A Preliminary Study on the Formation of Saline-Alkali Plant Communities in the Song-Nen Plain Multivariate Linear Model for Distribution of Plant Community and Environment Patterns of Clonal Growth in Leymus chinensis Population Technologies of saline alkali soil amelioration in Huanghe-Huaihe-Haihe Plain-A case study on Pingyuan Experimental Plot in Northwest Shandong Effect of planting Slenderstalk altingia under the canopy of sprout of Chinese fir on the soil humus and soil structure Ecological efect of retnrning corn stalks to the field and applying fertilizer in autumn in dry land Seasonal variation of alkaline hydrolysis N in marsh soils in Xianghai wetlands Effects of mixed salt and alkali stress on seed germination of Brassica chinensis L. Effects of Different Phosphorus on the Growth and Alkaline Phospohatase Activity in Phaeocystis Globosa Research and Application of Saline-alkaline Tolerance Indexes of Peanut Effects of Saline-alkali Stress on Nitrogen Metabolism Activity and Root Yield and Sugar Content of Suger Beet TIMBER PRODUCTIVITY OF YOUNG MONGOLIAN SCOTS PINE PLANTATION IN EASTERN MOUNTAIN REGIONS OF NORTHEAST CHINA Effect of Poplar Plantation on Soil Amelioration in Severe Saline-alkali Soil Organ-specific Distribution of Alkaloid Accumulations in Catharanthus roseus Artificially Cultivated in Fuyang,Zhejiang Province and Wenchang,Hainan Province Impact of Exogenous Potassium Levels on the Growth and Alkaloid Accumulations of Catharanthus roseus Cloning of Coding Sequence of Glutamin Synthetase from Polygonum sibiricum Laxm. and Its Expression under Alkali Salinity Stress GGE-Biplot Analysis on Gene Expression of Seven Key Genes Mediating Biosynthesis of Steroidal Glycoalkaloid in Potato Studies on Dynamic Change of Alkaloids Contents and Expression of the Associated Biosynthetic Genes in Catharathus roseus Leaves Effects of additional nitrogen on litter decomposition in Stipa baicalensis grassland Effect of fermention on ethanol production from fresh sweet corn stalks Cloning and sequence analysis of terminase gene of glycoalkaloid biosynthesis
metabolismic pathway in potato
Effects of different saline-alkali grassland on the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Elymus dahuricus Effect of Improvment Methods for Saline-alkalin Grasslands on Nitrogen Metabolism of Astragalus adsurgens Effects of Complex Salt and Alkali Conditions on Seed Germination and Seedling Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Alfalfa Stress Resistence of Alfalfa Rhizobium from Different Soil Types Studies on the Change of Flavone Contents and Its Distribution in Ginkgo biloba Leaves CHANGES OF SEVERAL OSMOTICA IN PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA SEEDLING UNDER ALKALI SALT STRESS Cloning of a Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase Promoter from Jatropha curcas and Construction of Expression Vector Cloning and Expression of cDNA Encoding Key Enzymes (DXR,SLS,G10H and STR) in Terpene Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis Pathway from Catharanthus roseus Profiles of Purine Metabolism and Purine Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Schima and Eurya Plants Establishment of Marker-assisted Selection System for Breeding Rice Varieties With High Resistant Starch Content Physiological Effects of Maize Stalk Decomposition Liquid on Seedlings and Detection of Phenolic Allelochemical Ingredients Steroidal Alkaloids from Sarcococca vagans A Cytochemical Study of ACPase and ALPase Activity in the Laminar Hair Cells of Bresenia shreberi Difference Between Salt(NaCl)and Alkaline(Na2CO3)Stresses on Puccinellia tenuiflora(Griseb. )Scribn. et Merr. Plants Alkaloidal Constituents from Aerial Parts of Delphinium grandiflorum L. Stress Effects of Mixed Salts with Various Salinities on the Seedlings of Aneurolepidium chinense Citric Acid Accumulation in an Alkali-tolerant Plant Puccinellia tenuiflora Under Alkaline Stress Expression of Recombinant Tryptophan Decarboxylase in Different Subcellular Compartments in Tobacco Plant Studies on the Alkaloids of Alseodaphne hainanensis Merr Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Erycibe hainanesis A Study on the Alkaloidal Components from Delphinium gyalanura Marq. et Shaw Three New Steroidal Alkaloids from Pachysandra axillaris Effects of al穔ali-stress on Aneurolepidium chinense and Helianthus annuus Dynamics of bud flow and bud bank of Phragmites communis population in dry land habitat of alkalinized meadow in the Songnen Plains of China Field distribution pattern and metabolic activity of AM fungi and their effects on Ipomoea batatas growth Adaptability of abnormal tadpole (Rana chensinensis) to water pH,salinity and alkalinity in Changbai Mountain of China Amelioration of secondary bare alkali-saline patches in Songnen Plain through inserting cornstalk. Dynamics of indole alkaloids in wheat varieties with various resistance to wheat aphid Sitobion avenae Influences on the seed germination and growth with addition of kriliums in saline-alkali soil Effects of different water conditions on life cycle forms and physiological metabolisms of Catharanthus roseus Chemical Constituents of Near Ripe Fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa var. bodinieri APORPHINE ALKALOIDS OF LITSEA ROTUNDIFOLIA AND L. ROTUNDIFOLIA VAR. OBLONGIFOLIA Cloning and sequence analysis of upstream region of cyp51 gene from Ustilago maydis Effect of interplanting halophyte in cotton fields with drip irrigation under film to improve saline-alkali soil Effects of saline alkali stress and nitrogen supply on germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa Antifeedant Effects of Alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroids on the Feeding Behavior of Plagiodera versicolora Establishment of The Estimation Model of K Content of Sambucus canadensis Root under Saline-Alkali Stress Effects of Meteorological Factors on Stalk Elongation in New-planting and Ratooning Sugarcane Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Neutral/alkaline Invertase Gene (CsINV10) in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze) THE ALKALOIDS OF RAUWOLFIA YUNNANENSIS TSIANG ALKALOIDS OF CORYDALIS DELAVAYI FRANCH A STEROIDAL GLYCOALKALOID OF NOTHOLIRI0N BULBULIFERUM A NEW DITERPENOID ALKALOID 8-DEACETYL-YUNACONITINE FROM THE ROOTS 0F ACONITUM FORRESTII STUDY ON THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURES AND BIOACTIVE SCREENING OF PACHYSANDRA ALKALOIDS A New Minor Diterpenoid Alkaloid from Spiraea japonica var.acuta Dynamic changes of alkaloid content in aerial part of Sophora alopecuroides at different phenological phases Effect of flavonoids in Araliae Echinocaulis Radicis et Cortex on osteoporosis induced by retinoic acid in rats Chemical constituents from roots of Goniothalamus cheliensis (II) Response of Alkaloids Content of Nature Phellodendron amurense from Different Vegetation Areas to Seasonal Change Analysis on the Dynamic Relationships between Plant Community Characteristicsand Soil Factors in Western Songnen Saline-alkaline Grassland Progress in genetic and breeding research on rice chalkiness Effects of alkalinity and pH on the survival, growth and neonate production of two strains of Moina mongolica Daday Process of Cell Biology of Isoquinoline Alkaloid Biosynthesis, Transport and Storage A Rapid Method for Quantitative Analysis of Alkaloids in Epimedium Effects of curing methods on conversion rate of nicotine and TSNAs contents of tobacco Response of salt tolerance of different salt-tolerant plants to flue gas desulphurization waste and a comprehensive evaluation of salt tolerance of plants Application of environmental materials in agricultural production and environmental treatment Alfalfa seeding root characteristics under complex saline-alkali stress Characteristics and selection of efficient lignocellulose degradation microbial community