Studies on anti-tumor metastatic constituents from Lindera glauca Alkaloids and anthraquinones from branches and leaves of Uvaria kurzii Preparation and characterization of niosomes of Semen Strychni alkaloids extract Dynamic accumulation of effective components and biomass of Coptis chinensis in Hongya county Screen for natural benzylisoquinoline alkaloids against tumor Determination of sulfur dioxide in traditional Chinese medicine by alkaline solution extraction and ion chromatography Genetic Basis of Ethylene Perception and Signal Transduction in Arabidopsis Norditerpenoid Alkaloids from Aconitum spicatum Stapf Effects of Nitrogen Source and Bacterial Elicitor on Isoflavone Accumulation in Root Cultures of Albizzia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain Components of Stem Barks of Winchia calophylla A. DC. And Their Bronchodilator Activities Chemosystematic Studies on Thalictrum L. in China Daily change of primary productivity of phytoplankton in saline-alkaline ponds Effect of VAM fungi on phosphatase activity in maize rhizosphere Establishment of trans-inactivation system for haloalkane dehalogenase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana Feeding Ecology of Sinocalanus tenellus (Copepoda:Calanoida) Grazing on Phytoplankton in Saline-alkaline Ponds Time Series Analysis and Complex Dynamics of Mason Pine Caterpillar,Dendrolimus punctatus Walker (Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae) Characteristics of the Point Mutants of PKS5 Respond to the Salt-alkali Stress in Arabidopsis Physiological Characteristics of Adaptability of Six Hybrid Hazelnuts to Saline alkali Land in Xinjiang Cloning and Sequence Analysis of BnCYP78A8 from Brassica napus Effects of Pre-soaked Seeds with Spermidine on Tomato Seedling Salinity-alkalinity Tolerance Research Progress of Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids (TIAs) Biosynthetic Pathway of Catharanthus roseus Physiological and Biochemical Response of Albizzia kalkora Seeds to Ultra-dry Storage Study on Differential Proteomics of Leymus chinensis Under Saline-alkaline Stress The Response of Wax n-Alkanes in Ficus tikoua Leaf to Growing Environments Synergistic Effects of Salt and Alkaline Stresses on the Seed Germination of Medicago sativa Effects of Saline-alkali Stress on the Physiological Characteristics of Alfalfa Seedlings Factors Affecting Seeding Emergence in Winter Wheat under Different Tillage Patterns with Maize Stalk Mulching Returned to the Field Effect of Ratio Source to Sink on Percentage of Head Milled Rice and Chalky Rice of Combinations of Mid-season Hybrid Rice in the South-East Districts of Sichuan Province under High Temperature and Summer Drought Alkaloids fromthe Flowers of Colchium autumnale The Constituents of Eryvatamia yunnanensis Rapid determination of monoester alkaloids in extraction and concentration process of Aconiti Radix Cocta by near infrared spectroscopy Research progress in alkaloids in plants of Nuphar Smith and their pharmacological effects Effect of different vinegar processing technologies on dissolution of effective composition groups in Sparganii Rhizoma Effect of basic salt and mixed salt-alkali stress tolerance on seed germination and seedling physiological characteristics of Astraglus membranaceus var. mongholicus Promotion of Sambucus williamsii root barks on fracture healing Optimization for compatibility of Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncie total alkaloids and Semen Raphani total alkaloids based on partial least-squares regression analysis Research advances on chemical constituents of Solanum melongena and their pharmacological activities Chemical constituents from Liparis nervosa Chemical constituents in leaves of Morus atropurpurea and their α-glucosidase activity Anti-hepatitis virus constituents from Corydalis saxicola Dynamic variation of biomass and content of polysaccharide and alkaloid in protocorm like bodies from Dendrobium officinale at different light intensities and incubation time Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata and their pharmacological effects Progress in Endophyte Improving Plant Salt and Alkali Resistance The discussion on oxidized-gasified gas used for cooking The effects of no-tillage with maize stalk mulched on soil environment in dryland Ameliorative effect of exogenous Ca2+and GA3 on Peganum harmala alkaloid inhibition in germinating cucumber seeds Phytochemical Evidence Related to the Phylogeny of Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. Phytochemical Evidence Related to the Phylogeny of Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. Hyper spectral estimation method for soil alkali hydrolysable nitrogen content based on discrete wavelet transform and genetic algorithm in combining with partial least squares (DWT-GA-PLS). Physiological characteristics of Pinus densiflora var. zhangwuensis and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings on sandy lands under salt-alkali stresses. Effects of Festuca arundinacea on the microbial community in crude oil-contaminated saline-alkaline soil. Applications of archaeal membrane lipids in investigating archaeal community composition and its responses to environmental factors. Expression of Na+/H+ antiporter geneKsNHX1 in Kochia sieversiana under saline-alkali stress. Ectopic Expression of a Bacterium NhaD-type Na+/H+ Antiporter Leads to Increased Tolerance to Combined Salt/Alkali Stresses The Protein Change During the Inactivation of Escherivhia coli by Supercritical CO2 AN EFFICIENCY COMPARISON OF SEVERAL TRAPPING EQUIPMENTS BAITED WITH SEX PHEROMONE FOR CAPTURING MALE MOTHS OF RICE STRIPED STEM BORER,Chilo suppressalis(WALKER) OPTIMIZATION OF ALKALINE EXTRACTION CONDITIONS FOR ARABINOXYLAN FROM WHEAT BRAN Impacts of biological soil crusts on soil nitrogen in different rainfall regions in hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, China THE EFFECTS OF "CO IRRADIATION ON THE ACTIVITIES OF HYDROLASES IN ASIAN CORN BORER IDENTIFICATION OF PATHOGENS CAUSING MAIZE STALK ROT IN JIANGSU PROVINCE Roles of Fermented Bark Medium and Krilium in Improving Saline-Alkali Soil Genetic Transformation of Flowering Stalk、vith Snowdrop Lectin Gene(GNA) Yield and Lodging Resistance of Summer Maize under Different Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Tillage Systems Over-expressing GsCBRLK/SCMRP from Glycine soja Enhances Alkaline Tolerance and Methionine Content in Transgenic Medicago sativa Effects of Sugarcane-Soybean Intercropping and Reduced Nitrogen Application on Yield and Major Agronomic Traits of Sugarcane Inheritance Analysis of Stalk Sugar Content in Maize Plant Traditional Culture of Populus euphratica and Populus pruinosa of Uyghurs Folk ——A Case Study in Xinjiang Lopnur A New Alkaloid from the Roots of Stemona tuberosa (Stemonaceae) Experimental study on anti-tumor effect of Xihuang pill and its immune clearance function Protective effect of alkaloids from Piper longum in rat dopaminergic neuron injury of 6-OHDA-induced Parkinson’s disease ILs-HPLC simultanesous determination of five alkaloids in Phellodenddri Chinensis Cortex Alkaloids from roots and stems of Litsea cubeba Dynamic analysis of alkaloids and flavonoids in Genus Morus China during different harvesting time Effects of steaming and baking on content of alkaloids in Aconite Lateralis Radix (Fuzi) Isolation and Structure Determination of Echinuline from Veratrum nigrum L. var. ussuriense Nakai Diterpenoid Alkaloids from Aconitum karakolicumvar. patentipilum W. T. Wang The Characteristics of H-NMR and 13C-NMR Spectra of BBI Alkaloids Studies on mutual relationship of Fusarium from ear rot and stalk rot in maize using isozyme techniques IDENTIFICATION FOR RESISTANCE OF MAIZE CULTIVARS TO STALK ROT Effects of La(NO3)3 on Plant Growth and Leaf Photosynthetic Physiology of Ryegrass(Lolium pernne L.) Seedlings under Alkaline Stress