STUDY ON DYNAMIC STATE OF PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY IN ARTEMISIA ORDORSICA COMMUNITY CAVE IN LAND TYPES BY COAL MINING AND THEIRCOMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION ECOLOGICAL MODEL THE MINIMUM DESCRIPTION LENGTH PRINCIPLE AS APPLIED TO HIERACHICAL AND NONHIERACHICAL CLUSTERING ANALYSIS Research practices of conversion efficiency of resources utilization model of castoff from Chinese material medica industrialization Impact analysis of parenterally administered Shuxuetong on abnormal changes of BUN index based on hospital information system data Relationship between the Virtual Dynamic Thinning Line and the Self-Thinning Boundary Line in Simulated Plant Populations Applying multi-model inference to estimate growth parameters of greater lizard fish Saurida tumbil in Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Biomass and its allocation characteristics of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis plantations at different stand ages Tree Recruitment Model of Larix olgensis Soil Seed Bank Properties under Different Land-used Models on Sloping-land with Purple Soils in Hengyang of Hunan Province,South-central China The Models,Motives and Route Choice of Forestland Circulation and Transfer in Collective Forestry Region——Based on the Case of One County in Hunan Province Effects of different models of applying nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality of tomato and soil fertility in greenhouse Overview in establishing animal models against ischemic cerebrocardiac disease and thinking about efficacy evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine Researches of Simulation Models of Rape(Brassica napus L.) Growth and Development Estimation Models of Cotton Aboveground Fresh Biomass Based on Field Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Characterization and Genetic Analysis of Grain Filling Rate of Ludao and Restorer Line C-Bao in Japonica Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Study on Biomass of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest in Limushan, Hainan Island Comparison of soil organic matter models Trees transpiration response to meteorological variables in arid regions of Northwest China Plant similarity studies within different summer corn populations Research advance in simulation and visualization of forest fire spreading via computer Prediction of the Assortment of Characters in the Progenies of Crosses in Rice Breeding Based on the Genetic Distribution Model STUDY ON THE STAND FORECAST MODELS FOR THE BIOMASS OF CHINESE FIR PLANTATION IN HUlTONG THE APPLICATION OF TWO-WAY CONTINGENCY TABLE TO STUDY THE OUTPUT OF BAMBOO FOREST Ⅱ. STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NEW BAMBOO YIELD AND NUMBERS OF BAMBOO CULM ON-YEAR THE APPLICATION OF TWO-WAY CONTINGENCY TABLE TO STUDY THE OUTPUT OF BAMBOO FOREST Ⅰ. STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BAMBOO YIELD AND CULM INDIVIDUAL NUMBERS The evaluation models of ecological compensation standard on the large-scale hydropower engineering construction based on ecological footprint: a case of Three Gorges Project GA-BP Neural Network Estimation Models of Chlorophyll Content Based on Red Edge Parameters and PCA The Physical Model and Energy Absorbing Mechanism of Bamboo Transverse Fracture: the Cracking of Parenchyma Tissue and Layering of Interface Study of the Relationship Between Aboveground Biomass of the Artemisia phaerocephala Stipa bungeana Community and Climate Variables at Sandy Grassland in Erdos Plateau Biomass Allocation and Biomass Estimation Models of Rauvolfia vomitoria and Rauvolfia verticillata (Apocynaceae) Applications studies of the modified exponential model on photosynthesis—light response and CO2 response curves of Mirabilis jalapa BIOMASS AND ITS ALLOCATION IN TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, SOUTHWEST CHINA ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS OF LIANAS AND ITS RESPONSE TO ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCES IN MOIST EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS IN THE AILAO MOUNTAINS OF SOUTHWESTERN CHINA BIOMASS OF CANOPY AND SHRUB LAYERS OF KARST FORESTS IN PUDING, GUIZHOU, CHINA REVIEW OF SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF SOIL RESPIRA- TION AND DRIVING MECHANISMS A preliminary theoretical framework of microbial ecology Modeling tree crown structure of Simao pine (Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis) natural forest Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial abundance and related environmental parameters in Lake Bosten An Overview on Growth and Yield Projection Models for Genetically Improved Stands Verification of the Impact of Chinese Fir Provenances on Basal Area Growth Models Research on Whole-stand Volume Models Application of Fuzzy Distribution Functions to Stand Diameter Distribution of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations Application of Mixed Effects Models in Forest Growth Model A BP Neural Network Model for Forecasting Transient Sap Flow Study on Antiinflammatory Effect of A Compound TCM Agent Containing Ant Extractive in Animal Models The emergy analysis of the eco\|economy system in typical farming and grazing households in Mu Us sandland Quantitative study methods of regional sustainable development in China:a review Review on insect population dynamics simulation models A review: model estimations on effectiveness of best management practices for agricultural non-point source pollution control A review on ecological connectivity in landscape ecology The effect of applying economic green manure crops in the paddy field with succession cropping system Study on the main models and their complete set of techniques for the controlled environmental ecological agriculture Analysis of the Ecoagricultural Models in Major Type of Regions in China Climate change induced potential range shift of the crested ibis based on ensemble models Soil water holding capacities and infiltration characteristics of three vegetation restoration models in dry-hot valley of Yuanmou GROWTH AND YIELD MODELS FOR CHINESE WHITE POPLAR THE SELECTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF LEAF AREA MODELS FOR CLONES OF POPULUS SPP. REVIEW ON THE ARCHITECTURE OF TROPICAL TREES A LIST OF THE TROPICAL TREES BELOGING TO MAJOR ARCHITECTURAL MODELS IN THE ARBORETUM IN JIANFENGLING,HAINAN ISLAND IMPACTS OF CUTTING INTENSITY ON VOLUME INCREMENT AND REGENERATION OF DIFFERENT FORESTS Degradation of Phytosteril Into Androstenedione by Mycobacterium SP-UV-8 Climatic Control on Forests and Tree Species Distribution in the Forest Region of Northeast China Study on Shortern Forecast of Micromelopha troglodyta Study on the Dynamics of Lost Amount of Soil and Water in Young Forest of Chinese Fir Advances in antidepressants and research methods of depression Carbon dioxide sequestration of main shrub species in a natural secondary Pinus Tabulaeformis forest at the Huoditang forest zone in the Qinling Moutains Biomass and Its Allocation in Pinus massoniana Plantation at Different Stand Ages in East Guangxi A Numerical Model of Radiation Distribution Under an Individual Tree Research status of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model and its challenges facing to application in traditional Chinese medicine field Theoretical and applied studies on predator-prey interaction QUADRATIC TRACER DYNAMICAL MODELS FOR TOBACCO GROWTH Studies and questions of biological diversity Applications of soft computation to ecological models Characteristics of the generalized structure of pollutant removal models for constructed wetlands THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS AND FORECASTING MODELS OF BIOMASS OF UNDERGROWTH PLANT IN CHINESE FIR PLANTATION MODELING WOOD PROPERTIES IN RELATION TO CAMBIUM AGE AND GROWTH RATE IN POPLAR PLANTATION Research on Architecture of Dominant Trees in Hainan Comparing Impact of Two Selecting Variables Methods on Canopy Closure Estimation. Application and comparison of generalized models and classification and regression tree in simulating tree species distribution Ecophysiological effect of xylem embolism in six tree species

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