Comparative Study of Contents of Four Tropane Alkaloids in Cultural and Wild Anisodus tanguticus Optimum Harvest Time of Vicia cracca under Stress Condition Vascular Anatomical Traits of Caryopsis in Different Positions and Its Relationship with Quality Traits of Japonica Rice Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Six Mutants with Stable High Percentage of Chalkiness in Rice Grains Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Alkali Digestion Value in Japonica Rice A new flavonoid glucoside from Huanglianjiedutang decoction Alkaloids from Macleaya cordata Diterpenoid Alkaloids from roots of Aconitum recemulosum and their inhibitory effects on PAF-induced platelet aggregation Diterpenoid alkaloids from Aconitum handelianum Chemical constituents from Corydalis yanhusuo Research on compatibility chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicines in formulas of traditional Chinese medicine Alkaloids from Dactylicapnos scandens Hutch. Decomposition reaction of lipo-alkaloids in Kusnezoff Monkshood Root under high temperature and pressure Compatability chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicine of Dahuang and Fuzi in Dahuang Fuzi decoction Compatibility chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicine of Dahuang and Huangbai in Dahuang Xiaoshi decoction Compatability chemistry of acid-alkaline pair Medicine of mahuang and gancao in Maxing Ganshi decoction Vasorelaxational effects of total alkali Sophora alopecuroids on rabbit aorta in vitro Screening of anti-tumor parts from Tripterygium hypoglaucum Mechanism study of action on compatible using of total alkaloids of Radix Aconiti Praeparata and total glycosides or polysaccharides of Radix Paeoniae Alba therapy on rheumatoid arthritis in rats Study on total alkaloids content and its influential factors in medicinal materials of Tripterygium Separation and purification of alkaloids from radix of Zanthoxylum nitidum by macroporous adsorption resin Studies on the Alkaloid Constituents in the Seeds of Sophora viciifolia Hance Extraction Technology of Effervescent Granules for Arresting Cold Pain Optimized by Orthogonal Tests Influence of Processing Methods on Alkaloid,Toxicity and Effect of Strychnos nux-vomica L. Comparison of SBE and WE in Extraction of Chemical Constituents from Processed Cortex Phellodendri Studies on Variations of Alkaloids in Zhebeimu (Fritillaria thunbergii Miq .)by Improved Colormetric Determination Studeis on the Constituents of Alkaloids and Saponins of Ginseng Sini Tang Effects of low light intensity on changes of soluble sugars, alkaloids and phytohormones in Catharanthus roseus seedlings Germination and seedling growth of ultra-dried alfalfa seed under alkali stress Decomposition regularity of organic materials in Sanjiang Plain region Study on prolonged effect of humic acid-urea (long-term urea) on maize Properties of saline-alkaline soil under different land use types in Yellow River Delta ISOLATION AND STRUCTURAL DETERMINATION OF ABIDENINE Effects of Saline-alkali Stresses on the Growth and Endogenous Hormone Contents in Leaves of Hybrid Hazelnut Liaozhen 3 Influence of Sulfur and Stillage Fertilizer on the Growth,Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco,and pH in Alkaline Soil Histochemical Localization and Seasonal Changes of Alkaloids in Vegetative Organs of Aconitum carmichaeli Antioxidant Activities of Total Alkaloids from the Laminae of Elaeagnus mollis Dieis Effects of Exogenous Tryptophan on Alkaloid Production and Seedling Growth of Catharanthus roseus under Seawater Stress Physiological Response of an Alkali Resistant Halophyte Kochia sieversiana to Salt and Alkali Stresses STUDIES ON THE REIATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF FOREST SOIL AND THE BEECH MYCORRHIZAE IN THE VIENNA WOODS ANALYSIS OF MORTALITY OF THE PINE MOTH,DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS WALKER DURING ITS LATENT PERIOD TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT IN RELATION TO DEVELOPMENT OF MASSON PINE CATERPILLAR STUDY ON THE BIONOMICS OF NORBANUS AIOLOMORPHI YANG ET WANG STUDIES ON THE BIONOMICS AND CONTROL OF SINNA EXTREMA (WALKER) The Physiological Characteristics and Salinity and Alkalinity Resistance of Two Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Study on Technics Parameter of Wheat Stalk/Polystyeren Composites Studies on the Sesquiterpene Alkaloids of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. Structures of Sarcorucinine D and Pachyaximine A, B Studies on the Naphthaquinone Constituents of Onosma confertum W. W. Smith and Quantitative Determination of Shikonin Simulation Study on the Alkalized-salinized Grassland Ecosystem in the Songnen Plain Gene Networks in Plant Ozone Stress Response and Tolerance Studty on alkaloids in Lobelia sessilifolia by ESI-MSn Effect of temperature on physiologic indexes,bulb yielding andtotal alkaloids contents of Fritillaria cirrhosa Studies on alkalodial constituents in leaves of Uncaria hirsuta Effect of pectins of different degree of esterification on in-vitro sophoridine release of hydrophilic matrix tablets containingtotal alkaloids of Sophora alopecuroides Five alkaloids from vine stems of Diploclisia affinis
Study on chemical constituents from Delphinium honanense var. piliteram Separation and purification processes of alkaloids from Lotus plumule with macroporous adsorption resin Protective effects and its mechanisms of total alkaloids from rhizoma Coptis chinensis on Helicobacter pylori LPS induced gastric lesion in rats Influence of match-pair of huanglian-rougui on rat intestinal absorption of total huanglian alkali Advances in studies on new natural antibacterial compounds in China Advances in studies on pharmacology and toxicology of glycoalkaloids from plants of Solanaceae Alkaloids from Securinega suffruticosa Effects of artificial pollination on fruit development of Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Histochemical localization of alkaloid in Dendrobium nobile Allelopathic potential of 8-methoxy dihydrosanguinarine A New Alkaloid from the Fruits of Daphniphyllum longeracemosum (Daphniphyllaceae) Effects of straw interlayer on soil water and salt movement and sunflower photosynthetic characteristics in saline-alkali soils QTL Mapping and QTL × Environment Interactions of Milling Quality and Percentage of Chalky Grain in Upland Rice Introgression Lines under Upland and Lowland Environments Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Alkaline Tolerance at Early Seedling Stage under Alkaline Stress in Japonica Rice Mapping of QTLs Underlying Tolerance to Alkali at Germination and Early Seedling Stages in Rice Effects of Simulated Salt and Alkali Conditions on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Relationship between Principle Alkaloid Contents in Natural and Purified Populations of Burley Tobacco Bending Mechanical Properties of Stalk and Lodging-Resistance of Maize (Zea mays L.) Stalk Quality Traits and Their Correlations of Maize Inbred Lines in China APPLICATION OF FAB-MS / MS TECHNIQUE IN STRUCTURAL DETERMINATION OF SARCORUCININE A AND A1 THE MEDICINAL PLANT RESOURCES OF CHINESE ACONITUM AND DELPHINIUM A NEW ALKALOID FROM CORYDALIS DELAVAYI FRANCH. THE ALKALOIDAL CONSTITUENTS OF CULTIVATED CHUAN-WU OF YUNNAN Molecular biology and metabolic engineering of tropane alkaloids biosynthesis