Differentiation of population age groups of captive alpine musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) based on the visible-near infrared reflectance spectra of their feces Hydrological processes as well as their responses to scales Research on Nonlinear Height-diameter Models Rapid determination of loganin in Liuwei Dihuang Pills by NIR spectroscopy Advances in studies on mathematical models of sustained and controlled release systems for oral preparations Research on Cultivation Pattern of Vegetation Recovery at Waste Heap Platform of Coal Mine Optimal stomatal behavior theory for simulating stomatal conductance The probe of the Ten-years Eco-agricultural Practice in Jilin Province A brief analysis on models of eco-tea industry in Anhui Province Patterns and programming for ecoagricultural divisions in Jiansu Province SDLP method on optimization of regional agricultural resource allocation Study on different high-efficient models of eco-agriculture in Hunan Province Distributed modeling of nutrient transport in basin with support of remote sensing and geography information system Effects of Nitrogen Management Patterns on Grain Yield, Solar Radiant Use Efficiency in Super Hybrid Rice Comparison of the Methods Estimating Forest Biomass Based on Stock Volume Study on biomass estimation methods of understory shrubs and herbs in forest ecosystem Studies on the Anti-ulcer Effects of Weiteling Pian The Tendency of Research on Chinese Materia Medica in Japan——Establishmen of Morbid Models on Animals and Their Application to Research on Chinese Materia Medica Inversion Anthracnose Disease Indices of Chinese Fir Based on Hyperspectral Derivative Indices Aboveground Biomass of a Naturaly-regenerated Schima superba Community at Xiaokeng of the Nanling Mountain Variable-Exponent Taper Models for Dahurian Larch in Different Regions of Daxing‘anling Fine Root and Grass Root Decomposition and N Dynamics in Four Land Use Types of Converting Farmland to Forest Current situation and existing problems in research of interflow models Preliminary analysis of the cause of Abies chensiensis mortality in Xiaoqinling national nature reserve The basic principle of virtual species and its application to evaluations of species distribution models The development and evaluation of species distribution models STUDIES ON SYSTEMS MODEL OF THREE PARASITOID ONE HOST INTERACTION PATHOGENIC FUNGI AND NATURAL PLANT POPULATIONS Ⅲ. Pathogenic fungi host plant coevolution and population models for vector dispersed diseases Analysis on water utility of artificial sand fixing plants and its numerical simulation of the procedure of niche fitness in Shapotou Area Comprehensive Evaluation of Different Transformation Models of Low-Quality Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest in Daxing’an Mountains Research on HBV DNA inhibition of plasmid acute infection mouse with betulinic acid Responses of climatic potential grassland productivity to climatic change in an alpine meadow area over the Nujiang Basin, Tibet from 1980 to 2008 Ecological Effects of Rehabilitation Models in Converting Farmland to Forestsin the Hilly Regions in Eastern Liaoning Redistribution patterns of black soil in hillslope landform of Northeast China:A 137Cs study Landform-based pedodiversity of some soil chemical properties in Hainan Island,China Spatial structure of populations Myzus persicae and its predatory natural enemy Erigonidium graminicola Metapopulation dynamic models: A novel approach to fragmented landscape dynamics Advances in Plant Population Viability Analysis Selection of Models of Photosynthesis in Response to Irradiance and Definition\n of Attribute of Weak Light Recent pharmacological study on Sanshengwan decoction Experimental study of chronic kidney failure delayed by Xinshen capsule Neural network modeling of the eutrophication mechanism in Lake Chenghai and corresponding scenario analysis Aboveground biomass of natural Castanopsis fissa community at the Xiaokeng of NanLing Mountain, Southern China Application of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium ecology to the dynamics of the steppe grazing system in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia Research on landscape pattern and ecological processes based on landscape models Biomass allocation patterns and allometric models of Abies nephrolepis Maxim The Scenarios in the Songnen Steppe Research Progress in the Estimation Models of Grassland Net Primary Productivity Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China Growth and development patterns of clone population of Neosinocalamus affinis Application of economical ideas and methods in behavioural ecology Study on active ingredient and mechanism in preventing vascular dementia of Tianzhusan coming from Tujia medicine Applications studies of the modified exponential model on photosynthesis—light response and CO2 response curves of Mirabilis jalapa A Simulation Model for the plant-Environmental System of Alkalized Grassland on Songnen Plain in Northeast China A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RE_INITIALIZATION/RE_PARAMETERIZATION OF A CROP MODEL BASED ON REMOTE SENSING DATA Biome Models: Main Principles and Applications Modeling Structural and Functional Responses of Terrestria Ecosystems in China to Changes in Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Research progress on the application of IPAT model and its variants. Predicting the dispersal routes of alpine plant Pedicularis longiflora (Orobanchaceae) based on GIS and species distribution models. Plant functional groups and their dynamics in tropical forests: a review Simulation of spatial and temporal variation of fruit set patterns on pepper plant based on ‘source-sink’ theory Allocation of Biomass and Productivity of Main Vegetations in Three Gorges Reservoir Region PROGRESS ON KINETIC MODELS OF PLANT CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE Study on immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of Compound Xuanju Capsule Quality assessment of erosion soil on hilly Loess Plateau STUDY ON THE VERIFICATION OF MECHANISTIC MODELS OF NUTRIENT(P) UPTAKE BY PLANT ROOT SYSTEM USING ORTHOGONAL TREND ANALYSIS TO DEVELOP THE LARGE AREA ECONOMIC FERTILIZATION MODELS DYNAMICS OF BIOMASS AND ITS COMPONENTS AND MODELS OF NUTRIENTS ABSORPTION BY SPRING MAIZE UNDER DIFFERENT NITROGEN,PHOSPHOROUS AND POTASSIUM APPLICATION RATES Inheritance and Correlation Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) by Using Mixed Linear Models Monitoring Chlorophyll and Nitrogen Contents in Cotton Leaf Infected by Verticillium wilt with Spectra Red Edge Parameters Effects of Nitrogen Application Strategy and Cultivation Model on the Performances of Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis of Indica Hybrid Rice Eryou 498 during Filling Stage NDVI Analysis and Yield Estimation in Winter Wheat based on GreenSeeker Biomass and Biomass Models of Secondary Subtropical Vegetation in Tuojiang River Valley Studies on the Biomass Models of the Tree Stratum of Secondary Cyclobalanopsis glauca Forest in Zhejiang The Contingency Table Applied to Exploring Larix potaninii Distribution Research on the types and exploitation models of saline soil in Da‘an Ancient Riverway Regional programming and development models for touring agriculture in hilly an of Taihang Mountains- A case study from Hebei Province Kinetics of Batch Fermentation of Epothilone B by Sorangium cellulosum SoF5-76 A review for evaluating the effectiveness of BMPs to mitigate non-point source pollution from agriculture Research Progress on Evapotranspiration Estimation Based on Remote Sensing and Its Application in Irrigation Water Resources

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