SAP FLOW_SCALED STAND TRANSPIRATION AND CANOPY STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE IN AN ACACIA MANGIUM FOREST THE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF ETHYLENE PRODUCTION INHIBITORS  ON VICIA FABASEEDLING LEAVES UNDER HEAT STRESS ECOLOGICAL CAPITAL MEASUREMENT BY REMOTELY SENSED DATA FOR HUZHOU AND ITS SOCIO_ECONOMIC APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION OF THE SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SALTMARSH VEGETATION USING INDIRECT ORDINATION: A CASE STUDY FROM CHONGMING DONGTAN, SHANGHAI ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON EPIPHYTES IN FOREST CANOPIES EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON PLANT SECONDARY METABOLISM PARASITISM OF PROCECIDOCHARES UTILIS AND ITS EFFECT ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION OF EUPATORIUM ADENOPHORUM ACCUMULATION DYNAMICS OF PROTEIN AND STARCH COMPONENTS IN GRAIN OF TWO WINTER WHEAT CULTIVARS WITH DIFFERENT CANOPY TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS DURING THE FILLING STAGE AN EFFECTIVE IN VITRO PROTOCOL FOR INCREASING MYCORRHIZAL FORMATION RATE OF CATHAYA ARGROPHYLLA LEAF ANATOMY OF DOMINANT PLANT SPECIES IN THE SUCCESSIONAL COMMUNITIES OF XIANGSHAN MOUTNAIN, HUAIBEI, CHINA ANALYSIS OF HUMAN_INDUCED STEPPE DEGRADATION BASED ON REMOTE SENSING IN XILIN GOLE, INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA LEAF PHENOLOGY OF WOODY SPECIES IN DECIDUOUS BROAD_LEAVED OAK FORESTS IN NANJING AREA, EAST CHINA Effects of UV Irradiation on Accumulation of Anthocyanins and the Activity,Expression of Key Enzyme in Veraison‘Northland’Blueberry Progress of Study on Sex Differentiation in Melon Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NRT2 Gene in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Pollinium Morphology of Five Most Common Cultivated Orchid Genera(Orchidaceae) Isolation of Parthenocarpy Related ESTs in Parthenocarpic Eggplant Using Suppression Subtraction Hybridization(SSH) A Freliminary Study of the Effects of Deferred Spring Grazing on the Pasture Vegetation Analysis of Constrains and Management Strategy for Animal Production in Grassland of Northern China Effects of Fertilizer Applications on the Seed Germination of Elymus sibiricus and Agropyron desertorum Chemical constituents of Nelumbinis Plumula Chemical constituents of Isodon flavidus produced in Leishan Research on chemical constituents from Re-Du-Ning Injection (Ⅲ) Discussion on origin change reason of Sichuan genuine crude drugs Cyathulae Radix Study on in vitro controlled release of danshensu based on PEG modified of mesoporous silica nanoparticles Chemical constituents from leaves of Adinandra nitida Rapid analysis on chemical constituents in roots of Rheum pumilum by UPLC coupled with hybrid quadrupole-orbit trap MS LC-MS guided discovery, structural elucidation of a new curcuminoids, and its cytotoxicity Chemical constituents of Lonicera japonica roots and anti-inflammatory activity Study on flavonoid glycosides from Gentiana veitchiorum A new triterpene saponin from stem of Camellia oleifera Ginkgo biloba leaves history: A model of research and development for Chinese materia medica/phytomedicine Review on process analytical technology application in production process of Chinese medicine injection Preliminary study on dynamic change of polysaccharide contents of Ganoderma-Epimedy fungal substance Gene cloning and expression level of chalcone isomerase during florescence and content of flavonoids in Fagopyrum dibotrys Mechanism of polypeptide from scorpion venom increasing inhibition of 5-fluorouacil on H22 hepatoma Identification of main chemical constituents in extracts of Akebiae Fructus by HPLC-ESI-MS Chemical constituents of triterpenoid saponins from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Study on chemical constituents in shells of Juglans sigillata Effect of temperature on growth and metabolism of Dendrobium nobile Effect of total flavonoids in Apocynum venetum leaves on rat hypertension induced by high fat and high salt and its molecular mechanism Antitumor activity of water-soluble polysaccharides from Codium fragile and its immunomodulation Advances in studies on chemical constituents in medicinal plants of Pyrus L. and their pharmacological activities Advances in studies on anti-adenovirus of Chinese materia medica and its active components Protection of total flavonoids from Camptosorus sibiricus on hepatic injury Protection of Chaishao Hewei Granule on autoimmune gastritis in rats Antiproliferative molecular mechanisms of components in roots and rhizomes of Salvia miltiorrhiza on fibroblasts Research progress in variation of ginsenoside Effect of different drying methods on active components in water extracts from Isatidis Radix Determination of entrapment efficiency of sinomenine hydrochloride liposomes with centrifugation sedimentation combined with centrifugation ultrafiltration Advances in studies on pharmacological effect and structure-activity relationship of chrysin and its derivatives Active components in six kinds of ground bamboo leaves and their anti-oxidant activities Effect of light on growth in Ganoderma lucidum and anti-oxidative enzyme activities Cloning and sequence analysis of actin gene fragment from roots of Codonopsis pilosula Advances in studies on 1-deoxynojirimycin and its derivatives separated from mulberry Advances in studies on ginsenoside biosynthesis and its related enzymes Analysis and outlook on teaching status of Molecular Pharmacognosy Essentials of pharmacophylogeny: knowledge pedigree, epistemology and paradigm shift Effect of sodium tanshinone ⅡA sulfonate on AngⅡ-induced atrial fibroblast collagen synthesis and TGF-β1 activation Effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on insulin signal transduction pathway in hippocampal neurons of high-glucose-fed rats Study on PK-PD characteristics of ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 in rats with myocardial ischemia following intravenous administration of Shengmai injection Comparative metabonomics study on urine in rat treated by Angelica sinensis volatile oil Study on material base of Carthamus tinctorius with antioxidant effect based on selective knock-out Analysis of complexity in Chinese meteria medica industrial chain Chemical constituents and activities of total flavonoids from Yushen Tang Chemical constituents of Coreopsis tinctoria Antidysmenorrheic effects of Radix Angelica and RhizomaChuanxiong with different proportions and preparation methodson dysmenorrhea model mice Effects of triptolide on cell proliferation and regulationof Ras-MAPKs pathway in synoviocytes induced by tumor necrosis factor Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on immune-neuroendocrinenetwork of SD rats in experimental navigation and intensive exercise Expression changes of age-related genes in different aging stages of Caenorhabiditis elegans and the regulating effects of Chuanxiong extract Adjustment effects of Herba Epimedii, Fructus Ligustrilucidion NO/ET, HPA axis in asthmatic rats Determination of aurantio-obtusin and chrysophanol in Cassiae Semen by HPLC Simultaneous determination of jatrorrhizine, palmatine, berberine, and obacunone in Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex by RP-HPLC Breeding and spreading of new vairety "Yu-Qing No.1" of Artemisia annua Determination of 25 ruscogenin 1-O- β-D-fucopyranoside in Liriope muscari from different habitats and different harvest time by HPLC-ELSD Comparative study on metabonomics and on liver and kidney toxicity of Aristolochia fangchi and Stephania tetrandra Protective Effect of Tanshinone on Injuried Cultured PC12 Cellsin Vitro Contents of total flavonoids in Rhizoma Arisaematis Studies on Polysaccharide of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. Theoretic studies on binding model between flavonoid glycosides and epidermal growth factor receptor

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