Combination Drying Method of Microwave and Hot Air in the Production of Suyu-303 Sweet Potato Chips
BREEDING OF NEW SWEET POTATO CULTIVAR DUANWAN 3 WITH SHORT VINE BY COLCHICINE AND DIMETHYL SULPHOXIDE INDUCED MUTATION Absorption and utilization of different nitrogen forms for sweet potato Differences of dry matter accumulation and distribution of maize and their responses to nitrogen fertilization in maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay intercropping systems Explant Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Sweet Potato Trends and Prospect of Basic Research on Root and Tuber Crops #br#in China Optimization of Refluxing Extraction Technology of Anthocyanins from Purple Sweet Potato by Response Surface Method Enhancing the salt tolerance of sweet potato seedlings through exogenous abscisic acid Effect of phosphorus on yield and nutrient absorption and utilization in starch-type sweet potato Genetic Variation in the Starch Gelatinization Characteristics of Sweet Potato with High Pigment Contents Studies on Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Sweet Potato (Simon.1)(Ipomoea batatas) in Tissue Culture Changes in Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Sweet Potato Cultivar Yusu 303 during in vitro Morphogenesis Light response characteristics of photosynthetic of transgenic sweet potato under drought stress Phenolics metabolism in sweet potato infected by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.f.sp EFFECTS OF PHOTORESPIRATION ON PHOSPHATE METABOLISM DURING PHOTOSYNTHESIS Studies on Carotenoid and Flesh Color of Root Tuber in Sweet Potatoes SOME PROBLEMS OF COMBINING ABILITY IN SWEET POTATO Cloning and expression of coat protein gene of Sweet potato vein mosaic virus in E. coli and preparation of antiserum Research Progress and Prospect on the Genetic Mapping Strategy of Sweet Potato The effect of AM fungi on the growth of sweet potato Water Use Efficiency and Physiological Metabolism of Vegetatively Propagated Transgenic Sweet Potato under Drought Stress Study on the stem cell structure alteration of sweet potato varieties with different resistance to Fusarium wilt Genotypic variation and environmental effects on yield, quality and agronomic traits of sweet potato Genetic diversity and correlation analysis of starch yield-related traits in sweet potato Molecular variability of coat protein gene of Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus and preparation of specific antiserum against CP First evidence for occurrence of Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) caused by dual infection of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus and Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus in China Sweet Potato Variety ‘Baishu 1’ Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sweet Potato Based on SRAP Markers Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on the yield and quality of sweet potato Advances in the researches on bacterial stem and root rot of sweet potato caused by Dickeya dadantii Anatomical Structure of the Tuberous Root Growth and Its Amyloplast Development in Sweet Potato PATHOGENIC GROUPS OF SWEET-POTATO PSEUDOMON AS SOLAN ACEARUM AND ITS DISTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT Comparison of root development and fluorescent physiological characteristicsof sweet potato exposure to drought stress in different growth stages Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Sweet Potato Physiological Response for Different Drought Resistance of Sweet Potato under Osmotic Stress Overcoming of Low Seedset in Sweet Potato×Triploidy/Pentaploidy Interspecific Hybrids Development of Embryo and Fruit in Ipomoea batatas Lam Identification of the pathogens causing Fusarium root rot and stem canker on sweet potato in Hebei Province