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Synopsis of Technical Standards for Collecting Seeds from Wild Plants
Collection and Phenotypic Traits Analysis of Vigna Minima
Establishment and Analyses of a genetic diversity fixed core collection of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)
Breeding and Rebirth Technical Specification
Identification of Glyphosate-tolerance in Soybean Mini-core Collection
Construction of Primary Core Collection of Grape Genetic Resources
Evaluating on the core collection of sugarcane hybrids based on important agronomic traits and analyzing their genetic relationships
Measuring seasonal dynamics of leaf area index in a mixed conifer-broadleaved forest with direct and indirect methods
Improving the accuracy of indirect methods in estimating leaf area index using three correc-tion schemes in a
Larix gmelinii
Research Progress of Collection, Preservation and Innovation of Tropical Forage Germplasm Resources
Collection, Conservation, Distribution and Utilization of Forage Resource in Germplasm Repository of Tropical Forage
Genotyping MybA Genes in Primary Core Collection of Grape Genetic Resources
Construction of Primary Core Collection of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Based on Agronomic Traits in Shanxi Province
Review of the studies on core collection for horticultural crops
Identification and Genetic Diversity Evaluation of New-collective Germplasm of Sorghum in Gansu Procince
Field Survey and Conservation of Wild Rice Resources in Hainan
Genetic diversity analysis and a core collection construction in Chinese rice bean(Vigna umbellata)
Establishment of China’s Miscanthus sinensis Primary Core Collection
Attempts to Straighten out the Differences and Identification of the TCM Huangyaozi, Hongyaozi and Baiyaozi
Genetic Diversity Analysis and Primary Core Collection Construction in Yam (
Dioscorea opposita
Thunb.) by ISSR Marker
Sampling Strategy for an Applied Core Collection of Gaozhou Wild Rice(
Oryza rufipogon
Griff.)in Guangdong Province of China
Genetic Diversity and Core Collection of Alien Pisum sativum L. Germ-plasm
Establishment of an Adzuki Bean (
Vigna angularis
) Core Collection Based on Geographical Distribution and Phenotypic Data in China
Peanut Core Collection Established in China and Compared with ICRISAT Mini Core Collection
Rediscovery of Camellia tonkinensis (Theaceae) after More Than 100 Years
Sampling method for rapid measurement of leaf area index by leaf litter collection in deciduous forests
Constructing pre-core collection of
Cynodon dactylon
based on phenotypic data
The Comparison and Dynamic Calibration between the LAI Values of a
Larix principis-rupprechtii
Plantation Determined by Canopy Scanner and Litter-fall Collection
Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Anticancer Plant Rabdosia rubescens (Labiatae)
Construction of core collection and genetic diversity of landrace rice resources (Oryza sativa) in Guangxi
An Efficient Method of Sampling Core Collection from Crop Germpl-asm
Methods of Constructing Core Collection of Crop Germplasm by Comparing Different Genetic Distances, Cluster Methods and Sampling Strategies
Techniques for Collecting Brood Horned-galls and Autumn Migrants
Phenotypic Diversity Evaluations of Foxtail Millet Core Collections
Inspection on result of artemisinin content rank distribution in Guangxi
Construction of Sugarcane Hybrids Core Collection by Using Stepwise Clustering Sampling Approach with Molecular Marker Data
Establishment of
Saccharum spontaneum
L. Core Collections
Study on the collecting method of constituents Absorbed into the blood from Anti-V capsule
Studies on Sampling Schemes of Core Collection of
Canarium album
L. in Eastern Guangdong, China
Today and Tomorrow of Plant Collection in Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai
A comparison of several methods used in the field for nectar collection and concentration analysis
Representativeness of Northeast China spring soybeans and their genetic diversity at SSR loci
Characteristics of Yunnan Province rice landrace core collections under phosphorus deficiency
Determination of Puerarin, Daidzin and Daidzein in Roots and Leaves of
Pueraria lobata
(Wild) Ohwi from United States by RP-HPLC
Using litter collection and tree data to model leaf area index in the mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in the Xiaoxing‘an Mountains, China
Influence of yak dung collection on characteristics and productivity of plant functional group of alpine meadow
Comparison of Four Different Approaches for the Extraction of
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Flower Volatiles
The Collection, Conservation and Application of Rhizobia Resources for Legume in China
Elemental Content in Brown Rice by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Reveals the Evolution of Asian Cultivated Rice
Development of a Core Set from a Large Rice Collection using a Modified Heuristic Algorithm to Retain Maximum Diversity
Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Primary Core Collection of Peach (Prunus persica)
Genetic Diversity of Soybean and the Establishment of a Core Collection Focused on Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode
Research and implementation of mobile data collection system for field survey of ecological environment
Research on Major Volatile Components of 4 Osmanthus fragrance Cultivars in Hangzhou Manlong Guiyu Park
A Study of Growth Development of Male Strobilusand Pollen Collection of Masson Pine
Conditions for
in vitro
Germination and Testing Method for Pollen Viability of
Acacia auriculiformis
Development Data Collection System of the Rodent Pest on the Grassland Based on the PDA with GPS
Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Phenotypic Traits in Rice (
Oryza sativa
) Core Collection and Its Comprehensive Assessment
Method of Establishing Ramie Core Collection
Identification of Molecular Markers Associated with Seed Dormancy in Mini Core Collections of Chinese Wheat and Landraces
Comparison of Genetic Diversity between Peanut Mini Core Collections from China and ICRISAT by SSR Markers
Development and Evaluation of Peanut Germplasm with Resistance to
Aspergillus flavus
from Core Collection
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Black Sesame(
Sesamum indicum
DC) Core Collection of China Using SRAP Markers
Advances in research on the species-abundance relationship models in multi-species collection
A Method for Establishing Core Collection of
Pleurotus ostreatus
Cultivated in China Based on SSR Markers
The Isolation and Collection of Sperm Cells in
Wheat Leaf Rust Resistance in 28 Chinese Wheat Mini-Core Collections
Impact of Plant Introduction or Domestication on the Recent 500 Years of Civilization and Scientific Research Value of Plant Living Collections
Diversity characterization and association analysis of agronomic traits in a Chinese peanut (
Arachis hypogaea
L.) mini-core collection
Genetic Diversity Analysis and Construction of Seed Watermelon Core Germplasm Resources by SSR
Combining Agronomic Traits and Molecular Marker Data for Constructing
Malus sieversii
Core Collection
Combining Agronomic Traits and Molecular Marker Data for Constructing
Malus sieversii
Core Collection
A Method for Establishing Core Collection of
Pleurotus ostreatus
Cultivated in China Based on SSR Markers
The Isolation and Collection of Sperm Cells in
Establishment of Peach Primary Core Collection Based on Accessions Conserved in National Fruit Germplasm Repository of Nanjing
Adaptability and Phenotypic Variation of Agronomic Traits in Mungbean Core Collection under Different Environments in China
Accumulative changes of active components in different parts of
Periploca sepium
at various growth periods
Accumulative changes of active components in different parts of
Periploca sepium
at various growth periods
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