Responses of the photosynthetic system of drought-tolerance weedy rice to drought stress at the seedling stage Seed size and germination strategy of Sophora davidii under drought stress Stress effects of simulated drought by polyethylene glycol on the germination of Caragana korshinskii Kom. seeds under different temperature conditions Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) promotes Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla seedling growth under drought stress conditions Photosynthetic and water consumption of tree species utilized for afforestation of rocky desert in Guangdong Province Effects of drought stress on seedling growth and accumulation of secondary metabolites in the roots of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Effects of drought stress and nitrogen fertilization rate on the accumulation of osmolytes in Jatropha curcas seedlings. Physiological responses of Lonicera japonica container seedlings to plant growth- promoting rhizobacteria inoculation under drought stress Arabidopsis C3HC4-RING finger E3 ubiquitin ligase AtAIRP4 positively regulates stress-responsive abscisic acid signaling Screening, Identification and Application of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria under Drought Conditions Effects of Drought Stress on Growth and Physiological Feature and Yield of Various Rice Varieties Response of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Poplar Seedlings to Drought Stress Effect of Progressive Drought Stress and the Subsequent Re-watering on Leaf Nitrogen Metabolism Cotton Seedlings QTL MAPPING FOR ROOT TRAITS IN RICE SEEDLINGS UNDER DIFFERENT WATER SUPPLY CONDITIONS Effects of drought stress on system of defense enzymes and RWC and membrane electrolyte in Cynanchum komarovii seedlings Effect of drought stress on active oxygen metabolism of wheat flag leaf and filling rate The effects of water-retaining agent on chlorophyll a fluore- scence parameters of Robinia pseudoacacia under drought stress Effect of H_2O_2 stress hardening on drought resistance of wheat seedlings Effects of So ilWa ter Stress on the Photosynthesis Character istics andChlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Ce rasus hum ilis Seedling Short-Term Responses of Leaf Gas Exchange Characteristics to Drought Stress of Cotinus coggygria Seedlings Effects of Drought Stress and Rewatering on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Quercus variabilis Seedlings The Physiology and Biochemistry Analyzing of Programmed Cell Death under Drought Stress in Malus hupehensis and M. sieversii The Role of Jasmon ic Acid Induced by Dought Stress in Apricot Leaves A Preliminary Study on Drought Stress of Two Kinds of Ornamental Grasses Response of Root Distribution and Biomass Allocation of Different Poa L. Varieties to Drought Stress Study on drought resistance of 4 Medicago L.varieties Effects of Drought Stress and Rewatering on Enzymatic Defensive System in Lespedeza davurica(Laxm.) Schindl. Dynamic Responses of Antioxidative Defense System of Lespedeza davurica to Drought and Enhanced UV-B Radiation Resistance Evaluation and Response of 16 Millet Varieties at Germination Stage to Drought Stress Response of UV-absorbing Compounds and Osmotic Adjustment Substances of Three Lespedeza species to Drought and Enhanced UV-B Radiation Effects of Different Hydration-dehydration Treatments on the Stress Resistance of Leymus chinensis Seeds Germination Responses of Proline Content and Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Warmseason Turfgrasses to Soil Drought Stress Responses of Proline Content and Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Warmseason Turfgrasses to Soil Drought Stress Physiological responses to drought stress and the emission of induced volatile organic compounds in Rosmarinus officinalis Induced Drought Resistance of Maize (Zea may L. ) Seedling by Coronatine Effect of glycine betaine on physiological characteristics of cotton seedlings under drought stress Influence of Overexpression of 2-alkenal Reductase Gene on Drought Resistance in Tobacco QTL mapping and genetic analysis for grain weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different water environments Effects of brassinosteroid application on osmotic adjustment and antioxidant enzymes in Leymus chinensis under drought stress Analysis of DNA methylation of tall fescue in response to drought based on methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) Relationship between grain filling and accumulation and remobilization of water soluble carbohydrates in leaf and stem of winter wheat during the grain filling in different water conditions Effects of drought stress on lipid peroxidation,osmotic adjustment and activities of protective enzymes in the roots and leaves of orchardgrass Comparison of drought resistance among three Calligonum in the Southern Fringe of the Taklamakan Desert Effect of water stress and rewatering on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Phalaris arundinacea Dynamic responses on anti-oxidative defense system and lipid peroxidation of Lespedeza davurica to drought stress and re-watering Study on the Drought Resistance of Four Dwarf Ornamental Bamboos Responses and Evaluation of Gas Exchange Parameters and Fluorescence Parameters of Aspen and Crossbreed to Drought Stress and Their Evaluation Effects of drought stress at the bud stage on quality of cut lily. Effects of drought stress on the root growth and development and physiological characteristics of peanut. Physiological responses of four broadleaved seedlings to drought stress simulated by PEG Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic traits and protective enzyme activity in maize seeding Cloning and Expression Analysis of GpSOD in Grimmia pilifera Responses of Endogenous Hormones to Drought Stress in the Apoplast of Populus Effect of Drought Stress on the Ultramicrostructures of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria of Five Plants Dynamic Transformation of the Substances of Osmotic Adjustment in Winter Wheat under Iso-osmotic Salt and Drought Stresses Effects of Drought Stress on Protective Enzyme Activities and Seedling Growth in Populus bachofenii×P.pyramidalis ROZ Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora(Bge.)Hand.-Mazz. Seedlings under Drought Stress Dynamics of Soluble Sugar and ABA Contents in Leaves and Roots of Catharanthus roseus Seedlings Subjected to Natural Drought Condition Effects of Heat and Drought Stresses on Growth and Tespiration in Different Cultivar of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) The Effect on Sod Activity and Protein Content in Groundnut Leaves by Drought Stress Effect of Soil Drought on Electron Transport Rate and Photophosphorylation Level of Different Green Organs in Wheat Quantification of Water Stress Factor for Crop Growth Simulation Construction and Analysis of Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library for Saccharum arundinaceum Retz. Leaves Exposed to Drought Stress Heat balance of cold type wheat field at grain-filling stage under drought stress condition Growth and physiological responses of the Periploca sepium Bunge seedlings to drought stress Physiological ecological effect of endophyte infection on Achnatherum sibiricum under drought stress Effects of Drought Stress on the Yield and Metabolic Regulation at Different Growth Stages in Peanut Dissecting Maize Productivity: Ideotypes Associated with Grain Yield under Drought Stress and Well-watered Conditions Effects of high-temperature and drought stress on protein concentration and key enzyme activities in relation to nitrogen metabolism in wheat grains during the early stage of grain filling The morphological and physiological responses of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to drought stress with different intensity during blossom and fruit period Effects of drought stress on growth, physiological and biochemical parameters in fine roots of Quercus variabilis Bl. seedlings Influences of AM fungi on plant growth and water-stable soil aggregates under drought stresses EFFECT OF DROUGHT STRESS ON THE RNase ACTIVITY AND de novo AYNTHESIS IN WHEAT LEAVES Global Genome Expression Change of Transcription Factors in Conventional Indica Rice Roots under Different Drought Stress Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics in F1 Progeny of Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus americana under Drought Stress Response of Antioxidation Protection System of Hedysarum scoparium to Drought Stress The Response of Pressure-volume Curve Water Parameters of Four Desert Shurb Seedlings to Drought Stress Physiological Response of Tamarix spp. for Different Groundwater Depths in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River in China Physiological Characteristics of Elaeagnus angustifolia and Grewia biloba G. Don var. parviflora Seedlings under Drought Stress Variation of Sap Flow and Stem Diameter of Populus euphratica under Drought Stress——A Case Study along Yingsu Section

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