Effect of wind speed on transpiration and biomass accumulation of potted amaranth Growth responses of Carex lasiocarpa to different water regimes at different growing stages Effects of silicon addition on seed germination and seedling growth of alfalfa Physiological Responses of Indigofera spicata to different flooding stress Protoplast Isolation and Plant Regeneration from Somatic Embryogenic Cell Suspension Cultures in Rosa multiflora Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants A Preliminary Study on thein Vitro Culture of Endangered Plant Davidia involucrata Baill. Plantlets with Multi-shoots of Cycas revoluta Thunb in Vitro A New Triploid Variety of Pear ‘Longyuan Yanghong’ Histolog ical and Hormonal Characters during the Rhizogenesis of in Vitro Walnut Shoots Effect of Hormones on the Regeneration of Different Explants of GMS Line in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis A New Apple Variety ‘Tianwang 1’ Adventitious Root Generating Process and Hormone and Enzyme Changes in Vitro Paeonia suffruticosa Effects of Continued Pinching on Characteristics of Utilization and Distribution of 13C and 15N for Red Fuji/SH1/ Malus robusta Rehd. Effects of Shading and Girdling on Shoot Growth and Photosynthesis in Litchi Root distribution and canopy structure of Salix gordejevii in different sandy land habitats Bud demography of Quercus liaotungensis:the fates of buds Establishment of Effective Regeneration System of Brassica napus L.in vitro BIOMASS CARBON ACCOUNTING FACTORS OF LARIX FORESTS IN CHINA BASED ON LITERATURE DATA RESPONSE OF ROOT DISTRIBUTION OF HALOXYLON AMMODENDRON SEEDLINGS TO IRRIGATI ON AMOUNTS IN THE TAKLIMAKAN DESERT, CHINA PATCHY CONTRAST OF HABITAT AFFECTS INTRACLONAL DIVISION OF LABOR OF POTENTILLA ANSERINA Effects of changing precipitation patterns on seedlings of Stipa grandis, a dominant plant of typical grassland of Inner Mongolia, China Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Induction of Multiple Shoots From Stem Apex of Immature Embryo in Wheat Effect of Slope Positions of Bamboo Forest on Soil and Trace Elements in Bamboo Shoots Study on the Tolerance and Critical Water Capacity of Shoot Shriveling in Hybrid Hazelnuts The Study of High-Efficiency Plant Regeneration of Jatropha curcas Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Shoot-growingStage of Camellia oleifera Clones Effects of Cadmium Stress on Leaf Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Allocation of Populus×euramericana (Dode)Guineir cv.‘Neva’ Control Techniques of Melanotus cribricollis (Coleoptera: Elateridae) The Effects of AtFBDL1 on Apical Meristematic Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana Study on Var ia tion of Culm Morphology in B am busa ven tricosawith D ifferent Cultiva tion Mea sures Study on Contents of Cellulose, L ign in and Activ ities of POD,PAL in Exc ised Bamboo Shoots of Phyllostachys edu lis Study on Shoot Nutrition of Qiongzhuea tum idinoda: A Rare andProtected Bamboo Species Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Growth Regulators on Shoots YieldofDendroca lamus latif lorusMunro Plantations Planted on H ills Rule of Shooting and Height growth of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Study on the Shoot Cutting of Castanea mollissima Effects ofFloor-covering Material on the Shoot Production in the Stands of Phylostachs praecox Chu et Chao The Occurrence of Shoot Dieback of Exotic Pines in Relation to Stand Growth and Site Conditions Prediction Model for the Bamboo Shoot Yield of Phyllostachys makinoi Hayata Direct Plant Regeneration from in Vitro Leaves of Chinese Jujube Studies on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pulsatilla koreanaNakai Cloning and Expression Characterization of the Cellulose Synthase Gene (PeCesA)from Moso Bamboo(Phyllostachys edulis)Shoot Cloning and Expression Characterization of the Cellulose Synthase Gene (PeCesA)from Moso Bamboo(Phyllostachys edulis)Shoot Adventitious Shoot Regeneration in Vitro from Immature Cotyledon of the Sweet Cherry Polyploid Induction in Pear in vitro Treatment With Gamma-rays A Study of Shoot Apex Grafting is in Vitro for Virus Elimination Citrus Responses of Fagus engleriana Seedlings to Light and Nutrient Availability Shoot Apex Demand Determines Assimilate and Nutrients Partitioning and Nutrient-uptake Rate in Tobacco Plants Shoot growth controlled by gorwth regulator in longan Responses of root carbon reserves and root turnover to experimental CO2 enrichment in grasslands Effects of Different Cultivation Patterns on the Yield and Physiological Characteristics in Mid-Season Japonica Rrice Effects of Single-seed Sowing on Root Growth, Root-shoot Ratio and Yield in Peanut (Arachis hypogaca L.) INITIAL STUDYS OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE APPEARANCE OF INDUCED-PROTEIN AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF WHEAT SEEDLING IN WATER STRESS STUDIES OF TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY ON ANNUAL STEMSIN LARIX PRINCIPIS-RUPPRECHTII MAYR First and second sets of shoots in five evergreen woody species from Tiantong National Forest Park of Zhejiang, China Allocation patterns of above- and belowground biomass in desert grassland in the middle reaches of Heihe River, Gansu Province, China Comparison of phosphorus uptake and accumulation capacity among three plant species Effect of neighboring competition on photosynthetic characteristics and biomass allocation of Chinese fir seedlings under low phosphorus stress Effect of different planting methods on root-shoot characteristics and grain yield of summer maize under high densities The effect of nitrogen nutrition on coordinate growth of root and shoot of winter wheat Effects of phytohormones on shoot multiplication of Toona sinensis Studies on the abnormal embryoid and hypeahydric shoot in tissue culture The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on shoot redifferen- tiation of endosperm-derived callus in Eucommia ulmoides THE EFFECT OF GROWTH REGULATORS ON ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT FORMATION FROM STRAWBERRY LEAVES Salt Tolerauce of Early Growth of Five Grass Species in Hexi Corridor Cryopreservation of Citrus Shoot-tips by Vitrification and Regeneration Identification of Medicinal and Edible Tender Shoots of Aralia in China Rapid propagation ofMomordica grosvenori virus-free plantlets Provenance Differences of Seedling Shoot Elongation Parameters in Schima superba Study on Structure Optimization of Dendrocalamus brandisii Shoot and Stock-Producing Stand Study on Ageing Physiology of Postharvest Bamboo Shoots Studies on Some Scion-rootstock Physiological Indexes Related to Micrografting Survival of Walnut Mini shoot Scion Proliferation in vitro of the Precocious Walnut Cultivars Studies on Cryopreservation Technology of Shoot-tips of Garlic by Vitrif ication Cryopreservation of in Vitro Cultured Kiwifruit Shoot-tips by Vitrification and their Regeneration Effect of Hormones on the Regeneration of Different Explants of GMS Line in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Histolog ical and Hormonal Characters during the Rhizogenesis of in Vitro Walnut Shoots The Establishment and Optimiza tion of a Highly Efficient System of ShootRegeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Phyllanthus emblica L. Studies on embryogenesis and embryo growth process of the root callus in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)