Investigation on Decomposition of Principal Constituents inCalcined Shell Drugs and Quality of Calcined Drugs of Large-scale Production Extraction and Amplification of DNA from Autoclaved Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle (Trionyx sinensis) Shell and Bone A New Walnut Cultivar‘Longbaoxiang 1’ A New Walnut Cultivar‘Longbaoxiang 1’ Situation of Heavy Metal Pollution and Food Risk Assessment of 3 Kinds of Marine Shellfish Antioxidant Activity of Extracts from the Fruit Shell of Camellia oleifera Preparation and characterization of Indigo Naturalis-Alumen composite particles based on particle design principle

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