GENETIC RELATION ANALYSIS OF Boehmeria nivea CULTIVARS OR LINES FROM SICHUAN WITH ISSR AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOLECULAR MARKERS LINKED TO MALE STERILE GENG THE APPLICATION OF FUZZY CLUSTER ANALYSIS FOR DIF-FERENTIATING THE SUBREGIONS OF NON-MIGRATORY GRASSHOPPERS IN Y1MENG MOUNTAINOUS AREA Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Lycium barbarum L.Revealed by SRAP in Xinjiang of China The Compositions and Cluster Analysis of the Spider Community in the Stands of Pinus massoniana THE APPLICATION OF SEQUENCE CLUSTER ANALYSIS ON DIVISION OF THE GROWTH STAGE OF SEEDLING HEIGHT FOR CINNAMOMUM PLATYPHYLLUM A Study on the Provenance Selection of Chinese Fir in the Dagangshan Region Application of Gray Relevant Analysis in Cultivation Mode Evaluation of Shrub-Grass Composite:A Case Study of Hot-Arid Valley of the Jinsha River in Yongsheng County,Yunnan Genetic Diversity in Kentucky Bluegrass Based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) Analysis RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of 16 Natural Wheatgrass Populations(Agropyron Cristatum) Preliminary Study on Salt Tolerance Genetic Characters in the Newly Released Salt Tolerant Alfalfa Cultivar "Zhongmu No.1 Division on Degenerate Successional Stages of Main Grassland Communities for Grazing in the Songnen Plain of China Studies on Grazing Succession and Stability of Community in Mixed Sward of Perennial Ryegrass/White Clover Genetic Diversity Analysis of Cowpea Germplasm Resources by SSR A Maximum Likelihood-Based Dynamic Clustering Method and Its Application Studies on fingerprint of Patriniae Herba Comprehensive evaluation on yield and quality of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan based on principal component and cluster analysis Simultaneous determination of ten nucleosides and bases contents in plants of Paris L. by HPLC HPLC fingerprint of Xiangsha Liujun Pills from different manufacturers Research on SRAP molecular markers in germplasm resources of Coix lacryma-jobi Fingerprint analysis and chemical pattern recognition for whole plant of Phyllanthus urinaria Quality analysis of Liuwei Dihuang Concentrated Pills based on multi-index components HPLC fingerprint of Yinhuang Qingfei Capsule Application of near infrared spectroscopy in identification of Citrus reticulata CLUSTER ANALYSIS METHOD FOR DIVIDING SUCCESSINAL STAGES OF ANEUROLEPIDIUM CHINENSE GRASSLAND FOR GRAZING IDENTIFYING LITCHI CULTIVARS AND EVALUATING THEIR GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS BY RAPD MARKERS AFLP analysis for genetic diversity of Ganoderma STUDIES ON THE DYNAMICALLY SPATIAL PATTERN OF DENDROLIMUS TABULAEFORMIS LARVAE STUDY ON GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA AND TAIWANIA FLOUSIANA BY USING CHLOROPLAST MICROSATELLITES Spring Foraging Habitat Selection by Mongolian Gazelle in Hulun-Beir Grassland Analysis of Population Genetic Structure of Maize by SSR Marker and Heterotic Grouping COMPARISON OF ROOT PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADING WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) CULTIVARS IN HUANGHUAI WINTER WHEAT PLAINS Structural index systems of agroecosystem and their quantitative methods Quantitative evaluation of land ecological environment in six cities of Hangzhou Bay and its significance in territory programming Identification of Corn Germplasms by AFLP Markers Genetic Diversity of Dioscorea bulbifera L. THE FLORA OF WANMULIN IN NORTH FUJIAN PROVINCE A NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE CULTIVARS OF CHINESE HERBACEOUS PEONY STUDIES ON THE TAXONOMY AND EVOLUTION OF MANDARINS IN CHINA BY ISOZYMES ANALYSES ON THE CHARACTERS OF THE GENUS OTTELIA (HYDROCHARITACEAE) IN CHINA APPLICATION OF CLUSTER ANALYSIS TO THE CYFOTAXONOMY OF EIGHT GENERA OF LILIACEAE STUDY ON NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE CULTIVARS OF LOTUS Species Diversity and Floristic Characteristics of Vascular Plants in Nanji Island, Zhejiang Provience Plant Functional Group Classification of Herbaceous Species in Quercus wutaishanica Communities in the Taiyue Mountains, Shanxi Province of China Identification of Yangti (crispate rhubarb) by near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy Study on medication regularity of traditional Chinese medicines in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder based on data mining Quantitative analysis of nucleosides in four Cordyceps genus by HPLC ISSR Analysis on genetic diveristy of Fagopyrum cymosum collected from eight wild populations Principal component cluster analysis for Citrus medica var.sarcodactylia fruits and fingerprint identification of medicinal plants in Citrus L. Quality control and evaluation of Radix et Rhizoma Gentianae from GAP production base Analysis on geographical distribution of liposoluble constituents in Salvia miltiorrhiza Analysis on fat-soluble components in different parts of Polygala tenuifolia from different habitats by GC-MS Clustering on safflower principal component analysis based on FTIR Analysis of genetic diversity for wolfberry germplasms by AFLP technology Relationship of tree growth and climatic factors at treeline of Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana forest in Basu County, Xizang RAPD Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships in Chinese Gallnut Aphids (Homoptera: Pemphigidae) and Genetic Differentiation in Four Populations of Schlechtendalia chinensis Catchment-based landscape patterns and divisions in mountain areas: A case study of Qixia City in Shandong Province The photosynthetic carbon fixation characteristics of common tree species in northern Zhejiang STUDIES ON THE FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT UNIT-ROOTS AND THE GROUPING OF ROOTS IN WINTER WHEAT Genetic Diversity of Table Grape Varieties in Southern China by ISSR Markers RAPD study oninter-species relationships in Quantitative classification and environmental interpre tation on forest communities in Loess Plateau of the north of Shaanxi Province Genetic Assay of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus from Some Plague Pot of China by RAPD Fruiting Characteristics in Ginkgo biloba Patterns of Indigenous Broadleaf Tree Species Distributed in Guangdong Province Based on Cluster Analysis Analysis on Volatile Components of Caryophylli Flos from Different Habitats Variation in Traits of Magnolia officinalis Seedlings from Different Provenances and Their Principal Component Analysis A Numerical Taxonomic Study of the Carex Section Racemosae (Cyperaceae) in China Genetic Variability and Interrelationships among Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics in Rhizome Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.ssp.nucifera) Germplasms Comparison and Analysis of IRAP and ISSR Molecular Methods Used for Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Tobacco A Numerical Taxonomic Study of the Genus Cyclobalanopsis Oersted from China Quantitative Vegetation Classification of Qichai Region in Hainan Island Genetic Diversity Analysis by SSR of Summer Sowing Soybean in Hubei Physiological changes and heat tolerance comparison of five Rhododendron species under high temperature stress Characteristic chromatographic profile of Zanthoxylum niridum The Numerical Taxonamy of Paris L. Plants RAPD analysis for genetic diversity of medicinal plant Coptis omeiensis RAPD on natural populations in Ophiopogon japonicus in Sichuan Province Plant Functional Group Classification of Herbaceous Species in Quercus wutaishanica Communities in the Taiyue Mountains, Shanxi Province of China SSR of Genetic Distance and Clustering Analysis on Different Populus Section Clones Characterization of patterns of rice cropping practices and multiple pest injury profiles and relation with yield levels