Nitric oxide,a signaling component of ABA-induced stomatal closure Effect of pre-treatments with SA、H2O2 and 6-BA on chilling tolerance in Zoysia matrella Effect of baohuoside-I on Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway of human esophageal carcinoma cell Eca-109 Molecular response of plant to drought stress Mechanism of UV-B Perception by the UVR8 Photoreceptor Molecular Cloning of BoSU03 and Analysis of the Interaction Between#br# SRK and BoSU03 in Brasscia oleracea Effect of matrine and oxymatrine on proliferation and expression of Stat3 and Stat5 in SMMC-7721 cell line Characterization of Genes Involved in Gibberellin Metabolism and Signaling Pathway in the Biofuel Plant Jatropha curcas PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ENDOGENOUS IAA ON GRAIN FILLING OF HYBRID RICE XIEYOU 9308 Research Advances in Inositol Phosphate Signaling in Regulating Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Growth Research Advances in the Development and Regulation of Plant Chloroplasts Specificity and Crosstalk of Phototropin with Cryptochrome and Phytochrome in Regulating Hypocotyl Phototropism Arabidopsis ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 is involved in nitrogen starvation-induced anthocyanin accumulation Molecular mechanisms underlying phosphate sensing, signaling, and adaptation in plants Advances in Research of CBL Family in Plant Relationship between Chito-oligosaccharide Induced Disease Resistance and ABA Signaling Pathway in Populus tomentosa Influence of Chrysanthemum indium on collagen accumulationand signaling transduction pathways in left ventricular tissueof cardiac hypertrophy in rats Recent Advances in the Regulation of Brassinosteroid Signaling and Biosynthesis Pathways Regulation of Meristem Size by Cytokinin Signaling Homeodomain leucine-zipper proteins and their role in synchronizing growth and development with the environment The Function of Gibberellins Signaling in Responses to Abiotic Stresses Molecular Cloning of ZmPP6C Gene and Its Expression Patterns in Response to Light and Stress Treatments in Maize (Zea mays L.) Immunosuppression of tripterygium glycosides via TLR-NF-κB signaling pathway Regulation of OsSPX1 and OsSPX3 on Expressions of OsSPX domain Genes and Pi-starvation Signaling in Rice Hydrogen Peroxide in Plants: A Versatile Molecule of Reactive Oxygen Species Network Transcription Factor WRKY70 Displays Important but No Indispensable Roles in Jasmonate and Salicylic Acid Signaling Transcriptional Regulation and Signaling in Phosphorus Starvation: What About Legumes? Carbon Monoxide-induced Stomatal Closure Involves Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Vicia faba Guard Cells Regulation of Arabidopsis Early Anther Development by Putative Cell-Cell Signaling Molecules and Transcriptional Regulators Timing of Photoperiodic Flowering: Light Perception and Circadian Clock Regulation Mechanisms of Stomatal Oscillation Research progress on effects of Chinese materia medica and active components on proliferation and apoptosis of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid arthritis Effect of baohuoside-I on Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway of human esophageal carcinoma cell Eca-109 Effects of Qizhi Jiangtang capsule on protein expressions of InsR, PI3K, GLUT2 and p-JNK in hepatic tissues of rats with type 2 diabetes Pathomechanisms of podocyte injury in diabetic nephropathy and interventional effects of Chinese herbal medicine Protective effect against myocardial ischemia reperfusion injuries induced by hyperoside preconditioning and its relationship with PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in rats MicroRNA and left ventricular hypertrophy Review of research advancements on the molecular basis and regulation of symbiotic nodulation of legumes Adaptation of higher plants to environmental stressesland stress signal trans-duction Source and function of Nitric Oxide in plants Nitric oxide(NO) is a signaling molecule of plant irritability response to environment Roles of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Cascades in ABA Signaling Regulation of Plant Development Research Advances and Prospects of ABA in Fleshy Fruit Distribution of Ca2+ at the Tip of Phyllostachys edulis Root under Drought Stress and Physiological Functions of Exogenous Ca2+ Study on effect of lycorine in inducing apoptosis of pulmonary carcinoma cell A549 Toxicity o f Radix Aconitiion Focaladhesi on signal pathway of mice Progresson gene-for-gene recognition in plant-pathogen interaction system Research Progress in Plant Glycobiology Mitochondrial Composition, Function and Stress Response in Plants Study on action mechanism of Danhong injection based on computational system biology approach Function and mechanism of neurotensin (NTS) and its receptor 1 (NTSR1) in occurrence and development of tumors Effects of different extracting fractions from Mori Ramulus and their combinations on inflammatory mediators in macrophage Effects of mangiferin on MAPK pathway and serum cytokines in rats with chronic inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide Molecular Cloning of BoSU03 and Analysis of the Interaction Between#br# SRK and BoSU03 in Brasscia oleracea The Role of Focal Adhesion Kinase Signaling Pathway in the Bacterial Invasion of Non-phagocytic Cells Research Progress on Cell Autophagy Induced by Cadmium Protein Phosphatases Ⅱ C in Plants are Involved in Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Several Signaling Pathways Research Advances on Phototropin Receptor and Phototropin Signaling Mechanism in Plant Advances in Cellular and Molecular Basis of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche A Genome-wide Functional Characterization of Arabidopsis Regulatory Calcium Sensors in Pollen Tubes Ethylene Signal is Involved in Regulating Arabidopsis Response to Drought Stress Stimulated by PEG Regulatory effect of berberine on unbalanced expressions of renal tissue TGF-β1/SnoN and Smad signaling pathway in rats with early diabetic nephropathy Regulative mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine on cell signaling pathway in kidney Inhibition of vinorelbine on invasion and metastasis of breast cancer cell and its mechanism Study on inhibitory mechanism of polypeptide extract from scorpion venom on ovarian cancer Regulation of Tripterygium wilfordii Polycoride Tablet towards miR-146a, miR-146b, and TLR4/MyD88 dependent signaling pathway in ulcerative colitis rat model Molecular mechanisms of the insect juvenile hormone Jasmonic acid signaling in plants and its biological functions in relation to environment Phytohormone Signaling Network in Plant Guard Cells Plant Lesion Mimic Mutants and Their Signaling Pathways G PROTEIN AND ITS FUNCTION IN SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION OF PLANTS Signaling Components Involved in Plant Responses to Phosphate Starvation Evolutionarily Conserved DELLA-mediated Gibberellin Signaling in Plants A Confocal Technique Applicable to Studies of Cellular pH-related Signaling in Plants AKINβ1 is Involved in the Regulation of Nitrogen Metabolism and Sugar Signaling in Arabidopsis Rice Homeobox Transcription Factor HOX1a Positively Regulates Gibberellin Responses by Directly Suppressing EL1 Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated Growth of the Root System Occurs via Auxin Signaling Modification and Variations in the Expression of Cell-Cycle Genes in Rice Seedlings Exposed to Cadmium Stress Interactions Between Temperature and Sugars in the Regulation of Leaf Senescence in the Perennial Herb Arabis alpina L. DICER-like Proteins and Their Role in Plant-herbivore Interactions in Nicotiana attenuata ROP11 GTPase Negatively Regulates ABA Signaling by Protecting ABI1 Phosphatase Activity from Inhibition by the ABA Receptor RCAR1/PYL9 in Arabidopsis

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