Steroidal alkaloids of from Veratrum dahuricum Compatability chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicine of Fuzi and Gancao in Sini decoction Simultaneous determination of four alkaloids in Lindera aggregate
by high performance liquid chromatography
The effect on phosphorous nutrition in alkali soil by different ameliorative ways THE REGULATION OF DA-6 ON THE GROWTH AND PHYSIOLOGY ACTIVITY IN SABINA CHINENSIS VA Mycorrhizal Fungi Infecting Plants in Saline-alkali Soil of Gansu Limited determination of trace toxical aconitine alkaloid in Guifudihuang pills Vasorelaxational effects of total alkali Sophora alopecuroids on rabbit aorta in vitro Aporphine alkaloids from branches and leaves of Polyalthia nemoralis Non-alkaloid constituents of Gelsemium elegans Decomposition reaction of lipo-alkaloids in Kusnezoff Monkshood root under high temperature and pressure Aporphine Alkaloids from branches and leaves of Polyalthia nemoralis Compatability chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicine of Dahuang and Huangbai in Dahuangxiaoshi decoction Compatability chemistry of acid-alkaline pair medicine of Dahuang and Fuzi in Dahuang Fuzi decoction Advance on pharmacologic actions, toxicity and pharmacokinetics of
pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Effects of Erbie San on Walker-256 liver cancer and adjustment to unbalance of VEGF/endostatin in rats Alkaloids from Senecio scandens Quantitive variation of total alkaloids contents in Dendrobium officinale Chemical constituents from root barks of Morus atropurpurea Breeding and Utilization of the Genetic Male Sterile Line in Purple Stalk Chinese Cabbage Breeding and Utilization of the Genetic Male Sterile Line in Purple Stalk Chinese Cabbage Research progress on chemical constituents in plants of Euchresta J. Benn and their biological activities Studies on the alkaloids from herb of Corydalis adunca Progress in research on constituents and pharmacological activities of sarcotestas of Ginkgo biloba Study on experimental factors for extraction of alkaloids from Aconitum carmichaili Studies on the chemical constituents from culbs of hybridized Bulbus Fritillariae Ussuriensis Studies on chemical constituents from leave of Securinega suffruticosa Studies on the Enhancing Accumulation of Indole Alkaloids in Crown gall Cells of Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) Preparation of Kushen Alkaloids by HSCCC——Optimization of Chromatographic and Instrumental Parameters Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Alseodaphne hainanensis Influence on the Growth and Accumulation of Total Alkaloid ofWormwoodlike Motherwort (Leonurus artimisia) by Phenology Effects of earthworm and maize stalk application on the dynamic variation of soil active organic carbon The allelopathic effects of returning cotton stalk to soil on the growth of succeeding cotton The soil water and soil salt distribution in coastal saline-alkali area: a
comparison of pure and mixed plantations
A review of bioprotective alkaloids of grass-fungal endophyte symbioses Seed movement in the secondary bare alkali-saline patch and its implication for ecological restoration in the Songnen grassland, northeastern China Effects of cadmium and lead on testicular enzymes of Bufo bufo gargarizans Synthesis and in vitro glucose-lowering effect of 8-alkyl-coptisine Effect of calciumion on growth in protocorm-like bodies of Pinellia ternata and accumulation of secondary metabolites during suspension culture Chemical constituents from Gelsemium elegans Chemical constituents from Gelsemium elegans Optimization of microwave-assistant extraction technology for codecoction of Aconiti Radix Cocta coupled with Paeoniae Radix Alba Optimization of microwave-assistant extraction technology for codecoction of Aconiti Radix Cocta coupled with Paeoniae Radix Alba Effect of Danshen Dropping Pills on hepatic fibrosis in rats induced by carbon tetrachlotide and its mechanism Antitumor effect of total alkaloids from Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata on breast cancer in mice Comparison on active ingredients in Zhentongling Prescription of different decoctions Preparation and transdermal delivery of compound infantile eczema microemulsion Formula optimization of Docetaxel long-circulation liposomes by Box-Behnken design and response surface method Optimization on preparation technology of ardipusilloside-I polylactic acid microspheres by orthogonal design Study on chemical constituents of Erigeron canadensis Progress on anticancer activity of aporphine alkaloids Obtainment of regeneration plantlet of Catharanthus roseus hairy roots and production of anticancer alkaloids Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata and their pharmacological effects Chemical constituents from Dysoxylum lenticellatum Anti-hepatitis virus constituents from Corydalis saxicola Establishment of cell suspension culture system and its alkaloid accumulation of Lycoris radiata Research progress on mass spectral fragmentation behaviour of alkaloidsin Macleaya cordata Alkaloids from roots of Cocculus orbiculatus var. mollis Comparative Analysis of Seed Banks in saline-alkali Communities in the Song-Nen Plain of China BIOLOGICAL AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LOW PHYTIC ACID MAIZE INBRED LINE MUTANT MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION AND EXPRESSION PATTERN OF RALF-LIKE GENE BcMF14p FROM Brassica campestris var.purpurea THE EFFECTS OF HIGH-pH AND IRON ON ROOT Fe~(3+) REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF Rhododendron mucronatum AND Rhododendron simsii Chemotaxonomy and Resource Utilization of the Tribe Chelidonieae (Papaveraceae) Alkaloids of Aconitum vilmoriniaum var. patentipilum The Diterpenoid Alkaloids of Aconitum nagarurn var. lasiandrurn W. T. Wang and Its Chemotaxonomic Significance Stem Apex Culture and Quality Improvement of Tubercles of Pinellia ternata Structural Identification of Huperzine G Effects of Ca2+,ABA and H3PO4 on relaxing stress of Na2CO3 and NaCl Effect of magnetic field on peroxidase activation and isozyme in Leymus chinensis Techniques for protection forest system construction on saline-alkalized soil of Liaohe Delta Comparative study on remedy ways of saline-alkali grassland in Songnen Plain Ecological distribution and physiological adaptation to saline-alkali environment of C3 and C4 plants in Northeastern China prairie area Relationship between Mn forms and active Mn in soils of north China Alkalinity of organic manure and its mechanism for mitigating soil acidification Seed transmission of Pantoea agglomerans, causal agent of dry stalk rot, in maize Effects of alkaline fertilizer on occurrence of banana wilt disease and soil microbial community Dynamics of Soil Salinity and Moisture Contents on Saline and Alkaline Land of Seabearch after Plantation in Hangzhou Bay Alkali Tolerance of Rhododendron fortunei in Subirrigated Ebb & Flow Bench Systems with Hydroponics Alkali Tolerance of Rhododendron fortunei in Subirrigated Ebb & Flow Bench Systems with Hydroponics Analysis of maize accessions resistance to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot