Separation and purification of total alkaloid from Rhizoma Coptidis by macroreticular adsorbent resin Analysis of aconitine alkaloids in compatible application of Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata with different flavour herbs by ESI-MS spectrometry Difference in Chalky Characters of the Grains at Different Positions within a Rice Panicle Physiological Response of Xiaobingmai (Triticum aestivum -Agropyron intermedium) to Salt-Stress and Alkali-Stress Relationship between Main Chemical Components in Leaf and Leaf Length in Different Positions in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) QTL Mapping and Interaction Analysis for 1000-Grain Weight and Percentage of Grains with Chalkiness in Rice Distribution of Sugar Content in Corn Stalk Chemical constituents from Paraixeris serotina Analysis of alkaloids in Nelumbo nucifera leaves by solid phase extraction-rapid resolution liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry Chemical constituents from Paraixeris serotina Analysis of alkaloids in Nelumbo nucifera leaves by solid phase extraction-rapid resolution liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry Isolation and structure identification of alkaloid and quassinoids from root bark of Ailanthus altissima Alcohol-purification technology and its particle sedimentation process in manufactory of Fufang Kushen injection Anti-inflammatory Effect of Aconitines Application of Equal Value Derivative Spectrophotometry to the Determination of Coptis Alkali in Wanshi NiuhuangQingxin Pills Studies on the Toxic Principles of Oxytropis glarbra DC Diterpenoid Alkaloids of Aconitum sinomontanum var. angustius W. T. Wang Determination of Total Alkaloid in Seedling Bulbs of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. Studies on the Alkaloidal Components of Polygala tenuifolia Willd. Determination of Alkaloids and Comparison of the Acute Toxicity of Differently Processed Products of the seeds of Strychnos nux-v omica L. Studies on Optimum for Extracting Total Alkalolds in Datura metel L. Tissue Culture of Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Indole alkaloids from Ervatamia hainanensis Analysis on active components alignment in dried seedling of Aconitum kusnezoffii by ESI-MS~n Distribution of Benzylisoquinolines in Magnoliidae and Other Taxa Effects of complex salt-alkali stress on the physiological characteristics of Miscanthus sinensis and M. sacchariflora Resource investigation and quality evaluation on wild Corydalis yanhusuo Study on direct electrochemical behaviors and the electroanalytical method of matrine type alkaloids at glassy carbon electrode Protective effects of total alkaloids from rhizoma Coptis chinensis on alcohol-induced gastric lesion in rats Study on preparation technology of plumula nelumbinis alkaloid dripping pill and determination of content by HPLC Study on separation and purification of total alkaloids and mesaconitine with X-5 macroporous resin Studies on the alkaloids of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Influence on rat intestinal absorption of huanglian alkalis after match pair of
huanglian wuzhuyu
Effects of Saline-Alkaloid Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Grasses The n-alkane Distribution and Crystal Morphology of Epicuticular Wax in Seven Species of Polygonaceae Seed Germination and Physiological Responses of Agropyron cristatum ‘Tawukumu’ under Alkali Stress Effect of Different Application Rates Vinegar Residues on Saussurea runcinata Growing and Chemical Properties of Soil Effects of Reseeding Chloris virgata and Hordeum brevisublatum and Mulching Pulverized Corn Straw on the Activities of Soil Enzymes in Saline-alkali Grassland Studies on the Change of Flavone Contents and Its Distribution in Ginkgo biloba Leaves Studies on the Pharmacological Action of Various Processed Mylabris phalerata Pallas Chemical Evaluation of Vinegar-Processing Method for Fresh Rhizoma Corydalis Comparison of Constituents and Alkaloid Contents in Rhizoma Coptidis before and after Processing Bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids from roots of Thalictrum atriplex Advances in studies on alkaloid constituents and their pharmacological effect in plants of Sophora Linn. Relationship between analgesic effect of total alkaloids inPapaver nudicauleand prostaglandins with opium receptors Alkaloids isolated from Buyang Huanwu Decoction and their structure identification Purification of Rhizoma Corydalis Decumbentis total alkaloids by ultrafiltration membrane technology Analysis of alkaloids by high performance capillary electrophoresis Review on anticancer mechanism of some plant alkaloids Survey on chemical constituents and physiological activities of Evodia Forst. plants Effects of Veratrum nigrum var.ussuriense alkaloids on platelet aggregation and time of coagulation and bleeding Anti-diabetic mechanism of alkaloids in Coptis chinensis Alka loid con stituen ts from root of Acon itum coreanum Effectiveness of alkaline fertilizer on the control of banana Fusarium wilt and regulation of soil acidity in banana orchard Effects of nitrogen form on the growth and accumulation of total alkaloid and free total organic acids of Pinellia ternata Effect of potassium on sugar metabolism in resistant response to corn stalk rot TLC Fingerprint of Rhizomata of Coptis spp. Effect of Processing on the Extraction of Alkalkaloids from Strychnos Optimization of the Processing Technology of Aconitum kusnezoffii Orthogonal Test Quality Standards of Effervescent Granules for Arresting Cold Pain Studies on Alkaloids in the Flowers of Sophora viciifolia Hance Suspension Culture of Protocorm-like Bodies from the Endangered Medicinal Plant Dendrobium huoshanenese Advances in Studies on Chemical Constituents of Seneclo Response of Pinus massoniana Leaf Area Index (LAI) to Climate Indicators in Fujian Province Primary Study on Characteristics of Leymus chinensis in Two Soil Types Effects of the Growth of Cultivated Puccinellia tenuiflora on Physical Characteristics of Alkali Soil Evolutionarily Conserved DELLA-mediated Gibberellin Signaling in Plants Eco-physiological Characteristics of Alfalfa Seedlings in Response to Various Mixed Salt-alkaline Stresses ALK, The Key Gene for Gelatinization Temperature, is a Modifier Gene for Gel Consistency in Rice Cloning of a Vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase Gene from the Halophyte Suaeda corniculata whose Heterologous Overexpression Improves Salt, Saline-alkali and Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis Identification of a Stable Quantitative Trait Locus for Percentage Grains with White Chalkiness in Rice (Oryza sativa) Improvement of plant abiotic stress tolerance through modulation of the polyamine pathway Preparation and anti-oxidative activity of hydroxytyrosol by alkaline hydrolysis of oleuropein Effect of Ampelopsis Radix on dissolution of main chemical constituents in Aconiti Radix Cocta based on RRLC-Q-TOF-MS technology Diterpene alkaloids from roots of Aconitum ouvrardianum Effect of the pH value on switchgrass seedling growth and development in hydroponics A Preliminary Study on the Resistance to Fusarium Stalk Rot in Corn Inbred Lines Study on the Preparation of Activated Carbon from Cotton Stalks with Phosphoric Acid Germination and Physiological Response of Albizia julibrissin Seeds under Alkali-Salt Stress Effect of Cotton Stalk Isolator Layer in Soil on Garden Plants and Soil Characters of Coastal Saline Soils