Effects of Flaveria bidentis invasion on soil microbial communities, enzyme activities and nutrients Effects of HA-K fertilizer on potassium content of soil and absorption and utilization of potassium in sweet potato Effects of soil and foliar applications of Zn on winter wheat grain Zn concentration and bioavailability Status of soil fertility in citrus orchards of Chongqing Sanxia Reservoir Area Callus Induction and Plant Regenera tion from Stem Segment of Bougainvilleaglabra Choisy Composition and Con tent of Glucosinolates in Leaves and Bolting Stems ofChinese Kale Quantified by HPLC Landscape Cultivar ‘Golden Chain Tree’ Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Cattleya labiata Division of labor in Alternanthera philoxeroides based root morphological plasticity Geostatitical study on the spatial pattern of Anoplophora glabripennis in three types of stands Upper incipient lethal temperature of short term thermal shock of two species of copepods Effect of cultivation on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen accumulation in Cele oasis croplands and their relation to crop yield Population Genetic Diversity of Bombax malabaricum(Bombacaceae) in China A New Phenyldione from Isodon henryi (Labiatae)
Structure of Cyclotide: Cycloviolacin O2 A New Phenylpropanediol from Sarcandra glabra (Chloranthaceae) Effect of three penetration enhancers on corneal permeability of mangiferin in vitro Research progress on medicinal resources of Mylabris and
 close origin species
Studies on the Toxic Principles of Oxytropis glarbra DC Discussion on modernizat ion of research and development of TCM Resources investigation of medicinal plants of Eucalyptus L ‘Herit A Study on the Damage of Poplar Caused by Anoplophora glabripennis Study on Algorism for Polygon Overlay in Geographic Information System (GIS) THE EXPERIMENT ON CONTROLLING ANOPLOPHORA GLABRIPENNIS BY TREE-BORER-KILLING INSECTICIDES STUDY ON APPLICATION OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES OF, i>STEINERNEMA BIBIONIS AND S. FELTIAE TO CONTROL ANOPLOPHORA GLABRIPENNIS AND HOLCOCERUS INSULARIS Evaluation of the Cracks in Microwave-Treated Lumbers Based on Image Processing Impacts of Temperature and Moisture on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Pinus Massoniana Woodland Soil in a Hilly Red Soil Region in Changsha: a Laboratory Incubation Study Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Accumulation in Alfalfa and the Content of Nitrogen in Soil A New Extremely Early Variety of Dolichos lablab L. ‘Xiangbiandou 1’ Studies on the Absorption and Distribution of 15N-labelled Ammonium Calcium to Prunus mume Following Autumn Application Callus Induction and Plant Regenera tion from Stem Segment of Bougainvilleaglabra Choisy Spatial and Temporal Variability of Available Nutrient in Cotton Field at Flower and Boll Stage and Its Effect on Lint Yield and Fiber Quality Relationships of Mixolab Parameters with Farinograph,Extensograph Parameters,and Bread-Making Quality Application and development trend of nanosuspension technology in Chinese materia medica preparation Chemical constituents from Mylabris phalerata and their cytotoxic activity in vitro Comparison of bioavailability of two kinds of solid dispersion from 10-hydroxycamptothecin in SD rats in vivo Chemical constituents of Ajuga decumbens Comparison of fingerprints in various medicinal fractions of Herba Sarcandrae Glabraebetween wild and cultivated species Separation of dehydrocavidine from Corydalis saxicola by preparative chromatography Separation of total flavone in Sarcandra glabra by macroporous adsorption resins Cytotoxic constituents from red alga Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Advances in studies on pharmaceutics of daidzein Programmed Cell Death of Ulmus pumila L.Seeds during Aging and ROS-caspse-3 like Pathway Mechanism In vivo pharmacokinetic study of hexaacetylpurerarin in rats Evaluation on genetic diversity among species of Lonicera L. in southern Zhejiang Province by ISSR and SRAP Antitumor effect of total alkaloids from Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata on breast cancer in mice Effect of suet oil on in vivo pharmacokinetic characteristics of icariside I in extract from processed Epimedii Herba in rats Evaluation on genetic diversity among species of Lonicera L. in southern Zhejiang Province by ISSR and SRAP Effects of borneol at different doses on concentration of geniposide in rat brains Phospholipid complex and its effect on membrane transport of active constituents of Chinese materia medica Effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and energy dissipation of Sarcandra glabra under drought stress Effects of combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers on the yield of peanut, soil available nutrient and biological properties in the upland red soil in subtropical China Effects of shadowing on methane Emissions from Castanopsis carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability study of danshensu in rat Separation and purification of flavonoids from Smilax glabra by macroporous adsorption resin Absolute bioavailability of ginkgolide compounds in rats Simultaneous determination of seven bioactive constituents in Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma by high-performance liquid chromatography A New Variety of Magnolia officinalis Rehd. & Wils. STUDIES ON UPTAKE AND TRANSLOCATION OF SULPHUR IN OILSEED RAPE PLANT USLNG (35) ̄S TKACER TECHNIQUE PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON MALE STERILE MUTANT AFTER EXOGENOUS DNA INTRODUCED INTO WHEAT RESEARCH PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS OF LOW PHYTIC ACID CROPS Joint effect of Different Combination of Temperature and Water-content in Soil on the Development of Mylabris phalerata Pall. Image Segmentation of Cotton Based on YCbCcr Color Space and Fisher Discrimination Analysis Correlation between Mixolab Parameter and Mixograph and RVA Parameters and Its Effect on Noodle Quality Effect of Rotation of Leguminous Plants on Soil Available Nutrients and Physical and Chemical Properties in Continuous Cropping Potato Field Effects of Cotton Straw Returning on Soil Available Nutrients and Microbial Characteristics Advances in rearch on diterpenoid constituents of Salvia species GIS-based three-dimensional space evolution of analysis from Gossampinus malabarica phenological phase in Guangxi Chemical constituents from Ainsliaea glabra Dimethyl Sulfoxide Is Feasible for Plant Tubulin Assembly In vitro: A Comprehensive Analysis Generation and Cytological Research of Four Primary Trisomics in Chinese Kale(Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey) Characterizing Nitrogen Form Variations in Different Organs of Two Wheat Genotypes under Three Nitrogen Rates Flavonoids from Isodon enanderianus Five New Flavonoid Glycosides from Scutellaria amoena Three Ne went-Kaurane Diterpenoids from Isodon xerophilus THREE NEW 6,7-SECO-ENT-KAURANE DITERPENOIDS FROM ISODON ERIOCALYX ULTRASTRUCTURE OF POLLEN DEVELOPMENT IN DOLICHOS LABLAB Pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of THC and THC-solid dispersion orally to mice at single dose Advanced in solubilization methods of water-insoluble natural drugs Breviscapine listed on progress of new varieties and dosage form research