Studies on Callus Induced from Leaves and Plantlets Regeneration of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Chrysanthemum morifolium Preservation of Germplasm of Rehmannia glutinosa in Vitro ORGANOGENY AND PLANTLET IN SOMA OF PEANUT Tissue culture of stem segment and plantlet regeneration of Dendrobium nobile Anther culture and plant regeneration of Robinia hispida STUDIES ON TISSUE AND RAPID PROPAGATION PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM VAR. LATIUSCULUM STUDIES ON THE TISSUE AND CELL CULTURE OF SOPHORA JAPONICA L. STUDY ON THE CULTURE OF DIFFERENT EXPLANTS OF MISCANTHUS SACCHARIFLORUS(MAXIM.)BENTH ET HOOK IN VITRO Studies on optimization of somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Picea meyeri Influence of K-deficiency Stress on Plant Growth of Strawberry and Soil-borne Disease Under Continuous Cultivation Influence of K-deficiency Stress on Plant Growth of Strawberry and Soil-borne Disease Under Continuous Cultivation Changes of Reactive Oxygen Metabolism of Garlic Plantlet in Vitro Under Exogenous H2O2 Stress and the Responses to AsA Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Lilium regale Establishment of Regeneration System of Leaves and Stems of Dioscorea bulbifera L. Virus-free Plantlets Influence of subculture cycle on tube plantlet growth of Dendrobium huoshanense and medium composition 灌溉与施氮对黑河中游新垦农田土壤硝态氮积累及氮素利用率的影响 Construction of Ggenetic Linkage Map in Lolium multiflorum Study on Tissue and Protoplast Culture of Wild Cotton (Gossypium davidsonii) Induction of Endosperm Calluses and Regeneration of Endosperm Plantlets of Asparagus officinalis Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from Callus of Mature Zygotic Embryos of Masson Pine Plantlet Regeneration from Leaf Protoplasts in Seedling of Actinidia eriantha Benth. Developmental Anatomy of Cymbidium sinense in vitro AXILLARY BUD CULTURE AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF ACACIA AURICULIFORMIS AND A. MANGIUM Studies on regeneration system of tissue culture in Granny Smith apple Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of Rehmannia glutinosa In vitro cultivation of nodal segments of the cork tree (Quercus variabilis) Advances in tissue culture of Arnebia euchroma Tissue Culture of Altemanthera ficoidea ‘Ruliginosa’Leaf Explants and ItsPlantlet Regeneration Effects of Different Light Qualities on Root Growth and Development of Test-tube Plantlets of Vitis vinifera L. Identification and Gene Mapping of an Early Senescent Leaf Mutant esl6 in Oryza sativa L. Component analysis of crude and sweated Dipsaci Radix based on HPLC-ESI-MS In vitro mutation induced by ethylmethane sulfonate in Stevia rebaudiana and SRAP identification of salt-tolerant mutants A Comparison of Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Polypeptides from Velvet Antlers of Cervus nippon Temminck and Cervus elaphus Linnaeus In Vitro Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Quercus shumardii Studies on Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Sweet Potato (Simon.1)(Ipomoea batatas) in Tissue Culture The Establishment of the Efficient Regeneration System of the Tender Stems of Aconitum sungpanense Plantlet Regeneration from Protoplasts lsolated from an Embryogenic Suspension Cultureof Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) Somatic Embryogenesis and Cytological Variation in Protoplast Culture of Levisticum officinale Koch Study on PAL, PPO, SOD Activities of Tissue Cultured Plantlets of Slash Pine Treated with Lecanosticta acicola Studies of Culture and Propagation of Salt-tolerant Aloe Plantlet by Seawater Tissue Culture A STUDY ON VA MYCORRHIZAE FORMED ON THE TISSUE-CULTURED PLANTLETS OF PAULOWNIA Effect of Cutting Length on Rooting and Growth of Two-year-old Plantlets of Larix kaempferi in Nursery Effects of Light Quality on the Growth and Development of in Vitro CulturedGrape Plantlets Effects of Light Quality on the Growth and Development of in Vitro CulturedGrape Plantlets Cryopreservation of Shoot-tips of Stachys floridana Schuttl. ex Ben th. byVitrification and Its Regeneration APPROACHING MARKET THEORY AND METHOD OF FOREST ECOLOGICAL BENEFITS ACCOUNTING Advance in the Compatibility and Dismantlement Research on Traditional Chinese Compound Prescription RESPONSES 0F RESISTANT AND SUSCEPTIBLE CLONES 0F IN VITR0 CULTURED PAUL0WNIA TO THE GRAFT INOCULATION WITH PHYTOPLAS MAS CALLUS INDUCTION FROM PAULOWNIA PLANT LEAVES AND THEIR PLANTLET REGENERATIONS Somatic Embryogenesis of Platanus orientalis and Its Plantlet Regeneration PLANT REGENERATION IN TISSUE CULTURE OF SETARIA YUNNANENSIS X S.ITALICA(4n) F_1 PLANTS RECENTLY PHOTOSYNTHESIZED CARBON ALLOCATION AND TURNOVER: A MINOR REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Research Progress on Proteins Related to Deer Antler Regeneration Research on Establishment of Compa tibleModel System s forMorta lity and Cut Ra tes of Na tura l Spruce Forest in Tibet A STUDY ON COMPARATIVE ANATOM OF REGENERATION PLANTS(SOPHORA JAPONICA L.)OBTAINED IN VITRO STUDY ON TIP GRAFTING IN VIVO BY USING IN VITRO PLANTLETS INDUCTION OF CALLI AND REGENERATION OF PLANTLETS FROM IPHIGENIA INDICA STUDIES ON INDUCTION OF SOMATIC EMBRYOS AND PLANTLET REGENERATION FROM UNFERTILIZED OVULES IN VITRO CULTURE OF BLACK CURRANT (RIBES NIGRUM L.) Studies on petal tissue culture of the traditional Chinese medicine Chrysanthemum morifolium Plantlet Regeneration by Isolated Microspore Culture of Somatic Hybrid ofEggplant Effects of Different Light Qualities on Root Growth and Development of Test-tube Plantlets of Vitis vinifera L. Studies on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Taro Test-tube Plantlets after Transplantation Studies on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Taro Test-tube Plantlets after Transplantation Establishment of High2eff ic ien t in Vitro Leaf Regenera tion System in ChineseJujube Establishment of High2eff ic ien t in Vitro Leaf Regenera tion System in ChineseJujube Establishment of High-frequency Regeneration System from Leaf Explants ofLavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ Plantlet Regeneration from Leaf Protoplast cultures of Japanese Butterbur Transformation of Populus tomentosa by Agrobacterium and Regeneration of Transformed Plantlets Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration in Capsicum Explant Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Sweet Potato Spatial variability characteristics of soil nutrients in tobacco fields of gentle slope based on GIS THE SOMATIC CULTURE AND PLANTLETS REGENERATION FROM LONG-FIBRE COTTON MUTANT LINES DIRECT PLANTLET REGENERATION VIA ORGANOGENESIS OF Paulownia PLANTS THE VARIATION OF SALT TOLERANCE INDUCED BY EMS FROM DIFFERENT STRAWBERRY TISUES Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Abelmoschus esculentus Plantlets in vitro under Different Quality Lights Effects of nitrogen on growth and flowering of test-tube plantlets of Gomphrena globosa Plantlet Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Zamioculcas zamiifolia Studies on Photosythetic and Respiratory Characters of Different Leaf Positions in Grape Plantlet in Vitro Synthesis of Cytoplasm Hybrid of Non􀀁heading Chinese Cabbagethrough Asymmetric Electric Fusion of Protoplast Cell Effects of sika pilose antler type I collagen on osteoclast and its molecular mechanism