Preliminary study on purification function of reed wetland for nutrients from land sources Evaluation on sustainable and highly efficient utilization of agricultural resources in red and yellow soil region of China Population supporting capacity of land resources in Hainan Island Analysis of village-scale eco-agricultural types on hilly plain of central Hubei Province PROSPECT AND CURRENT SITUATION SURVEY OF NUCLEAR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN CHINA MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF AEROSPACE ON Poa pratensis L.Ⅰ——OBSERVATION OF LEAVES ANATOMICAL VARIATION SPACE MUTATION TECHNIQUE AND ITS APPLICATION IN GERMPLASM RESOURCES INNOVATION OF LANDSCAPE PLANTS Research on Survey and Exploitation of Butterfly Resources in Yalongwan, Hainan Island The Ecological Distribution and Resources of Macrofungi \nin Daliangzihe National Forest Park Estimation of Provincial Spatial Distribution Information of Forest Tree Species (Group) Composition Using Multi-Sources Data Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Germplasm by SSR Markers Screening Parent Resources of Hybrid Rice in New Cytoplasm Male Ste- rile System (CMS-FA) Genetic Diversity and Core Collection of Alien Pisum sativum L. Germ-plasm Establishment of an Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Core Collection Based on Geographical Distribution and Phenotypic Data in China Investigation of Paeonia sinjiangensis resources using remote sensing and expert knowledge Medicinal mammals resources in Yancheng nature reserve, Jiangsu province

WANG Jia-lian
Study on methods of dynamic monitoring of traditional
Chinese medicine resources
STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS AND RESOURCES UTILIZATION OF THE VOLATILE OILS FROM JUNIPERUS RIGIDA Cytogenetic Characteristics and Resistance to Stripe Rust of Derivatives from Hybrid between Triticum monococcum and Wild Oat Germplasm Resources and Diversity of Medicinal Vascular Plants in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province Preliminary Evaluation and Screening of Non-food Biodiesel Plant Resources of Lauraceae in China THE REGIONOL DISTRIBUTION AND PRODUCTIVITY STRUCTURE OF THE CHINESE GRASSLAND RESOURCES Study on Phenotypic Diversity of Caragana korshinskii Investigation and Propagation Characteristics of Native Ornamental Grass Resources in Beijing Research and Improvement in Germplasm Resources of Cynodon dactylon Germplasm Resources of Genus Poa Beijing Area On the harmonious mode to transform resource-based cities into eco-cities:A case study of the eco-city planning of Tongling SURVEY OF ECOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRECIOUS PLANT CRUDE DRUGS IN CHINA Study on Volatile Flavor Components of Loquat Juice Fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum R23 Research on Web-based land resources data sharing Characters of natural resources and environment of ecotone and its countermeasures of sustainable development Reasonable exploitation of climatic resources to develop vegetable industry in Guangzhou Mycorrhizas of horticultural crops and its application in eco-agriculture. Reform of environmental policy in China On the compensation mechanism of forest ecological resources Construction of eco-agriculture for promoting sustainable agricultural development Outline of the eco-economic region Effect of different VAMF on red clover(Trifolium pratense L.) in utilizing organic phosphorus Spatial pattern of forest resources sustainable exploitation The spatial pattern and influence caused by water resources in arid desert oases Analysis on the resource allocation structure of Spartina alternifora ecological engineering from the emergy benefits aspect STUDY ON SPATIAL PATTERN OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS FOR CASTANOPSIS FARGOSII FOREST IN NORTHEASTERN GUANGXI ECOLOGY,DISTRIBUTION AND RESOURCES OF POLYPORES IN CHINA Special Wild Fruit Tree Germplasm and Its Distribution in Yunnan Special Wild Fruit Tree Germplasm and Its Distribution in Yunnan Research Progress of Collection, Preservation and Innovation of Tropical Forage Germplasm Resources Variation Analysis of Drought Resistance of Germplasm Resources of Zoysia Willd. in Chinese Main Region Dynamic Characteristic of Vegetation Coverage in the Three-River Source Region from 2000 to 2011 Ethnobotanical Valuation on Medicinal Plant Resources in Ludian Administrative Village,Lijiang County, Yunnan Province The Species Diversity of Plants and Agrobiodiversity Dynamism of Traditional Knowledge and Practice on the Management of Quercus Fuel Forest at Shabadi, Tengchong County Application of bioinformatics in study of Chinese medicine resources Research and investigation in medicine of Baima Tibetan in Pingwu Sichuan Development trend of traditional Chinese medicine resources Studies on germplasm resources of Dendrobium chrysanthum using ISSR marker Effect of C, N sources and C/N ratio on the solubilization of rock phosphate by some microorganisms Cryopreservation Technique of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Germplasm Resources by Vitrification Screening for Good Quality Rice Germplasm Resources Resistant to Rice Blast Preliminary investigation on Tibetan Medicinal Herb Present situation of studies on resources of podophyllotoxin Distribution Characteristics, Flowering and Seeding of Dendrocalamus sinicus in Yunnan, China The Seed Plants Flower Resources in Western Slope of Sejila Mountain, Tibet, China Forest Volume Estima tion Method for Sma ll Area s Ba sedon k-NN and Landsa t Da ta Landscape Pa ttern and Function Ana lysis for theWa ter ResourcesConserva tion Forests of the Gongbiela RiverWa tershed by GIS Characteristics of wild Lonicera Japonica Flosgermplasm resources in Southwest Zhejiang Province Establishment and development of discipline for resources chemistryof Chinese materia medica Analysis on genetic diversity of Curculigo orchioides from different habitats by ISSR Analysis on genetic diversity of Curculigo orchioides from different habitats by ISSR Research progress on germplasm resources of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Genetic diversity of germplasm resources of Gentiana straminea from Tibet of China SRAP analysis on genetic diversity for germplasm resources of Dipsacus asper Changes of China agricultural climate resources under the background of climate change. Ⅳ. Spatiotemporal change characteristics of agricultural climate resources in sub-humid warm-temperate irrigated wheat-maize agricultural area of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. Changes of China agricultural climate resources under the background of climate change. VII. Change characteristics of agricultural climate resources in arid and semi-arid region of Tibet Plateau. An Introduction to Metagenome Databases of Environmental Microbiology Molecular Biology Research of Amur Grape(Vitis amurensis Rupr.) The method for evaluation of cabbage resistance to Fusarium wilt and screen the sources at the seedling stage Vascular Plant Resources and Their Diversity in Changbai Mountains Survey scheme of the main Chinese medicines resources Application of "3S" technologies in continuous usage of traditional Chinese medicine resources Medicinal plant resources of the Chinese endemic genera of seed plants