Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan Research on high efficient plantlet regeneration of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. An Ultrastructural Evalution of Cytohistological Zonation in the Shoot Apical Meristem of Torreya grandis Regulation Mechanism of Anthocyanin Synthesis in Purple Shoots of Tea by Lighting UPLC-based Analysis of 5-deoxystrgol Extracted From Bamboo Shoots of Different Species STUDIES ON CHROMOSOME DOUBLING, TRANSPLANTING AND MANAGEMENT OF TUBE SHOOTS IN WHEAT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROOT GROWTH AND SHOOT GROWTH AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF WINTER WHEAT GROWN IN THE POTS UNDER WATER STRESS A STUDY ON ROOTING CAPACITY OF SHOOT CUTTINGS OF CYPRESS TREE SPECIES A STUDY ON THE DIRECTIVE CULTIVATION OF SHORT-ROTATIONAL MIDDLE AND SMALL TIMBER OF POPULUS EURAMERICANA CV.‘SACRAU 79‘ STUDIES ON CIRCULTION METHOD OF VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION OF POPULUS TOMENTOSA AND P.HOPEIENSIS PHYSIOLOGICAL,BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND MECHANISM EXPLORATION OF SHOOT VITRIFICATION INFLUENCES OF REPRODUCTIVE METHODS ON GROWTH OF SAGITTARIA PYGMAEA Induction and Culture of Rhizome of Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)in Test Tubes The Research on Introduction and Cultivation of Chinese Wild Rice Shoots in Washington Region of America In Vitro Shoot Tip Culture of Sweet Cherry Cultivars and Detection of PNRSVby RT2PCR A New Apple Variety ‘Tianwang 1’ A Preliminary Study on thein Vitro Culture of Endangered Plant Davidia involucrata Baill. The Establishment and Optimiza tion of a Highly Efficient System of ShootRegeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Phyllanthus emblica L. Studies on Adventitious Shoots Regeneration and Transformation System of Grape in Vitro Cryopreservation of In Vitro Shoot Tips of Potato by Droplet Vitrification and Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plantlets Comparison of Mechanisms for Regulating Iron Deficiency-adaptive Responses Among Horticultural Crops of Malus,Lycopersicon and Vitis Plants Occurrence and output of all types of belowground buds of Leymus chinensis and the dynamics of formation and maintenance of aboveground shoots Comparative Study on Quality and Palatability of Rhizome Shoot of Phyllostachys prominens and Phyllostachys edulis Monitoring Techniques of Melanotus cribricollis (Coleoptera:Elateridae) and Its Application Study on Rooting Culture and Rooting Anatomy of Tree Peony ‘Wulong Pengsheng’ Regenerated Shoots Studies on the Micropropagation and Rejuvenation of the Hyperhydric Plantlets of Paeonia lactiflora ‘Zhong Sheng Fen’ Regulation of Several Plant Growth Substances on Pine Shoot Growth and Their Effects on Shoot Pests Controlling TheWood Qua lity Character istics and the Biopulping Fea sibility ofM in irota tion Coppice Shoot of Poplar Research on Structure Control of High Y ield B am busa oldham iBamboo Shoot Stands Ba sing on N /S Comparison on progeny regeneration capacity among different mating patterns and optimization of cultivation condition in Swertia mileensis Fate of Different Parts 13C-photoassimilates of Tianhong 2/SH40/Malus robusta The Branching Pattern and Biomass of Mikania micrantha Shoot Modules in Acacia confusa Community and Miscanthus sinensis Community Comprehensive Pattern of Primordium Initiation in Shoot Apex of Wheat Morphological Observation on “Polyembryonic Seedling” of Rice Structural and Histochemical Studies of Vegetative Apex in Torreya grandis Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of two varieties of Leis axyridis from three types of habitats to aphid-damaged tea shoot volatiles and aphid kairomones Effect of silicon supply on alfalfa growth A literature review on the above- and below-ground competition The dynamics of root-shoot ratio and its environmental effective factors of recovering Leymus chinensis steppe vegetation in Inner Mongolia Comparison of the Accumulation Ability of Photosynthetic Product between Two Types of Bearing Shoots of Southern China Fresh-Eat Jujube Leading Shoot Elongation Rhythm and Its Potential Role in Selection of Eucalypt Clones A Study comparing Water Use Efficiency and Root/Shoot Ratio of Alfalfa and Astragalus adsurgens at Seedling Stage Regeneration Capacity and Some Affecting Factors of Different Parts of Young Seedlings of Maize (Zea mays L.) Some Physiological Characteristics of the Leaves of Dendrocalamopsis vario-striata during Shooting Responses in the transpiration properties and water use efficiency of leaves from different shoots of Stipa bacailensis to instantaneous changes in the CO_2 concentrations and photosynthetic radiation Study on preservation of Fritillaria anhuiensis by vitrification in vitro Research on physiological and biochemical changes of growing spring shoots of Taxus media Variation of Branch Surface Area in Individual Tree for Poplar Shelterbelts Nutritional Composition and Its Genetic Variance of\nPhyllostachys iridescens Shoots Effects of irrigation volume on growth and quality of Lonicera japonica Relation sh ip Between Morphology and Hormones Dur ing Weeping Peach ( Prunus persica var. pendula ) Shoot Development Factors Affecting Shoot Regenera tion from Leaf and Hypocotyl Explants ofPlatanus acerifolia Willd. Factors Affecting Shoot Regenera tion from Leaf and Hypocotyl Explants ofPlatanus acerifolia Willd. Effects of Shoot Numbers and Distribution in Canopy on Yields and Qualities of‘Fuji’Apple with Standard Rootstock Effects of Shoot Numbers and Distribution in Canopy on Yields and Qualities of‘Fuji’Apple with Standard Rootstock The Study on Potato Shoot Tips Viabilities during Cryopreservation by TTC Staining MethodResources Development and evaluation of genic-SSR markers based on shoot tip transcriptome information of Gossypium hirsutum L. Study on Mutagenic Effects of 60Co-γ Irradiation on Apple Shoot Artemisinin Production by Adventitious Shoots of Artemisia annua in a Novel Mist Bioreactor Direct Primary Somatic Embryogenesis and Shoot Formation from Immature Leaves of Manihot esculenta Expression of Tomato Antisense ACC Synthase Gene in Transgenic Tobacco and Its Role in Shoot Formation Correlations of shoot and root growth and its role in screening for aluminum tolerance in wheat Effects of phosphate and organic matter applications on arsenic uptake by and translocation in Isatis indigotica Habitat selection of the pre-released giant panda in Wolong Nature Reserve USE AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL WATER AND NITROGEN RESOURCESⅠ. Soil Water and Nitrogen Conditions and Root Development Water Changes in Soil and Water Use during Seedling Growth of Three Herbaceous Grasses Bourgeon and Main Stem Extension of Terminal Buds of Paulownia elongata Seedlings Advances in Deep Processing Technology of Bamboo Shoots Ultrastructure of Antennal Sensilla of the Larch Important Shoot PestCydia zebeana(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) Factors Affecting in vitro Shoot Elongation of Pepper Optimization for Shoot Growth of Disanthus cercidifolius var.longipes with Orthogonal Design Study on Seed Germination and Rapid Propagation of Bletilla striata Rchb.f. Studies on High Efficient System for in vitro Shoot Regeneration from Hypocotyls of Chinese Cabbage The Types and Concentrations of Hormone Influence the Rate of Shoot Propagation and Rooting of Petunia hybrida Studies on the Tissue Culture of Different Explants in vitro and Plant Regeneration from Citrus grandis cv. Shatian Yu Genetic Variation of Srouting Ability on the Trunk Base of Chinese Fir Research on Tender Shoot and Leaf Pests Occurrence in Qilian Mountains Nature Reserve FACTORS AFFECTING SHOOT REGENERATION AT HIGH FREQUENCY FROM IN VITRO CULTURE COTYLEDON OF BRASSICA NAPUS AND B.CAMPESTRIS RT-PCR Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus in the in vitro Differentiated Shoots of Banana Tissue cultivation of tiller buds of Epimedium wushanense