Comparison of the Effects of H2O2 and Salicylic Acid on Alternative Respiratory Pathway in Aged Potato Tuber Slices The role of chitosan in polyphenols accumulation and induction of defense enzymes in Pinus koraiensis seedlings Effects of alternative respiratory pathway on the spider mite infested-leaves and their indirect defense under NaCl stress Studies on Gene Transformation via Pollen Tube Pathway in Walnut SNP Detection and Analysis of Genes for Flavonoid Pathway in Yellow- and Black-Seeded Brassica napus L. Regulation Mechanism of Intracellular IP3-Ca2+ on Photosynthesis in Maize Seedlings under UV-B Stress Effect of Energy Supply on Respiratory Electron Transport Pathways during Vase Holding of Cut Carnation Flowers DISTRIBUTION OF C3 AND C4 PHOTOSYNTHETIC PATHWAYS OF PLANTS ON THE STEPPE OF NORTHEASTERN CHINA Regulatory effect of berberine on unbalanced expressions of renal tissue TGF-β1/SnoN and Smad signaling pathway in rats with early diabetic nephropathy Regulative mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine on cell signaling pathway in kidney Effects of total glucosides of paeony on expression of inflammatory cytokines and phosphorylated MAPK signal molecules in hippocampus induced by fibrillar Aβ42 Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by excessive ROS/RNS-metabolic cardiovascular disease and traditional Chinese medicines intervention Systems biology applications to explore secondary metabolitesin medicinal plants Comparison of Gas Exchange Traits of Different Plant Species in Hunshandak Sand Area(in English) Autoradiographic Study on the Transport Pathway of Storage Protein of Soybean Within Cotyledon Cells Biodegradation of organic pollutants by thermophiles and their applications: A review. Degradation pathways and main degradation products of tetracycline antibiotics: Research progress. Role of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) pathway in photoprotection in Rumex K-1 leaves. Molecular Mechanism of Lactation and Gene Regulation Networks New Biodiesel Raw Material—Microbial Lipid Transforming Anti-TrxS gene into wheat by means of pollen tube pathway and ovary injection Carotenoid biosynthetic pathway and its control,and genetic manipulation Nitric oxide(NO) is a signaling molecule of plant irritability response to environment The obtaining of transgenic cottons resistant to premature senescence Ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and it‘‘‘‘s role in high plant sexual reproduction Photosynthesis and the Emission of Isoprene Are Mediated by Respiration Water Pathways in Zea mays L.Plant Regulation of orcinol glucoside on CYP3A of L02 cells Regulation of orcinol glucoside on CYP3A of L02 cells Inhibition of Testudinis Carapax et Plastrum extracts targeting BMP4 pathway on PC12 cell apoptosis Studies on the Antitumor Effect and Apoptosis Induction in Human LiverCancer Cell Line (BEL-7402) by Sodium Artesunate RNAi Vector Construction of AtDof1.7 Transcription Factors and Genetic Transformation into Arabidopsis thaliana Review of Mechanism of Rice Flowering in Response to Photoperiod Regulation effects of short sunlight on two electron transport pathways in nectarine flower bud during dormancy induction. STUDY ON SAUR-IPT GENE TRANSFORMED TRIGONELLA. FOONELLA. FOENUM. GRAECUM Cloning and Sequence Anaylisis of δ-OAT Gene from Erianthus arundinaceus THE ACTIVITY CHANGES OF NADP-MALIC ENZYME AND ITS REGULATION IN THE TRANSFORMATION C_3 TYPE PHOTOSYNTHESIS INTO CAM TYPE 陕西渭北旱塬土壤—植物—大气连续体中水分运转规律的研究──Ⅴ.田间冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力研究 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CN-RESISTANT RESPIRATION AND CLIMACTERIC OF FRUIT IN APPLE Studies on Fertilization of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni Molecular Cloning of ZmPP6C Gene and Its Expression Patterns in Response to Light and Stress Treatments in Maize (Zea mays L.) Correlation between sulforaphane-induced human liver cancer HepG2 cell apoptosis and Fas/FasL pathway Correlation between sulforaphane-induced human liver cancer HepG2 cell apoptosis and Fas/FasL pathway The Effect of Jiunaoyizhi Capsul on Signal Transduction Pathway of SY5Y Cell Lines Relationship between phosphopentose pathway and seed dormancyr eleasing of Panax quinquefolius Influence of total flavonoids from Scutellaria baicalensis on Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats and its mechanism Influence of total flavonoids from Scutellaria baicalensis on Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats and its mechanism Mechanism of ginsenoside Rg1 against hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells senescence during serial transplantation Research progress on mass spectral fragmentation behaviour of alkaloidsin Macleaya cordata Analysis on in vivo metabolic pathways of 3-acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid in rats Protection of salvianolic acid B on isoproterenol-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy of neonatal rats Effect of hypericin on myocardial fibrosis of chronic viral myocarditis of mice and its mechanism Effects of Tongsaimai Prescription and Tongsaimai Prescription without Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix on ischemic brain injuries in rats Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis Pathway in Plant Biosynthesis and endocrine regulation of sex pheromones in moth. Isolation of Bromoxynil-Degrading Bacterium Pseudomonas sp.BX-1 and Its Degradability The Study of Candidate miRNA of Sexual Maturity Period Ovarian Tissue of Gansu Alpine Fine Wool Sheep Plant Lesion Mimic Mutants and Their Signaling Pathways Cloning and Expression of Allene Oxide Synthase Gene from Catharanthus roseus Influence of Chrysanthemum indium on collagen accumulationand signaling transduction pathways in left ventricular tissueof cardiac hypertrophy in rats Study total glucosides of Radix Paeoniae Rubra induced K562 tumor cell apoptosis of signaling pathways and related gene changes Effects of Baicalin and Liquid Extract of Licorice on Sorbitol Level in Red Blood Cells of Diabetic Rats Characteristic in photosynthesis,transpiration and water use efficiency of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum of desert species Progresson gene-for-gene recognition in plant-pathogen interaction system Cyanide-resistantalternative pathway was involved in the compatibleinteraction between potato tuber (Salonum tuberosum L.) and softrot bacteria (Erwinia carotovora pv.Carotovora) Thechanges of the HMW glutenin subunits of introducingsorghum DNA into spring wheat RAPD VERIFICATION OF RUST RESISTANT WHEAT VARIANTS Comparative Study of the Photooxidative Response in Leaf Discs from Plants with Different Photosynthetic Pathways Stress Resistance of Plants Induced via the Salicylic Acid-Mediated Signal Transduction Pathway Relationship Between Endogenous Ethylene and the Development and Operation of the Alternative Respiratory Pathway in Aged Potato Tuber Slices Genome-wide identification and expression analyses of cytochrome P450 genes in mulberry (Morus notabilis) Response of ‘Merlot’ grape berry quality and metabolome to meteorological factors at both low and high altitudes The Regulation of Leptin-mediated AMPK Signal Pathway on Lipid Metabolism in Porcine Subcutaneous Preadipocyte EFFECT OF REGULATION OF PHOSPHATE PENTOSE PATHWAY ON CELL GROWTH AND TAXOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN TAXUS CHINENSIS CELLS Biosynthesis Metabolic Pathway and Molecular Regulation of Plants Anthocyanin Microstructure and Ultrastructure Observasion of Primary Root Development in Arabidopsis thaliana with Proteasome Malfunction Multiple Regulation Mechanisms of MEP Pathway in Plant Research Progress of Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids (TIAs) Biosynthetic Pathway of Catharanthus roseus Genetic Analysis of Shikimate Dehydrogenase Allozymes,a Genetic Marker Resisting to Chustnut-blight,in Hybrid of Castanea mollissima×C.dentata Chlorophyll Breakdown in Plant Senescent Leaves and Ripening Fruit

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