Isolation and Identification for Symbiotic Mycorrhizal Fungi of Rhododendron changii Inducing effect of total flavones in rhododendra on endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor responses in cerebral basilar artery of rats subjected to global cerebral ischemia reperfusion Pollen Morphology and Its Taxonomy of Twenty Six Species in Rhododendron Physiological responses and photo-protective mechanisms of two Rhododendron plants to natural sunlight after long term shading Growth Responses of Rhdodendron catawbiense‘Boursault’to Size-elevated Containers Growth Responses of Rhdodendron catawbiense‘Boursault’to Size-elevated Containers Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Rhododendron fortuneiRevealed by ISSR Molecular Markers ON THE ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS RHODODENDRON L. A NEW SPECISE OF RHODODENDRON FROM HUNAN THE FLORISTIC STUDY ON THE GENUS RHODODENDRON Phylogenetic Relationship of Subgenus Tsutsusi(Rhododendron)Based on ITS Sequences SEED PROPAGATION OF RHODODENDRON A NEW SPECIES OF RHODODENDRON FROM YUNNAN THE EFFECT OF LIGHT OF DIFFERENT COLOUR ON GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS ON RHODODENDRON IRRORATUM Two New Varieties of Genus Rhododendron from Yunnan Dihydroflavones in Rhododendron concinnum Analysis of flavonoids in Rhododendron mariae by UPLC/ Q TOF MS NEW TAXA OF THE GENUS RH0D0DENDRON FR0M YUNNAN-SICHUAN A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS RHODODENDRON Rhododendron adenobracteum,A New Species from Sichuan,China Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Anatomical Structure of Rhododendron stamineum During Cutting Propagation Phenotypic Variation of Natural Populations in Rhododendron purdomii in Qinling Mountains Observation of the Interspecific Cross Process between Rhododendron ‘Nova Zembla’ and R.excellens Protective Oxidation Effects of Rhododendron sp. To SO2 Stress Pollen morphology of Rhododendron subgen. Tsutsusi and its systematic implications A REVISION OF Rhododendron IN CHINA (Ⅰ) Observation on Microstructure of Mycorrhizal Root of Rhododendron fortunei L. Observation on Microstructure of Mycorrhizal Root of Rhododendron fortunei L. Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Physiologica l Characteristics inLeaves of Rhododendron fortunei and Their Response to Light and Temperature Effects of Water Stress on Antioxidant System and Lipid Peroxidation in Leaves of Rhododendron fortunei A Study on Seed Germ ina tion and Seedling Growth of Rhododendrons Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Physiologica l Characteristics inLeaves of Rhododendron fortunei and Their Response to Light and Temperature A New Rhododendron Cultivar‘Yanzhi Mi’ Determination of farrerol in leaves of Rhododendron dauricum and its preparation Research Progress of Rhododendron Breeding Micromorphological characters of leaf abaxial epidermis for 30 species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae)from Guizhou Province Rhododendron tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan, a new species of (Ericaceae) from Hunan, China Five new synonyms in the genus Rhododendron subgen. Azaleastrum (Ericaceae) from China Rhododendron liboense,a new species of the Ericaceae from Guizhou,China New Taxa of Rhododendron from Sichuan, China Two New Species of Rhododendron from Yunnan, China Chemotaxonomic Study of Rhododendron New Taxa of the Genus Rhododendron from Sichuan, Guizhou and Hunan Provinces New Taxa of the Genus Rhododendron from China Distribution pattern of Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum population at the timberline of Sejila Mountains, Tibet of China. Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of Rhododendron concinnum wild populations in Qinling Mountains of Northwest China: An AFLP analysis. STUDIES ON THE CORRELATIVITY OF FRUIT MORPHOLOGY AND SEED NUMBER FOR 12 SPECIES OF RHODODENDRON L. FROM ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Catalogue of Rhododendrons collected by George Forrest in China Chemical constituents from Rhododendron spiciferum and their effects on immunocyte of mice Bioinformatics analysis of NRT gene sequences in Rhododendron fortunei Effects of hormone types and concentrations on cutting propagation of Rhododendron latoucheae and its evaluation Optimization of ISSR reaction conditions and analysis of phylogenetic relationship for Rhododendron huadingense Chemical constituents in twigs and leaves of Rhododendron fortunei THE EFFECTS OF HIGH-pH AND IRON ON ROOT Fe~(3+) REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF Rhododendron mucronatum AND Rhododendron simsii Distribution Patterns of the Shrub Population in the Rhododendron Community of Eastern Qilian Mountains Community characteristics of Rhododendron simiarum in Shimentai Nature Reserve, Guangdong Photosynthetic Ecophysiology of Three Species of Genus Rhododendron Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for the Chinese Endemic Species Rhododendron spinuliferum (Ericaceae) Two New Species of Rhododendron Linn The diurnal variation of photosynthesis in leaves of Rhododendron fortunei A Study on the Connection of D iversity with Phylogeny of Vessel Perfora tionPla tes of Taxon of Rhododendron Sect. B rachyca lyx Sweet ( Er icaceae) The Natural Volatile Components of Allelochemicals in the Wild Alpine Rhododendron Community Effect of Low Light Stress on Physiological Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Rhododendron hybridum Leaves Effects of Litter on the Seedling Regeneration and Seed Germination of Rhododendron agastum Alkali Tolerance of Rhododendron fortunei in Subirrigated Ebb & Flow Bench Systems with Hydroponics Alkali Tolerance of Rhododendron fortunei in Subirrigated Ebb & Flow Bench Systems with Hydroponics Pigments Composition of Petals and Floral Color Change During the Blooming Period in Rhododendron mucronulatum A New Species of Rhododendron from Hunan Chemical constituents from leaves of Rhododendron rubiginosum var. rubiginosum A new variety of Rhododendron(Ericaceae)from Jiangxi, China Optimization of ISSR amplification conditions for Rhododendron fortunei Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Rhododendron fortuneiRevealed by ISSR Molecular Markers Effects of Water Stress on Antioxidant System and Lipid Peroxidation in Leaves of Rhododendron fortunei A Study on the Genus Rhododendron L. Subsection Neriiflora Sleumer in China Materiae ad Floram Rhododendri Sinici Two New Species of Rhododendron from China Two New Species of Rhododendron from China New Taxa of Rhododendron from Sichuan and Xizang PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INSECTICIDAL CONSITIIJENTS OF RHODODEN DRON MOLLE FLOWERSAND THEIR BIOACTIVITY AGAINST SPODOPTERA LITURA Ecological responses of soil bulk density and water content to different non-grazing patterns in alpine rhododendron shrubland