Responding Sensitivities of Different Wheat Varieties to Nitrogen Fertilizers Effect of Plant Distrbution in Population on Dry Matter Accumulation,Pantitioning and Yield in Summer Soybean Accumulation and Transportation Characteristics of Dry Matter after Anthesis in Different Mung Bean Cultivars Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Translocation of Dry Matter and Utilization of Nitrogen in Rice and Wheat Effect of Sowing-Date and Planting Density on Dry Matter Accumulation Dynamic and Establishment of Its Simulated Model in Maize Post-Anthesis Photosynthetic Assimilation and the Changes of Carbon and Nitrogen in Different Varieties of Spring Maize Photosynthesis Characteristics of Flag Leaf and Dry Matter Accumulation and Allocation in Winter Wheat under Supplemental Irrigation after Measuring Moisture Content in Different Soil Layers Effect of Low Nitrogen Rate Combined with High Plant Density on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Super Rice Effects of Brassinosteroids (BRs) on Photosynthetic Matter, Nitrogen Accumulation and Use Efficiency during Grain Filling Stage of Hybrid Japonica Dynamic Model and Its Characteristics Analysis for Dry Matter Production after Heading of Indica/JaponicaHybrid Rice of Yongyou Series Effects of Mulching and Nitrogen Application on Photosynthetic Characteristicsand Yield Traits in Broomcorn Millet Effect of Synchronous Leaf Pruning on Optimal Distribution of Dry Matter in Greenhouse Tomato Effect of Synchronous Leaf Pruning on Optimal Distribution of Dry Matter in Greenhouse Tomato Tomato Dry Matter Production and Distribution on Different Crops in Solar Greenhouse Tomato Dry Matter Production and Distribution on Different Crops in Solar Greenhouse Assessing the evaluation methods of nutrient effect at different growth stages of maize Growth Effects of CO2 Concentration and Phosphorus on Maize and Soybean under Different Cropping Patterns THE LAWS OF ACCUMULATION OF DRY MATTER AND NUTRIENT UPTAKES OF STERILE HYBRID RAPE Effects of deficit irrigation on physio-ecological indices of winter wheat Effect of nitrogen application strategy in the first cropping rice on dry matter accumulation, grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of the first cropping rice and its ratoon rice crop Effect of wind speed on transpiration and biomass accumulation of potted amaranth Simulation of dry matter production and partitioning based on source-sink growth unit in greenhouse tomato THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ABOVE GROUND ORGANS WITH ROOTS OF WINTER WHEAT USING 32 P TRACER Dry matter accumulation and nitrogen migration of high-yielding spring maize for different nitrogen efficiency in the flowering and milking stages Effects of subsoiling and N fertilizer application on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen use efficiency and yield of summer maize Characteristics of dry matter and nutrients accumulation and transformation of super-high yield spring maize Effects of sowing density and N rate on biomass accumulation and yield of winter wheat in furrow and ridge film mulching Accumulation and distribution of N, P and K in Platycodon grandiflorum and their relationships to dry matter production STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG THE DRY MATTER PRODUCTIVITY AND THE POPULATION SINK-SOURCE FEATURE AND YIELD OF DIFFERENT PLANT TYPE MAIZE Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Accumulation in Alfalfa and the Content of Nitrogen in Soil A New Hybrid Variety Carrot Used a s Dried Product‘Tianhong 2’ Effect of Irrigation on Plant Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Calligonum caput-medusae Seedlings Dynamic change of dry matter accumulation and ralationship between artemisinin and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in Artomisia annua Study on Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield Benefit Characteristics of Two High-yield Maize Cultivars Under Different Nitrogen Regimes Effect of Different Potassium Supply Levels on Transportation, Distribution of Dry Matter and K-fertilizer Utilization Efficiency After Anthesis in Oil Flax EFFECTS OF NITROGEN APPLICATION RATES ON DRY MATTER, NITROGEN ACCUMULATION AND TRANSFORMATION IN BARLEY EFFECT OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN LEVEL ON DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION AND NITROGEN UPTAKE AT REPRODUCTIVE STAGE OF INDICA RICE Simulation of leaf area and dry matter production of tobacco leaves based on product of thermal effectiveness and photosynthetically active radiation Effects of phosphorus application on dry matter production and phosphorus uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation of Liriodendron chinese Provenances Related to Phosphorus Environment Nutrient components and rumen degradability dynamics of different Bothriochloa ischaemum populations in Shanxi Evaluation of the nutritional value of goat forages in Shandong Province Dry matter production and nitrogen accumulation of rice genotypes with different nitrogen use efficiencies Effect of cutting time on the biomass production and forage quality of Lolium multiflorum Absorption and allocation of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in Prunella vulgaris and their relationship to dry matter accumulation Relationship between seedling growth and dry matter production of spruce in sandy land Effects of phosphorus fertilization on leaf area index, biomass accumulation and allocation, and phosphorus use efficiency of intercropped maize. Effects of crop residues incorporation and N-fertilizer utilization on the matter production of summer maize Effects of red/far red ratio on morphological index,leaf area and dry matter partitioning of cut chrysanthemum flower Analysis of dry matter accumulation and translocation for winter wheat cultivars with different yields on dryland Differential effects of nitrogen managements on nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and transportation in late-sowing winter wheat Predicting the effects of soil water potential on the growth of cut lily A model to predict dry matter accumulation dynamics in wheat based on the normalized method Effect of Nitrogen Application on Canopy Photosysthetic and Dry Matter Accumulation of Peanut EFFECTS OF NITROGEN LEVELS ON DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION AND DISTRIBUTION IN RICE GENOTYPE WITH DIFFERENT NITROGEN USE EFFICIENCIES EFFECTS OF NITROGEN APPLICATION RATES ON NITROGEN UPTAKE AND UTILIZATION BY SUGARCANE Effect of soil surface mulching and N rate on dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and translocation of winter wheat Effects of zinc on development of grain and dry matter accumulation in spring wheat after the ear culture in Vitro Simulating the dynamics of dry matter and nutrient accumulation of flue-cured tobacco under different boron concentration Accumulation and distribution of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in Cynanchum bungei Decne and their relationships to dry matter production Characteristics of dry matter production and N, P, K and S absorption for different garlic cultivars Analysis of botanical traits and self-compatibility in winter rapeseed Brassica napus and Brassica rapa and F1 hybrid populations Nitrogen Assimilation, Transfer and Utilization in Relation to Grain Protein Content and Yield of Spring Wheat Genotypes Differing in Quality Accumulation, Transportation and Distribution of Dry Matter after Anthesis in Hybrid Wheat Relationship of Root Activity to Dry Matter Accumulation and Grain Yield in Maize(Zea mays L.) Accumulation and translocation properties of dry matter and mineral elements in edible canna (Canna edulis Ker) Accumulation and distribution of N, P and K in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. and their relations to the dry matter production and Salvianolic acid B Effect of waterlogging on nutrient uptake and transport of summer maize Best crop management practices increase rice yield and
   nitrogen use efficiency
Characteristics of accumulation and distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in Chrysanthemum morifolium Absorption and distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in Chrysanthemum morifolium Study on growth law of Glycyrrhiza uralensis under different planting density Growth and developmental rhythm of Scrophularia ningpoensisin southwest middle mountain area of China Research on output and quality of Panax notoginseng and annual change characteristics of N, P and K nutrients of planting soil under stereo-cultivation Effect of Super Absorbent Polymer on Container Seedling Growth of Fraxinus chinensis and the Nutrient and Dry Matter Accumulation QUANTIFYING THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON DRY MATTER PARTITIONING OF STANDARD CUT CHRYSANTHEMUM ‘SHENMA’ IN SOLAR GREENHOUSE Analysis and application on maize nutrition of growth Effect of slow or controlled release fertilizer on nutrients absorption and yield in soybean plant Effects of shading on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Response of Gangyou725 to the toxin of four rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae physiological races

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