EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON PLANT SECONDARY METABOLISM A new tricyclic alkaloid from twigs of Cassia fistula and its cytotoxicity Dynamic variation of biomass and content of polysaccharide and alkaloid in protocorm like bodies from Dendrobium officinale at different light intensities and incubation time Analysis on clivorine from alkaloid in aqueous extract of Ligularia hodgsonii and its hepatotoxicity in rats STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAJOR AND SECONDARY DEFOLIATORS AS WELL AS THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES IN PINE PLANTATION PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB. Physiological Responses of Populus alba var. pyramidalis Leaves with Different Maturity to Alkali Stress The Fast-Growing and Salt-Alkali Tolerant Poplar Elite Variety of Populus simonii×P.euphratica‘Liaohu 1’ A Simple Method for Preparing PCR Template of Sugarcane Leaf Tissue Screening of Actinomyces on Antagonism to Rhizoctonia solani Isolated from Saline-alkali Soils in Hexi Corridor Early Transcriptomic Adaptation to Na2CO3 Stress Altered the Expression of a Quarter of the Total Genes in the Maize Genome and Exhibited Shared and Distinctive Profiles with NaCl and High pH Stresses Studies on the Alkaloids of Phlegmariurus fordii (Baker) Ching Alkaloidal Constituents of the Root of Aeonitum pseudogeniculatum Study on the Chemical Constituents of Fluggea virosa(Roxb. ex Willd.) Baill Two New Diterpenoid Alkaloids from Spiraea japonica L. f. var. fortunei (Planchon) Rehd. Recent Advances in the Regulation of Brassinosteroid Signaling and Biosynthesis Pathways Auxin-Oxylipin Crosstalk: Relationship of Antagonists Salicylic Acid and Its Function in Plant Immunity Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis and Metabolic Engineering in Catharanthus roseus Meteoro-ecological basis of rice chalkiness formation Application of canonical analysis in ordination of coastal solonchalk vegetation of Jiangsu Province Distribution of microorganisms in saline-alkali soil at castern suburbs of Tianjin and activity of soil enzyme Effect of silver carp stocking and fertilization on plankton community in enclosures in saline-alkaline ponds Efficient expression of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana Effect of Exogenous H2O2 on Proline Accumulation and Metabolic Pathway in Leaves of Oat Seedlings under Complex Saline-Alkali Stress Effects of Complex Saline-alkali Stress on Seed Germination and Stress-resistance Physiological Characteristics of Naked Oat Seedlings Change of Ion Content and Particle Size of the Modified Severe Saline-alkali Soil Effects of Different Plants Cultivation on Soil Physical-chemical Properties and Fine Root Growth in Saline-alkaline Soil in Songnen Plain,Northeastern China Comparison of the Structure Slice of Mature Maize Stalks Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Two Phenolic Acids of Medicago sativa under Various Mixed Salt-alkaline Stresses in vitro Screening and Identification of Mutants with Weak Alkali-tolerance of Vaccinium uliginosum Linn. Effects of different nutrition elements on maize stalk rot The Fast-Growing and Salt-Alkali Tolerant Poplar Elite Variety of Populus simonii×P.euphratica ‘Liaohu2’ Biochemical Changes Induced by Natural Fermentation of Dry Cornstalk, Wheat Straw, and Rice Straw Analysis of the Plasticity of Growth and Density-Dependent Regulation of Hordeum Brevisubulatum Population of the Songnen Plan Study on the Determining Method on n-Alkane in the Cuticular Wax of Plants Analysis of the Effect of Biomeasures on Discarded Salkaline Land in Chidamu Basin Effects of Adding Nitrogen and Sulfur on the Nutritive Values of Cornstalk Silages Study on sugarcane alkane alcohol to quail hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis model Inter-specific Relationships Analysis and Classification of Lycoris by HPLC Chromatograms Enzymes and Corresponding Genes in Ergot Alkaloid Biosynthetic Pathways Two Novel Diterpenoid Alkaloids Isolated from the Roots of Aconitum brevicalcaratum Diterpenoid Alkaloids of Aconitum Hemsleyanum Chemosystematic Notes of Genus Stephania (Menispermaceae) in China The Chemical Components of Lobelia davidii Franch. Two Novel Diterpenoid Alkaloids Isolated from Delphinium grandiflorum L. The Structures of Triptotetraolide and Wilforjine The Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Alkaloid Production in Tissue Cultures of Corydalis yanhusuo Studies on the Alkaloids of Stephania lincangensis Studies on Chemicai Constituents of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. Purple-red Pigment Formed in Callus of Onosma paniculatum Bur.et French Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Gnetum montanum Markg The Transference of Ri-Plasmid from Agrobacterium rhizogenes to Scopolia lurida Revealed by the Hairy Root Cultivation and the Alkaloids Production Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on soil nitrogen in spring wheat fields Impact of stalk mulching on the microclimate of intercropping ecosystems in upland red soil Environment analysis of naturally ventilated sheep house in winter in Inner Mongolia Insecticidal activities of the non-allkaloid extracts from Tripterygium wilfordii against Plutella xylostella Research Advances on Steroidal Glycoalkaloids A Effect of Liquid Alkane Oxygen-vectors on Rhodotorula Fermentations and Lycopene Production Analysis of Genomic Structure and Introns of SoNIN1 Gene from Sugarcane Optimization of the Synthesis of Alkyl Glucoside Catalyzed by Aspergillus aculeatus β-glucosidase-displaying Pichia pastoris Whole-cells Application of Proteomics Technology in Study of Cell Signaling Transduction Impact of Caragana Fabr. plantation on plant community and soil properities of saline\|alkali wasteland Dynamics of soil alkali-salinity and growth of poplar saplings after krilium-addition in heavy soda saline-alkali soil in field Effect of Foliar-spraying Spermidine on Seedlings Growth and Contents of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis Precursors in Leaves of Tomato under Saline-alkaline Stress Quality and lactic acid bacteria of mixed corn stalk and cabbage waste silage Effect of natural saline soil on organic acid accumulation in the stem and leaf of Chloris virgata and analysis of stress factors Decay and nutrient release in Vulpia myuros grasses, a species suitable for soil conservation in temperate zone orchards The Physiological Response of Lily to NaHCO3 Stress Effects of Grass-mixtures Cultivated in Moderate Alkali-Saline Grasslands on Performance of Sheep Effects of Different Improvement Measures of Saline-alkali Grassland on Photosynthesis and Other Physiological Characteristics of Elymus dahuricus Key Problems on Determination Nutritional Status of Grazing Animals Optimum Combination of Plant Wax Compositions As Markers in the Composition Estimation of Dietary Plant Species of Desert Steppe in Inner Mongolia Effects of Temperature,Salinity,Alkalinity and Their Interactions on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Leymus chinensis Controlling Methods of Mythimna Separata under Organic-production Forage Estimation of Diet Composition and Herbage Intake of Grazing Cows using n-Alkane Technique in Inner Mongolia Typical Steppes Soil Peroxidase Activity and Its Relationship to Soil Fertility Factors in Songnen Alkali Grassland Comparative Studies on the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Calcium in Leymus chinensis Community and Chloris virgata Community In The Song-Nen Plain China Comparison Analysis on the Experimental Communities During Progressive Succession on Alkaline Patches in the Songnen Plain of China The Niche Breaths and Niche Overlaps of Main Plant Populations in Leymus chinensis Grassland for Grazing Biological Approaches for improving Alkaline-Saline Grassland