Molecular biology and metabolic engineering of tropane alkaloids biosynthesis Screening for five alkaloids as reversal agents against gastric cancer multiple drug resistance and study on their mechanism Screening for five alkaloids as reversal agents against gastric cancer multiple drug resistance and study on their mechanism Correlation between toxicity and changes of alkaloids in combination of Veratrum nigrum and ginseng Chemical constituents in roots and stems of Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii Determination of ferulic acid and deoxyschisandrin in Compound Ziziphi Spinosae Semen Soft Capsule by HPLC Effects of three kinds of volatile oils on in vitro percutaneous penetration of total alkaloids in Strychni Semen transdermal patches Effects of three kinds of volatile oils on in vitropercutaneous penetration of total alkaloids in Strychni Sementransdermal patches Absorption characteristic of total alkaloids from Sophora flavescens and their monomers in Caco-2 cell model Effects of alkaloids from Coptidis Rhizoma on mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro Study on chemical constituents of Achillea alpina Screening of different AFLP fragments between near-isogenic lines of male sterile and fertile Salvia miltiorrhiza and their comparison analysis Studies on chemical constituents of rhizomes of Sophora tonkinensis Chemical constituents of Physalis alkekengivar. franchetii(Ⅱ) Alkaloid constituents of Fritillaria cirrhosa Relationship between apoptosis and [Ca2+]_i in HepG2 induced by Capparis spinosa alkaloid Chemical constituents of Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii Chemical constituents of Ophiorrhiza rosea Extracting of alkaloids from Nelumbo nucifera leaves by multi-stage countercurrent extraction Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Fruit Length and Stalk Length in Cucumber Using RIL Population The effect of high-grain diets on small intestinal fermentation, morphological structure and microbial flora in goats Relativity among starch quantity, polysaccharides content and total alkaloid content of Dendrobium loddigesii Chemical studies on alkaloids of Chinese medicinal herbs Daphniphyllum macropodum Study on chemical constituents from branches and leaves of Polyalthia nemoralis Analysis on clivorine from alkaloid in aqueous extract of Ligularia hodgsonii and its hepatotoxicity in rats Chemical constituents from roots of Goniothalamus cheliensis (II) In vivo pharmacokinetics of total alkaloids from seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica after transdermal administration to mice Diterpene alkaloids from roots and processed products of Aconitum pendulum Taw new alkaloids from roots of Zanthoxylum nitidum Advances in studies on antimicrobial activities of alkaloids Synthesis of 8-alkyl-13-bromo-berberine hydrochloride derivatives and their effect on proliferation of human HepG2 cell line Chemical constituents from fruit body of Lactarius vellereus In vivo pharmacokinetics of total alkaloids from seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica after transdermal administration to mice A new aporphine alkaloid in leaves of Nelumbo nucifera AFLP fingerprinting of Pinellia ternata and its application General situation of the toxicity researches on Senecio Constituents in the alkaloid fraction of Kushen decoction Studies on constituents from root and stem of Ervatamia hainanensis Determination of three kind of diester diterpenoid alkaloids (DDAs) in Aconitum carmichaeli and its processed products by HPLC Comparison on growth, physiology and medicinal components of Dendrobium huoshanense hybrid and its parents Studies on the alkaloids from the herb of Corydalis adunca Effects of four species of endophytic fungi on the growth and polysaccharide and alkaloid contents of Dendrobium nobile A study on the hairy root culture and antitumor alkaloids production of Catharanthus roseus In vitro effects of BUSHEN JIANGU DECOCTION on proliferation, alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin composition of osteoblasts of rat Determination of hupzine A in Huperzia serrata by HPLC Studies on conditions of tissue culture and accumulation of alkaloids at different period in Fritillaria mellea Studies on alkaloids from seed of Calonyction muricatum Chemical composition of Fissistigma bracteolatum Chemical constituents of ZHENTONG TANG Comparison of four extracting methods for Jiaotai Pill Effects of total alkaloids from Rhizoma Corydalis Decumbentis on scopolamine and D-galactose-induced learning and memory impairment in rats. Effect of total alkaloids of Equisetum pratense on amino acid neurotransmitters and Ach of striatum in rat brain Advances in extraction of alkaloids by super critical fluid extraction Effect of phenolic acids isolated from Sambucus williamsii on proliferation and differentiation of rat osteobIastic UMRl06 cells Detection on Manganese Peroxidase Activity and Cloning of Cu-mnp1 of Cerena unicolor Effects of Medium Components on the Growth and Secondary Metabolites Contents in Adventitious Roots of Tripterygium wilfordii Effects of Alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroides on Oviposition Behavior of Plagiodera versicolora Study on quality standard of Sophora flavescens root extract Aporphine alkaloids from Litsea greenmaniana Comparative metabolism of three amide alkaloids from Piper longum in five different species of liver microsomes Proteome analysis on differential expression of liver proteins from Oncomlania hupensis induced by Eomecon chionanthe alkaloids Effect of flavonoids in Araliae Echinocaulis Radicis et Cortex on osteoporosis induced by retinoic acid in rats Effects of total alkaloid of Sophora alopecuroides on serum IL- and IL-4expression in mice with acute ulcerative colitis Evaluation on SMEDDS of effective parts from Jiaotai pills in vitro and in vivo Hasubanan type alkaloids in Stephania hernandifolia Metabolism,transformation and distribution of Coptis chinensis total alkaloids in rat Preparation of sustained release microspheres containing extracts from Caulis sinomenii with polylactic acid and their release property in vitro Alkaloids and lignans from stems of Piper betle Alkaloids of Daphniphyllum angustifolium Effect of additives on absorption of Coptis chinensis total alkaloids and pharmacokinetics in mice Preliminary study of fertilizer effect on yield and quality
of Fritillaria ussuriensis
Influence of H2O2 on degradation of residual pesticides and constituents in Radix Sophorae Flavescentis Study on chemical constituents in rhigome of Ervatamia hainanensis Chemical constituents from leaves of Morus multicaulis Studies on chemical constituents of Cynanchum forrestii Analysis of chemical constituents of anti-myocardial ischemia fraction of Corydalis yanhusuo Study on active components alignment of alkaloids in extractive of folium aconiti kusnezoffii by ESI-MS Studies on chemical constituents from roots of Mirabilis jalapa Chemical structure of complexes formed by acid and alkaline components of pair medicines in decoction Studies on Chemical structure of complexes compounds formed by acid and alkaline components of pair medicines in decoction