Effect of MAPK signal transduction pathway on apoptosis of leukemia K562 cells induced by ginseng polysaccharide Effects of different extracting fractions from Mori Ramulus and their combinations on inflammatory mediators in macrophage Effects of mangiferin on MAPK pathway and serum cytokines in rats with chronic inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide Changes in Alien Invasive Plants in Jigong Mountain National Nature Reserve of Henan Province from 1994 - 2014 Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cryptochrome Gene PsCRY2#br# in Tree Peony Age-related Resistance and the Mechanism of Ph-3 Gene to Phytophthora infestans in Tomato Expression of Recombinant Tryptophan Decarboxylase in Different Subcellular Compartments in Tobacco Plant Transient Expression of CAT and GUS Genes in Protoplasts Isolated from Rice and Corn Research advance in nitrogen metabolism of plant and its environmental regulation Advances in the research of physiological significances and genetic regulation of lignin metabolism Advance on molecular biology of isoprenoids non-mevalonate pathway Dynamic changes in respiratory pathway during the growth and senescence of tobacco callus,gansu yellow flower Isolation and Early in Vitro Development of Young Pollen Protoplasts in Nicotiana tabacum Studies on the CN-resistant Respiration in Callus of Nicotiana rustica, Gansu Yellow Flower Pathways of Androgenesis and Observations on Cultured Pollen Grains in Rice (Oryza saliva Subsp. Keng) Mechanism of anti-influenza virus of volatile oil in Cinnamomi Ramulus and cinnamaldehyde Effect of berbamine on apoptosis in human pulmonary carcinoma cell A549 and its mechanism Effect of flavonoid from Glycyrrhizae Radix on small intestine epithelium IEC-6 cell migration and intracellular polyamine content Inhibition of astragaloside IV against isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy in neonatal rats and its mechanism Effects of serum containing Dahuang Fuzi Decoction on JAK2/STAT3 signal pathway in mice with severe acute pancreatitis Effect of cryptotanshinone on apoptosis in K562 cell and its mechanism Enzyme reaction kinetics, metabolic enzyme phenotype, and metabolites of berberine Effects of sika pilose antler type I collagen on osteoclast and its molecular mechanism Application of metabolomics in research of plant metabolites FQ-PCR Analysis on the Differential Expression of the Key Enzyme Genes Involved in Isoprenoid Metabolic Pathway in Allelopathic and Weak Allelopathic Rice Accessions (Oryza sativa L.) under Nitrogen Stress Condition Fertilization Process in Sorghum and Its Performance Time for Each Stage Regulatory mechanism of NF-κB signaling pathway on renal tissue inflammation in chronic kidney disease and interventional effect of traditional Chinese medicine Identification and bioinformatics analysis of genes associated with MVA pathway in Magnolia officinalis R-value comprehensive evaluation of effect of three methods for lung-kidney comprehensive evaluation study on R value of three methods for regulating and invigorating lung and kidney in regulating lung inflammation signaling pathways in COPD rats Study on effect and mechanism of Huaier aqueous extract on growth and invasion of human prostate cancer PC3 cells Molecular Evolution of Transcriptional Repressor JAZ Protein Family in Jasmonic Acid Signaling Pathway The Distribution of Stomata and Photosynthetic Pathway in Leaves Changes of the CN-resistant Respiration in Callus Cultures of Nicotiana tabacurn during the Period of Differentiation Cyanide-Resistant Respiration in Relation to Fruit Respiratory Climacteric A REVIEW OF ADAPTABLE VARIATIONS AND EVOLUTION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC CARBON ASSIMILATING PATHWAY IN C3 AND C4 PLANTS Transport pathways of cadmium (Cd) and its regulatory mechanisms in plant ELECTRON LEAKAGE THROUGH VARIOUS ELECTRON TRANSPORT PATHWAYS IN MUNG BEAN MITOCHONDRIA Preliminary study on mechanism of phosphorus leaching in cumulic cinnamon soil Effects of Adding Phenolic Compounds on Respiratary Metabolisms ofCerasus sachalinensis Kom. Seedling Changes in Physiological Properties and Respiratory Pathway of the New Lines of Wheat Introduced Exogenous DNA Under Salt Stress C4 Pathway Enzymes in Soybean Leaves Effects of Water Stress on the Cyanide resistant Respiration and Expression of the Alternative Oxidase Gene in Wheat Seedlings Effect of baohuoside-I on Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway of human esophageal carcinoma cell Eca-109 Inhibition of Testudinis Carapax et Plastrum extracts targeting BMP4 pathway on PC12 cell apoptosis Advances in studies on biosynthetic pathways of camptothecin and their synthases Analysis of physiological and biochemical characteristics of T1 salt-tolerant transgenic alfalfa transformed with the Rhizophora apiculatatotal total DNA via the pollen-tube pathway Advances in research on Chinese medicines that can induce apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by the signal transduction pathway Study on fragmentation of vitexin and isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D-rutinoside using electrospray quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry Effect of pulchinenoside in regulating FLS SFRP2 expression of RA model rats Studies on Fertilization of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni Fertilization Process in Flax and Its Performance Time for Each Stage Analysis of Up and Down Regulation Genes and Relative Pathway during Cotton Fiber Elongation Expression Characteristics of Key Genes in Lignin Pathway among Different Lodging Resistance Lines of Brassica napus L. The Photosynthesis Pathway in Leaves of Dendrobium officinale TRANSFER OF Prd29A:DREB1A GENE INTO WHEAT MEDIATED BY THE POLLEN-TUBE PATHWAY DELAYED FLOWERING, an Arabidopsis Gene That Acts in the Autonomous Flowering Promotion Pathway and Is Required for Normal Development Species- and Habitat-variability of Photosynthesis, Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency of Different Plant Species in Maowusu Sand Area Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis and Metabolic Engineering in Catharanthus roseus Research progress in synthetic biology of triterpen saponins An Overview of Heterologous Organisms Used to Produce Artemisinin and Its Precursors Research Advances in Cannabinoids of Cannabis sativa Screening Resistant-Related Genes to Powdery Mildew in Haynaldia villosa Using Barley Genechip and Studying Its Mechanism of Resistance Study on Isolated Microspore Culture and Embryo Developmental Pathway in Autotetraploid Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var.italica) Research Progress on Cell Autophagy Induced by Cadmium Research Advances on Steroidal Glycoalkaloids Protein Phosphatases Ⅱ C in Plants are Involved in Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Several Signaling Pathways The Research Progress of EPSP Synthase Review on Research Progresses in the Fermentation Methods to Produce Glucosamine Effect of Shade Treatment in Summer on the Expression of Genes Related to Theanine Biosynthesis in Tea Plants(Camellia sinensis) MECHANISMS AND PATHWAYS OF PLANT SYSTEMIC ACQUIRED RESISTANCE Cloning and Expression of cDNA Encoding Key Enzymes (DXR,SLS,G10H and STR) in Terpene Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis Pathway from Catharanthus roseus Cloning and tissue expression of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase gene from Andrographis paniculata Regulation of chlorogenic acid on ERK signal pathway in photoaging ESF-1 cells Immunosuppression of tripterygium glycosides via TLR-NF-κB signaling pathway Research progress on flavonoid metabolic synthesis pathway and related function genes in medicinal plants Policy, status, and pathway analysis on technology upgrading of pharmaceutical equipment in Chinese materia medica enterprise Effect of matrine and oxymatrine on proliferation and expression of Stat3 and Stat5 in SMMC-7721 cell line Effect of celastrol in inhibiting metastasis of lung cancer cells by influencing Akt signaling pathway and expressing integrins Regulatory effect of Tripterygium wilfordii polycoride (TWP) towards TLR4/ MyD88 independent pathway in TNBS/ethanol ulcerative colitis (UC) rat model Advance in treatment of pediatric leukemia through modulating signaling pathways induced by traditional Chinese medicine

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