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Resource competition in maize/soybean intercropping system.
Effects of different tillage and fertilization modes on the soil physical and chemical properties and crop yield under winter wheat/spring corn rotation on dryland of east Gansu, Northwest China.
Fungal population structure and its biological effect in rhizosphere soil of continuously cropped potato.
Impacts of drought stress on the growth and development and grain yield of spring maize in Northeast China.
Effects of different sowing dates and low-light stress at heading stage on the physiological characteristics and grain yield of hybrid rice.
Responses of spring corn growth and yield in a cold area of China to field warming at nighttime during preanthesis stage.
Effects of different cultivation modes on the leaf photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer-sowing peanut.
Effects of vegetable residue compost returning to soil on soil properties and vegetable yield in solar greenhouse.
Effects of nitrogen application rates on nitrogen uptake and utilization of direct-seeded cotton after wheat harvest.
The Ozone Component of Global Change: Potential Effects on Agricultural and Horticultural Plant Yield, Product Quality and Interactions with Invasive Species
Presowing Seed Treatment with Cytokinins and Its Effect on Growth, Photosynthetic Rate, Ionic Levels and Yield of Two Wheat Cultivars Differing in Salt Tolerance
Effects of plant polysaccharide compound agents on the photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter of soybean.
Effect of tillage patterns on the structure of weed communities in oat fields in the cold and arid region of North China.
Response of Olsen-P to P balance in yellow soil upland of southwestern China under long-term fertilization.
Influences of micro-irrigation and subsoiling before planting on enzyme activity in soil rhizosphere and summer maize yield.
Effects of ridge-cultivation and plastic film mulching on root distribution and yield of spring maize in hilly area of central Sichuan basin, China.
Effects of cultural factors on yield of
Linum usitatissimum
(Tianya 9).
Flag leaf photosynthetic characteristics, change in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and their relationships with yield of winter wheat sowed in spring.
Effects of rootstocks on the growth and berry quality of
Vitis vinifera
cv. Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine in Changli zone, Hebei Province, China.
Effects of single-seed sowing on canopy microenvironment, photosynthetic characteristics and pod yield of peanut (
Arachis hypogaca).
Effects of supplemental irrigation based on soil moisture on photosynthetic characteristics and enzyme activity of flag leaf in wheat.
Response of photosynthesis and growth to weak light regime in different Adzuki bean (
Vigna angularis
) varieties.
Studies on the Relationship between Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis Rate and Grain Yield in High Yielding Summer Corn(Zea may L.)
Relationship between Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Grain Yield in Spring Wheat Cultivated under Different Water Regimes
Effects of two phenolic acids on root zone soil nutrients, soil enzyme activities and pod yield of peanut.
Effects of different tillage methods on tea garden soil physical characteristics and tea yield.
Effects of spacing on the yields and canopy structure of japonica rice at full heading stage.
Effects of LED qualities on quality and antioxidation capacity of eggplant fruits.
Effects of cultivation patterns on the radiation use and grain yield of winter wheat.
Effects of maize plant types on dry matter accumulation characteristics and yield of soybean in maizesoybean intercropping systems.
Effects of sowing depth on seedling traits and root characteristics of summer maize.
Effects of longterm mixed application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on canopy apparent photosynthesis and yield of winter wheat.
Effects of tillage and straw returning on microorganism quantity, enzyme activities in soils and grain yield.
Impact of temperature increment before the over-wintering period on growth and development and grain yield of winter wheat.
Effects of climate change on flax development and yield in Guyuan of Ningxia, Northwest China.
Effects of irrigation and planting patterns on photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaf and yield at late growth stages of winter wheat.
Characteristics of dry matter production and nitrogen accumulation in barley genotypes with high nitrogen utilization efficiency.
Effects of plant polysaccharides-containing compound agents on yield and matter accumulation and transportation of winter wheat.
Effects of UV-B radiation on the growth and reproduction of
Vicia angustifolia
Effects of different water harvesting modes on alfalfa planting in semi-arid areas of Northwest China.
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