Steroids from tubers of Asparagus filicinus Steroids from tubers of Asparagus filicinus Curative effect of Juanbi Tongdu Decoction with neurolysis by small-needle knife and fumigation by Chinese materia medica on ankylosing spondylitis Effects of salt stress on growth and ajmalicine accumutation of Catharanthus roseus calli Studies on Chromosome Number of Four Original Species of Chinese Medicine Xihuangcao Research Advances in the Functions of Plant Folates Cloning and Expression Analysis of Retrotransposon Reverse Transcriptase in Introgression Lines from Dongxiang Wild Rice Solexa Sequencing and Bioinformatics Analysis of Small RNA in Winter Wheat Transformation of RNAi Vector in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) In Vitro by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Transfection Changes of Ribonuclease in Cotyledon Segment of Phaseolus radiatus L During Dedifferentiation Early Development of the Endosperm in Kingdonia uniflora Age, growth and fecundity of Clupanodon punctatus in Xipu Bay of Dongshan Island, Fujian Province Relationship between tree ring growth of Gordonia acuminata and climatic factors in Mt Jinyun What the Prorocentrum species should be? -A review on identification of a Prorocentrum species from the East China Sea Reserves and spatial distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in Guangdong Province Dynamics of leaf system in muskmelon Effect of NCS on enzyme activities in microbodies andcell ultra-structure of excised radish cotyledons Substance mobilization and metabolism of pea seeds containing different water content The effect of water content in germinating pea seeds on activities of protease and amylase in the cotyledons A study on the structure and dynamics of the diameter of Pinus densiflora population in Shandong Province Research on distribution pattern of rare and endangered plant Kingdonia uniflora population Effect of Salicylic Acid on Preservation of Harvested Stolons of Hybrid Bermudagrass Physiological Responses of Medicago sativa L. cv. Zhaodong to High Temperature Stress Callus Induction and Regeneration System of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. ‘Xinnong No.1’ Influences of Abandoned Bedding on the Growth and Drought Resistance of Two Turf Grass Types Physiological Response of Medicago sativa to Odontothrips loti Damage Effects of Cytokinins on Shoot Organogenesis from Cotyledon of Pepper Establishment of Efficient Shoot Regeneration System of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis) Inbred Line‘AB-81’and Studies of Transient Expression of gus A Gene Plant Regeneration from Cotyledonary Explants of Chinese Cabbage Cultured in Vitro Botanical Diversity and Breeding of Cynodon Efficient Culture and Plan t Regeneration from Cotyledon Protoplasts of ‘Cuixiu’Cucmnber Improvement of Genetic Transformation System by Using GFP as ReporterGene on Pepper Inducement of Oridonin Injection to SGC-7901 cell apoptosis and its mechanisms Cloning and sequence analysis of actin gene fragment from roots of Codonopsis pilosula Optimization of extracting condition for Morina nepalensis by uniform design Protection for national products of geographical indication of geo-authentic crude drug Radix Codonopsis Advances in studies on quality evaluation of Radix Codonopsis Promoting effect for transdermal enhancers on theophylline with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method Study on conditions of seed germination of Cistanche Effect of Dongchong Xiacao capsule on airway inflammation of asthmatic patients Primary role and extraction of arachidonic acid Release kinetics of oridonin self-microemulsifying drug delivery system in vitro STUDY ON EUONYMUS LINN. (CELASTRACEAE) FROM SHANDONG TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON RED TIDE CAUSATIVE ALGAE ON THE GUANGDONG COAST,SOUTH CHINA SEA FLORALORGANOGENESISOFSAGITTARIA GUAYANENSISSSP.LAPPULA ——WITH ADDITIONALREFERENCETOITS RELATIONSHIPWITH THERELATIVEGENERA Induction of Polyploid from Colchicine-Treated Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don Callus Effects of Two Kinds of Cytokinins on Shoot Regeneration from Cotyledonary Explants of Chinese Cabbage Determination Compounds of Antihepatitis-haleniaside in Tibet Herb of Halenia ellipitica D. Don Studies on the Interspecific Association among the Kingdonia uniflora and Its Companion Species in Taibai Mt. A Floristic Study on the Seed Plants of Tongguzhang Mountains in East Guangdong Morphological Description and Taxonomy of Compsopogon sp. (Compsopogonaceae,Rhodophyta) from Guangdong Province Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Extracts Derived from Four Kinds of Lichen Fruit Shape and Pericarp Micro-morphology of the Cyperus (Cyperaceae) in Shandong Isodon atroruber (Lamiaceae):A Newly Recorded Species from China A Cytological Study on Homocodon brevipes (Campanulaceae) Xerophinoid C, a New Diterpene Glucoside Derivative from Isodon xerophilus (Labiatae) The Ployploid Induction and Identification of Platycodon grandiflorus (Campanulaceae) in China An lonone Derivative from Isodon leucophyllus Floral Anatomy of Megacodon and Veratrilla (Gentianaceae) Triterpenoids from lsodon adenanthus Constituents from Thamnolia vermicularis A New ent-Kauranoid from Isodon ternifolius The Chemical Constituents from Basidiocarps of Sarcodon aspratum The Assignments of NMR Data of Rabdoepigibberellolide, A Novel Diterpenoid from Isodon japonica Effect of Kinetin on the Organ Differentiation in Cucumber Cotyledons Three Ne went-Kaurane Diterpenoids from Isodon xerophilus Contribution to the Knowledge of New Basidiomycoteus Taxa from China ORTHODONTIUM BILIMBATUM, A NEW SPECIES IN A NEW SECTION BILIMBATUM OF GENUS ORTHODONTIUM FROM NORTHWESTERN YUNNAN, CHINA FOUR NEW SESQUITERPENOIDS FROM LAGGERA PTERODONTA Chemical constituents from Pleione bulbocodioides Optimization of extracting technology for Fagopyrum dibotrys by orthogonal test Construction of a full-length cDNA library for Senecio scandens Effects of Salviae miltiorrhizae and Platycodon grandiflorum in Tianwang Buxin decoction for microcirculation of brain meninx vascullosa in rats Major constituent proteins in donkey hide and their interaction Change of Bcl-2 expression and telomerase during apoptosis induced by oridonin on human hepatocelluar carcinoma cells Pharmacognostical study of Atropa belladonna Effect of different nitrogen forms and ratio on growth and active ingredient content of Platycodon grandiflorum Effect of Yunnan herb Laggera pterodonta against influenza A(H1N1)virus in vitro Alkaloid constituents of Fritillaria cirrhosa Effects of different water-supplying conditions on morphology and biomass distribution of Fagopyrum dibotrys