Construction of Plant Expression Vectors and Identification of Transgenic Potato Plants Cloning of Tomato Polygalacturonase cDNA and Transforming Plants with Antisense RNA The cDNA Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene Encoding Nonstrucure Protein of Rice Dwarf Virus Genome Segment 10 Cloning and Sequencing of the Gene Encoding 10 kD Zein of Maize Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of Wheat High-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Gene Fragment Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Cloning and Sequencing of rpoA Gene from Rice Chloroplast Genume Researches on resistance to downy mildew induced by copolymer of chlorine and potassium ions in cucumber Progress on the Polymerization Mechanism of Proanthocyanidins during Their Biosynthesis Effects of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) on Growth and Photosynthesis of Pepper Plants under Water Stress Detection of Mycoplasmalike Organism Associated With Paulownia Tissue Culture Witches’-Broom by Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) STUDY ON A WATER-BASED ADHESIVE SYSTEM OF CORN STARCH/SYNTHETIC RUBBER LATEX/ISOCYANATE Study on Penetration of Aqueous Polymer Isocyanate Adhesive into Larch,Birch and Oak Effects of co-situs application of polymer-coated fertilizers on grain yield, root distribution and soil residual Nmin in summer maize Application of molecularly imprinted technology for separation of PGG from Guizhi Fuling capsule Advances of Polymeric Materials Applied in TCM Preparation and Separation Studies on Microdissection and Microcloning of the Rye Chromosome 1R A Preliminary Study on the Use of RFLP Analysis of the PCR Amplified Products in the ystematic Investigation of the Subtribe Astragalinae (Fabaceae) Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Specific Mitochondrial DNA Fragment Related to Wild Abortive Type Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice Impact of salinity on nitrification in the process of biological nitrogen removal and its mechanism: A review. Comparison of grain protein components and processing quality in responses to dim light during grain filling between strong and weak gluten wheat cultivars Effects of Agrobacterium tumefaciens on the Symptoms of Paulownia sp. Plantlet in Vitro Cultured Study on matrix proportion of hydrophilic SIS hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive suit modified by RLPO Swelling property of common hydrophilic polymers and their use in push-pull osmotic-pump tablets Fingerprint of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) for Magnolia officinalis Swelling property of common hydrophilic polymers and their use in push-pull osmotic-pump tablets Effects of post-anthesis irrigation on degree of polymerization of storage protein and rheological properties in wheat Construction and Activity Analysis of an Antibiotic-inducible Promoter Identification and expression profiling of Vigna mungo microRNAs from leaf small RNA transcriptome by deep sequencing Effects of environmental materials on maize growth and soil remediation of Pb and Cd contaminated soils The Application of Molecular Imprinting Technique in the Analysis of Foods and Drugs Preparation and Characterization of Starch Grafting Acrylic Acid Superabsorbent via 10 MeV Electron-Beam Irradiation Effect of super absorbent polymer on the growth and root morphology of Haloxylon ammodendron seedlings Determination of Monomeric and Polymeric Flavan-3-ols in Grape Berry byHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography Determination of shikonin in Arnebia euchroma by molecular imprinting-flow injection chemiluminescence method Advances in studies on self-assembled nanoparticles and its application in drug carriers Studies on Sustainable Effects for Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus to Host Insects The effect of different super absorbent polymer applying layer on turf growth and soil water and fertility Amplification of Soybean Mosaic Virus Coat Protein Gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Its Sequence Analysis Cloning and Expression Analysis of DEFICIENS(DEF)- and GLOBOSA(GLO)-like Genes From Paphiopedilum Prokaryotic Expression and Enzymatic Assay of Arabidopsis Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Effects of ginkgolides on gene expression of hepatic cytochrome P-450 in rats Conditions for Dynamic Adsorption in the Purification of Mulberry Red Pigment A STUDY ON EFFECT OF ESTERIFICATION AND GRAFT COPOLYMERIZATION PROCESS ON SURFACE FREE ENERGY OF WOOD A NEW TYPE WPC COMPOSITE MATERIAL FROM TERNARY GRAFT POLYMERIZATION OF STYRENE, METHYE METHACRYLATE AND ACRYLONITRITE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SEASONAL TEMPERATURE VARIATION AND THE PHYTOPLASMAL AMOUNTS IN MULBERRY TREES PCR ANALYSlS OF TRANSGENOSIS (P.×EURAMERICANA)PLANTS Cloning and Sequencing of phbB and phbC in Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 and Construction of Their Plant Expression Vectors Preparation of rutin-Cu2+ complex imprinted polymer and its adsorption character Molecular recognition of galangin molecular imprinting polymer microsphere Determination of berberine hydrochloride in Zhibai Dihuang Pills with ion selective electrode based on molecularly imprinted polymers Identification of Herba Taraxaci and Its Adulterants in Hong Kong Market by DNA Fingerprinting with Random Primed PCR Preparation of molecularly imprinted microspheres against caffeine by aqueous micro-suspension polymerization and its recognition characterstics MOLECULAR EVIDENCES ON SEPARATION AND COMBINATION OF THE GENERA ELEPHANTOPUS L. AND PSEUDELEPHANTOPUS ROHR (COMPOSITAE) IN CHINA RAMDOM AMPLIFIED POLYMORPHIC DNA ANALYSIS OF NEAR-ISOGENIC LINES OF WIDE COMPATIBILITY GENE IN RICE Response of super absorbent polymers under different water gradient on growth characteristics of Parthenocissus quinquefolia seedlings The effect of super absorbent polymer on the growth and nutrition absorption of Festuca arundinacea L. on an improved gangue matrix Effects of sulfur- and polymer-coated controlled release urea fertilizers on wheat yield and quality and fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency. Effects of different coated controlled-release urea on soil ammonia volatilization in farmland Effects of sulfur- and polymer-coated controlled release urea on yield, photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen fertilizer efficiency of rice Organic Polymer Materials Applied in Desertification Control Application of polymer adsorbent in extract ion of medical herbs Effects of super absorbent polymer application rate on soil nitrogen of spring-sown naked oat in two irrigation systems Study on Acting Mechanism of Polymers on Stabilizing Sandy Soil Study on Hybrid Polymer Materials about Rosin/Acrylate Made by Miniemulsion Polymerization IMMOBILIZATION OF YEAST CELLS WITH IONIC HYDROGEL PRODUCED BY RADIATION POLYMERIZATION IMMOBILIZATION OF PROTEINASE BY RADIATION TECHNIQUE Molecular Detection and Identification of Pathogenic Agrobacterium spp. Isolates Associated with Woody Plant Crown Gall Diseases in China The Difference of Bonding Strength between Radial and Tangential Surfaces of Larch with API Adhesive A STUDY ON THE WOOD POLYMER COMPOSITES WITHIN ALNUS NEPALEENSIS D.DON Combined Effects of Nitrogen and Sulphur Fertilization on Content and Size Distribution of Glutenin Macropolymer in Wheat Grain Accumulation Dynamics of Glutenin Subunits and Glutenin Polymer in Wheat Cultivars with Different Qualities during Grain Development
Effects of Phosphorus Fertilizer on Accumulation of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits and Glutenin Macropolymer Size Distribution in Wheat Grain
Preparation and acute toxicity test of Bruceae Fructus oil and β-cyclodextrin polymer inclusion complexes Directional separation of active ingredients of dehydrotumulosic acid from Guizhi Fuling Capsule by molecular imprinting technique Preparation and evaluaiton of bufalin coated PBCA nanoparticles Changes of 5‘‘ Terminal Nucleotides of PCR PrimersCausing Variable T-A Cloning Efficiency Varied Transcriptional Efficiencies of Multiple ArabidopsisU6 Small Nuclear RNA Genes Gene Expression Profile Changes in Germinating Rice The rice OsV4 encoding a novel pentatricopeptide repeat protein is required for chloroplast development during the early leaf stage under cold stress MICROWAVE-ASSISTED SYNTHESIS OF CHITOSAN-g-POLY(ACRYLIC ACID) SUPERABSORBENT POLYMERS

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