Rhizosphere Microbe Quantity and Biomass Accumulation of Astragalus mongholicus under Drought Stress Effect of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Nitrogen Assimilation of Cucumber Seedling Under Drought Stress The Physiological Responds of Cutting Seedlings of Ancient Tea Plant to Drought Stress and the Comprehensive Evaluation on Their Drought Resistance Capacity in Karst Region The Physiological Responds of Cutting Seedlings of Ancient Tea Plant to Drought Stress and the Comprehensive Evaluation on Their Drought Resistance Capacity in Karst Region Comprehensive valuation of drought resistance of flax germplasm in germination Influences of enhanced UV-B radiation and drought stress on biomass accumulation and allocation of Fagopyrum dibotrys Effect of soil drought stress on growth and some physiological properties of Abrus mollis seedlings Effects of drought on photosynthesis and the physiological indices in tomato Affecting of drought stress in Epimedium sagittatum Response of seed germination of Rhododendron fortunei to drought stress Comparative expression analysis of Crlea gene in Catharanthus roseus under drought stress by real-time quantitative PCR Response of Aneurolepidium chinense on soil drought stress under high C02 Effects of drought stress on chlorophyll fluorescence of winter wheat Physiological responses of two native shrub seedlings to drought and salt stress Ecophysiological responses and hyperspectral characteristics of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) under drought stress Photosynthetic characteristics of Leymus chinensis under different soil moisture grades in Hulunber prairie Effects of doubled CO2 concentration on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system of cucumber seedlings under drought stresses Light response characteristics of photosynthesis of four xerophilous shrubs under different soil moistures Based on image processing technology estimatingleaves stomatal density of Populus euphratica and analysis of its ecological significance Current progress in eco-physiology of root-sourced chemical signal in plant under drought stress Signal chemical salicylic acid mitigates the negative effects of drought on photosynthesis and membrance lipid peroxidation of purple majesty Photosynthetic response of different ecotype of Illicium lanceolatum seedlings to drought stress and rewatering Effect of drought stress and water recovering on physiological characteristics of Sinocalycanthus chinensis seedlings Effects of different nitrogen nutrition on the growth and autioxidant characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) stressed by drought Protective enzyme systems in orange leaves under drought stress Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid on Active Oxygen Metabolism in Ginger Leaves Under Drought Stress Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid on Active Oxygen Metabolism in Ginger Leaves Under Drought Stress Cloning of Aquaporion Gene VhPIP1 in Vitis heyneana and Its Expression Under Drought Stress Studies on the Physiological Response of Sedum hybridum Cutting Seedlings to Drought Stress Generation of Active Oxygen Free Radicals and Its Injury to Microsome Membranes in Wheat Leaves Under Drought Stress Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic characteristics in Hemsleya zhejiangensis Construction of a Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library of Caragana korshinskii Under Drought Stress and Cloning of CkWRKY 1 Gene Sugar Metabolism and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Leaf of Lycium barbarum L.under Drought Stress Photosynthesis Physiological Characteristics of Dalbergia odorifera Seedlings under Drought Stress Effect of Water and Nitrogen Availability on the Generation and Scavenging of Reactive Oxygen Species in Leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia Seedlings Effect of Water Stress Simulated by PEG on Germination Ability of Chukrasia tabularis Seeds from Different Provenances The responses of antioxidant defense system at different developmental stages of spring wheat to gradual drought stress in field Effect of soil drought on the growth and water use efficiency of seabuckthorn Effects of drought stress on leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of Salvia miltiorrhiza. The Influence of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Microtubulin of Brassica pekinensis Under Drought Stress Morphological and physiological responses of current sophora davidii seedlings to drought stress Influences of doubled CO2 concentration and drought stress on branch hydraulic traits in Pinus tabulaeformis saplings Modeling the responses of leaf photosynthetic parameters of Leymus chinensis to drought and rewatering Effect of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Mesophyll Cells in Three Cultivars of Jaminum sambac Changes of Photosynthesis and Physiological Index in Vetiveria zizanioides under Heat and Drought Stress Effects of Drought on Gene Expressions of Key Enzymes in Carotenoid and Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Potato Effect of Drought Stress on Water Characteristics of Sabina vulgaris Physio-Ecological Response of Haloxylon persicum Photosynthetic Shoots to Drought Stress Interaction of Drought and Pb on Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Platycladus orientalis Seedlings Effect of exogenous nitric oxide on seed germination of Oldenlandia diffusa under drought stress Comprehensive evaluation of drought tolerance for Camellia oleifera Changlin clones Effects of drought stress and allelopathy on growth, photosynthesis and physio-biochemical characteristics of Terminalia catappa seedlings Responses of antioxidant defense system of Erythrodoutium juluceum to drought stress in rocky desertification of karst areas A Preliminary Study on Drought Stress of Two Kinds of Ornamental Grasses The Role of Jasmon ic Acid Induced by Dought Stress in Apricot Leaves Influence of drought stress on the gas exchange of Cupressus funebris Endl. seedlings of different ages in the limestone area of Chongqing, China Seed germination characteristics and ecological adaptability of Arabidopsis pumila, a Xinjiang-originated ephemeral plant species Effects of 24-Epibrassinolide on Antioxidant System and Expression of Drought-tolerance Relative Genes in Pepper Seedlings under Drought Stress Effect of spraying glycine betaine on physiological responses of processing tomato under drought stress Effects of drought stress on fertilizer use efficiency of rapeseed during wintering Expression of the Ta6-SFT gene in Brassica napus under drought stress Effects of exogenous betaine on the secondary metabolites of Pinellia ternata under drought stress Physiological response to drought stresses and drought resistances evaluation of different Kentucky bluegrass varieties Screening in Southwest China of drought-resistant varieties of maize at the seedling stage Effects of drought stress and re-watering on growth and photosynthesis of Hosta Effects of drought stress on reactive oxygen species and their scavenging systems in Chlorophytum capense var. medio-pictum leaf A study on the changes of ascorbic acid and related physiological indexes
in different cultivars of Zoysia under drought stress
Drought tolerance analysis of Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimu’ seedlings Effects of drought stress simulated by PEG on seed germination of four desert plant species Construction and analyses of two suppression subtractive hybridization libraries of Medicago falcata and Medicago truncatula under drought stress QTL Mapping of Ear Traits of Maize under Different Water Regimes Evaluation of Drought Tolerance and Fertility Traits for Rice Maintainer Lines Extensively Used in China Interactive Effects of Drought Stresses and Elevated CO2 Concentration on Photochemistry Efficiency of Cucumber Seedlings Drought Stress and Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination in Agricultural Commodity: Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics Study on Expression of Genes in Tamarix androssowii under Drought Stress Using cDNA Microarray Technology Effect of Exogenous ABA and Silicon on Leaf Water Potential and Protective Enzyme Activities of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Seedlings under Drought Stress Effect of Progressive Drought Stress on the Key Enzyme Activities of Nitrogen Metabolism of Spring Soybean Effects of Drought on Citrus reticulate‘Shatangju’Nutrition Status and Its Relations with Flowering Hydraulics Characteristic of Fuji Apple Grafted on Different Dwarf Interstocks Under Drought Stress Drought-stimulated Activity of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and its Catalytic Properties in Rice

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