Resistant Identification of Stalk Rot and Head Smut for Introduced U.S. GEM Germplasm in Maize Identification on purine alkaloids of representative tea germplasms in China Methodology and Screen of Saline-alkaline Tolerance in Sorghum Accessions Identification and Evaluation of Stalk Quality Traits in Maize Inbred Lines Chemical constituent change regulation of processed aconite during decoction and discussion on time limit of decoction based on metabolomics Research progress in study on chemical constituents in plants of Incarvillea Juss. and their pharmacological activities Carbazole alkaloids from Clausena excavata and their antitumor activity Two new steroidal alkaloids from bulbs of Fritillaria pallidiflora Comparison on celluar anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory activities of seven derivative combinations of Yaotongning with alkaloid as main part and in vivo pharmacodynamic evaluation on optimized candidate combination Phytochemical and pharmacological progress on Tibetan medicine Hypecoi Erecti Herba and plants of Hypecoum L. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Promoters in hsp90 and hsp17.66 Genes from Ageratina adenophora Chemical Constituents from Nauclea officinalis Establishment of the Exogenous Gene Expression System Based on Atropabelladonna Hairy Roots Ecological effect of peat and weathered coal on alkali-saline soil Progress in studies on alkylphenolic acids in Ginkgo biloba preparation The absorption and identification of volatiles from pine needles of Pinus massoniana Lamb.damaged by Dendrolimus punctatus(Walker) and the antennal responses of female Blepharipa zebina(Walker) to these volatile compounds Study on chemical constituents of Picrasma quassioides Simultaneous quantitation of adonifoline and senecionine in Senecio herbs by UPLC-MS Determination and comparison of plasma protein binding rate of alkaloids from seed of Strychnou nux-vomica Pyrrolizidine alkaloids of Senecio cannabifolius var. integrilifolius Study on transmission rate and quantitative structure-property relationships of alkaloids and iridoid compounds on UF membranes with MWCOS of 1 000 Physicochemical properties and skin penetration in vitro of total alkaloids of Sophora flavescens nanoemulsion Promoting Effects of the Total Alkaloids of Sophora alopecuroides on Tree Growth Insecticidal Effects of Extracts from Polygonum orientale L. and Their Action Ways against Mythimna separate Walker The Physiological Response of Lily to NaHCO3 Stress Effect of Ca2+ on growth in protocorm-like bodies of Pinellia ternata and accumulation of secondary metabolites during suspension culture Separation and preparation of alkaloids in Nelumbinis Folium by pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography Synthesis and in vitro glucose-lowering effect of 8-alkyl-coptisine Separation and preparation of alkaloids in Nelumbinis Folium by pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography Application of high-speed counter-current chromatography in separation and purification for alkaloids in natural products Advances in studies on antifungal natural compounds Isolation and structure identification of alkaloid and quassinoids from root bark of Ailanthus altissima Comparative study on extraction method of Zuojin Pills Quantitative analysis of multi-components with single marker for determination of alkaloids in Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex Comparative study on extraction method of Zuojin Pills Quantitative analysis of multi-components with single marker for determination of alkaloids in Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex Optimized compatibility of sedative-hypnotic components in Ziziphi Spinosae Semen by uniform design Advances in studies on chemical constituents in marine sponges of genus Plakortis Schulze and their bioactivties Compatible effects of Corydalis Rhizoma and Angelicae Dahuricae Radix components on enzymatic reaction kinetics of dl-tetrahydropalmatine in rat liver microsomes Advances in studies on patch with alkaloids of Chinese materia medica Investigation on structure of protopine alkaloid ion-pair compounds Separation and purification technology for total alkaloids from Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis with cation exchange resin Enrichment of total flavonoids from Sophora flavescens with polyamide-macroporous resin Study on HPLC fingerprinting and determine six kinds of ester-type alkaloids of Radix Aconiti lateralis praeparata slice Investigation on representation methods of dissolubility property of total alkaloid extract from Peganum harmala Pharmaceutical properties of novel liposomes containing total alkaloidsfrom seed of Strychnos nux-vomica Determination of four alkaloids in Corydalis decumbens by HPLC Pharmacokinetics of brucine in rats after intravenous administration of liposomes containing total alkaloids from seed of Strychnos nux-vomica Simultaneous characterization of two types of major active components in Kushen by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to multi-stage mass spectrometry Analysis on changes of chemical compounds in different processed products of Euodiae Fructus Studies on absorption kinetics characteristics of diterpenoid alkaloids in rats after oral administration of Sini Tang powder Nicotine N-demethylase gene and its application in tobacco breeding Cloning and sequence analysis of full length of mulberry (Morus alba) actin gene Insecticidal activity of total alkaloid from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook against Mythimna separate Study on Bioactive Compounds of Leontice kiangnanensis Influences of Potamogeton crispus L.on Phosphorus Status in Lake Sediments Alkaloids from fermentation product in Strychni Semen Advances in studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Alstonia scholaris Effects of Various Pressures and Temperatures of Steam on the Alkaloid Content of Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb. Studies on the Quality of Unguentun Coptidis Compositum Determination and Contrastion of Alkaloids and Saponins in Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae and in Other Beimus Determination of Four Alkaloids in Berberis Plants By HPLC The interference in correlated molecular mechanism obtained multi-drug resistance of mouse S180 ‘ s tumour cell for different alkaloid Studies on chemical constituents in bark of Dictamnus dasycarpus Studies on the alkaloids from stem of Artabotrys hainanensis Hepatoprotective effects of Gentiana scabra on the acute liver injuries in mice Studies on the anticancer effects of total alkaloid from Viscum coloratum Studies on chemical constituents from leaves of Isatis indigotica STUDIES ON THE ALKALOID CONSTITUENTS FROM ACONITUM KARAKOLICUM RAP. Neuroprotection of Veratrum nigrum var. ussurience alkaloids on focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats Study on chemical constituents of Thalictrum elegans ESI-MS characteristic spectra of alkaloids inBulbus Fritillariae Analgesic sites of total alkaloids in Papaver nudicaule Effect of Solanum nigrum alkaloid on membrane fluidity and membrane protein level of tumor cells in H22 tumor-bearing mice Yield and quality of Coptis chinensis from different varieties Isolation and identification of two related alkaloids in Huangyangning Effect of Solanum nigrum total alkaloid on sialic acid and blocking degree of erythrocyte membrane in S180 mice Chemical constituents and their pharmacological research progress in medicinal plants of Glechoma Linn. Advances in studies on chemical constituents in plants of Cephalotaxus ZUCC and their pharmacological activities Effects of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium on seedling growth and stachydrine and total alkaloid from Leonurus japonicus