Research on soil fractal feature of abandoned farmland- A case study from Yijinhuoluo County.Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Research on pattern for biology utilization and agriculture development in Dongting Lake wetland
Construction of degradation diagnosis system for the ecosystems in Dongtan coastal zone of Chongming, Shanghai.
Community composition of phytoplankton in Fujian-Guangdong coastal upwelling region in summer and related affecting factors.
Spatiotemporal variation of soil pH in Guangdong Province of China in past 30 years.
Correlation analysis on the damage of Mikania micrantha to plant communities in Neilingdind Island of Guandong Province,China
Landscape pattern change of Dongzhai Harbour mangrove, South China analyzed with a patch-based method and its driving forces.
Characteristics of the soil environment of Dongting Lake wetlands and its response to the converting farmland to lake project
Diets Selection and Feeding Memory of Odontotermes formosanus in Nanjing
Evaluation of soil and water conservation capacity of different forest types in Dongling Mountain
Valuation of ecological capital in Shandong coastal waters: provisioning service value
Valuation of ecological capital in Shandong coastal waters: standing stock value of biological resources
Comparison of the drought resistance characters at Seedling Stage between Dongxiang Common Wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) and cultivars (Oryza sativa L.)
ITS Sequences Analysis and Toxin Characteristic of Microcystis Strains Isolated from Guangdong Reservoirs
Polyamine Contents and Polyamine Oxidase Activities in Roots and Leaves of Two Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Cultivars with Contrary Salt Tolerance under Salt Stress
Cytotoxic Components from the Roots of Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.) Oliv.
Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis (Celastraceae)——A New Variety from South China
Biological Response of Cynodon Dactylon Vegetative Propagates to Simulated Flooding
Damage of the Frozen Rain and Snow to Natural Secondary Forests and Its Crown Debris in Northern Guangdong Province
The Characteristics of Fungshui Woods Pygeum topengii-Endospermum chinense Community in Fenggang Town, Dongguan City
The Volatile Oil Constituents from Leaves of Clerodendrum Chinese in East Guangdong
Floristic Analysis of Seed Plants in Tongledashan Nature Reserve in Yunan,Guangdong Province
Lectotypifications of Eighteen Names in Monocotyledon
High Saponin Content Mutants of Codonopsis lanceolata Induced by EMS
Genetic Diversity of Different Elevation Kingdonia uniflora Populations in Taibai Mountain by SSR Markers
rDNA-ITS sequence characterization and genetic diversity based on ISSR of cereal cyst nematode on wheat from Shandong Province
Molecular identification and partial sequence analysis of Garlic latent virus infecting Allium chinense
Polyacrylamides Membrane Chromatogrphy of Flavonoids in Gordonia acuminata
Biomass and Leaf Area Dynamics of Modular Populations in Gordonia acuminata
Quantitative Structure and Dynamics of Leaf Populations of Gordonia acuminata on Jinyun Mountain
Seed Demography of Quercus liaotungensisin Dongling Mountain Region
Two New ent-Kauranoids fromIsodon tenuifolia
Pattern and Significance of Seedling Development in Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae)
Plant Traits and Soil Chemical Variables During a Secondary Vegetation Successi on in Abandoned Fields on the Loess Plateau
The effects of water quality on epilithic diatoms communities of Dongjiang river basin
Evolution of the platycodonoid group with particular references to biogeography and character evolution
Effects of nutrient on polyamines variation in the mesocosm in the East China Sea
Ecosystem quality comprehensive evaluation and change analysis of Dongting Lake in 2001-2010 based on remote sensing
Research on the cointegration and causality between urban artificial landscape structure change and landscape connectivity in Dongguan City
Ecosystem health assessment based on variable fuzzy evaluation model in Dongshan Bay, Fujian, China
Study on predation preference of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) and Adonia variegata (Goeze) on red and green color morph pea aphids
Effects of land abandonment on soil aggregate and organic carbon stability in cold waterlogged paddy fields
Screening and Identification of a Sponge-associated Fungus HMP-F66 Inducing Oxidative Burst in Tobacco Cell Suspensions
Expression of a Xylanase Gene Originated from Rumen Anaerobic Fungi Neocallimastix frontalis in Pichia pastoris
The Study of the Structure of Perchlorate(ClO4-)-degrading Bacterial Communities Under Autotrophic Conditions
Analysis on the responses of flood storage capacity of Dongting Lake to the changes of landscape patterns in Dongting Lake area
Landscape ecological security dynamics in a fast growing urban district: the case of Dongguan City
Cluster Analysis and Codon Usage Bias of psbA Genes From Prokaryotic Microalgae
Molecular Detection of Blast Resistance Genes Pi-b and Pi-5 in Northeast Rice Varieties and Utilization Evaluation of Introduced Resistant Donors
Hazard Analysis of Anoplophora chinensis and Early Comprehensive Selection of Betula alnoides Provenances in Northern Guangdong Province
D iurna l Change of Photosynthetic Character istics and Response to L ightIntensity of P inus kesiya Royle ex Gordon var. langbianensis
In vitro Culture and Plant Regenera tion of Pa rthenoc issus qu inquefolia
Nutrient absorption and distribution characteristics of different peanut varieties in Jiaodong peninsula
GIS-based Suitability Evaluation of Agricultural Land inDongting Lake Reg ion
Ultrastructure of protein bodies and lipid bodies in cotyledon of watermelon during seed development and germination
Chromatographic fingerprint study on Halenia ellipitica of Tibet herb
A Preliminary Study of Herbaceous Vegetation Succession on the Abandoned Farmland at Water Catchment Region of Central Route for South-to-North Water Diversion Project
Contribution of Soil Nutrient in Abandoned Lands to Vegetation Restoration in Hilly and Gully Regions on the Loess Plateau
Morphology and Anatomy of Two Athyriaceae Genera Growing in Shandong
Study on Characteristics of Soil in Mining Abandoned Lands in Xiangtan, Hunan Province
Absorption,Distribution and Utilization in Ziziphus jujuba var.inermis ‘Zhanhua-Dongzao’ to 15N-Urea Fertilizer before Bud-Break
The Conservation of Black-Faced Spoonbill and Its Wintering Sites in Hainan Island
Research of Transferred Synthetic Nattokinase Gene in Tobacco Genome
On Chinese Sarcoglyphis, Ornithochilus, Chiloschista and Epigeneium
Classification and Distribution of Cyrtogonellum from Limestone in Guangdong
A preliminary study on the taxonomy and distribution of Entodon in Hebei Province,China
Leaf Stomatic Characteristics of Dicotyledonous Plants in the Tibetan Plateau Grasslands
Constructing pre-core collection of Cynodon dactylon based on phenotypic data
Antioxidant and osmoregulation substance properties of flower buds in Platycodon grandiflorus male sterile lines
Analysis on different populations of Cynodon dactylon by RAPD
A new synonym of Stemona sessilifolia (Stemonaceae)
Gymnocoronis, a new naturalized genus of the tribe Eupatorieae, Asteraceae in China
Pollen Morphology of the Platycodonoid Group (Campanulaceae s. str.) and Its Systematic Implications
Studies on the Diterpenoids of Rabdosia ternifolia
Studies on the Nucleic Acid and Protein Content in the Cotyledon Cells of Lotus Using Fluorescent Imaging System with a Scientificgrade Charge Coupled Device
Report of Sawdonia in China--Sawdonia curstipa sp. nov.
Povidone-iodine and isothiozolone for removing red tide algae Phaeoecystis globosa
Extinguishment of harmful algae by organo-clay
Effects of Alexandrium tamarense and Prorocentrum donghaiense on rotifer Brachionus plicatilis population